marriage Q


New Member
my grandmother died in 2001 and my grandfather prays all the time that he will die so he can be with her. he read articles about couples that died right after losing a spouse and he says all the time he wished that would've happened with him. very sad to hear him say that, but a true testament that everlasting love is out there!


Should be Huntin
Been Single for about a year now. I would like for nothing more than to meet the girl of my dreams and eventually get married, however I have not met anyone in a long time. I mean I am 25, I don't think I'm that bad looking, and I have a great job, I have a lot of great things going for me, I just never meet new people. I get up at 2:30, go to the gym, then go to work, get home around 4 and pittle around the house. Might have been on 2 or 3 dates in the past year, maybe one day I will find that special woman.
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Set Trippin
Magnum said:
Been Single for about a year now. I would like for nothing more than to meet the girls of my dreams and eventually get married, however I have not met anyone in a long time. I mean I am 25, I don't think I'm that bad looking, and I have a great job, I have a lot of great things going for me, I just never meet new people. I get up at 2:30, go to the gym, then go to work, get home around 4 and pittle around the house. Might have been on 2 or 3 dates in the past year, maybe one day I will find that special woman.
Neat how you turned this into a singles ad....:lol:


I thought I did the right thing by marrying the man who's child I was pregnant with. WE have now been married over two years and I am finally starting to gain some adult perspective and I have matured more than he has in the time that we have been together. We are slowly headed down a very dark path...which will ultimately be divorce. I am sad because I want my child to have her father. Things have been hard.. I guess now I can admit that I was young and stupid and childish to think I could do all of these "grown up" things at 18. I look back and blame myself for all of my actions. I want my daughter to have the kind of childhood that I did; two loving parents that did everything for me. I am afraid of moving on, becoming a single mother. Thats not how it should be, thats now how I wanted it to be. I wanted to get married for all of the right reasons and be ready to accept the good and the bad times and everything inbetween. I wish I could turn back the clock. I bet we sometimes wish we could. Well, thats my piece.


PREMO Member
Thank you Catt, that was very nice.
I'm a lucky guy.

And so is that so called "Otter" old guy.


All Up In Your Grill
Magnum said:
Been Single for about a year now. I would like for nothing more than to meet the girls of my dreams and eventually get married, however I have not met anyone in a long time. I mean I am 25, I don't think I'm that bad looking, and I have a great job, I have a lot of great things going for me, I just never meet new people. I get up at 2:30, go to the gym, then go to work, get home around 4 and pittle around the house. Might have been on 2 or 3 dates in the past year, maybe one day I will find that special woman.



PREMO Member
nitwhit3286 said:
I thought I did the right thing by marrying the man who's child I was pregnant with. WE have now been married over two years and I am finally starting to gain some adult perspective and I have matured more than he has in the time that we have been together. We are slowly headed down a very dark path...which will ultimately be divorce. I am sad because I want my child to have her father. Things have been hard.. I guess now I can admit that I was young and stupid and childish to think I could do all of these "grown up" things at 18. I look back and blame myself for all of my actions. I want my daughter to have the kind of childhood that I did; two loving parents that did everything for me. I am afraid of moving on, becoming a single mother. Thats not how it should be, thats now how I wanted it to be. I wanted to get married for all of the right reasons and be ready to accept the good and the bad times and everything inbetween. I wish I could turn back the clock. I bet we sometimes wish we could. Well, thats my piece.
Have you two ever thought about counseling?


DoWhat said:
Have you two ever thought about counseling?

I had said something about it a little over a year ago. I think at this point in time its a little too late for that. He told me today "I think we would have a hard time fixing these things in our relationship that have broken." Sorry, I can't talk about this anymore, its making me extremely upset. I am emotional enough as it is.


Set Trippin
nitwhit3286 said:
I had said something about it a little over a year ago. I think at this point in time its a little too late for that. He told me today "I think we would have a hard time fixing these things in our relationship that have broken." Sorry, I can't talk about this anymore, its making me extremely upset. I am emotional enough as it is.
Don't let go until there is nothing to hold onto...:yay:


Well-Known Member
Redskinsmama said:
where do you meet them? i think that's the problem....besides a bar, where do you go to meet people around here?

funny story also....was set up on a blind date without knowing it a couple weeks ago.....HORRIBLE!!!!! this guy was good on paper but MAN was he crazy....chewed with his mouth open, and actually farted at the table! i thought i was going to die. put a $20 on the table and excused myself...went home and drank a couple glasses of wine in an attempt to forget the evening.

holy sh*t you poor thing... that is insane i can't believe he actually farted at the table :lmao:

was he at least good looking?

kinda off subject but it really is hard dating around here when you look on this site and almost every week or so they are doing a prostitution ring around here. i am freaked about that. i am scared someone i meet and go out with could be visiting those kinda gals occasionally :jameo:


New Member
i feel for young, married parents b/c that has to be the hardest thing. not only do you have to work on your marriage, but you also have the task of taking care of a young child. it's as if the odds are against you. The lack of experience in life, parenthood and marriage would make it extremely challenging im sure


My Sweetest Boy
Magnum said:
Been Single for about a year now. I would like for nothing more than to meet the girl of my dreams and eventually get married, however I have not met anyone in a long time. I mean I am 25, I don't think I'm that bad looking, and I have a great job, I have a lot of great things going for me, I just never meet new people. I get up at 2:30, go to the gym, then go to work, get home around 4 and pittle around the house. Might have been on 2 or 3 dates in the past year, maybe one day I will find that special woman.

Would you buy me stuff?

Crap....wait... :lmao:


I'm Rick James #####!
Redskinsmama said:
where do you meet them? i think that's the problem....besides a bar, where do you go to meet people around here?

funny story also....was set up on a blind date without knowing it a couple weeks ago.....HORRIBLE!!!!! this guy was good on paper but MAN was he crazy....chewed with his mouth open, and actually farted at the table! i thought i was going to die. put a $20 on the table and excused myself...went home and drank a couple glasses of wine in an attempt to forget the evening.

:shrug: Everywhere.

Here's the thing, forget about making a "love connection" and just go out and meet people and make friends.

If somebody catches your attention go say "hi!" and strike up a conversation. What's the worst that can happen? They tell you to buzz off, so what? Who cares?


New Member
lovinmaryland said:
holy sh*t you poor thing... that is insane i can't believe he actually farted at the table :lmao:

was he at least good looking?

kinda off subject but it really is hard dating around here when you look on this site and almost every week or so they are doing a prostitution ring around here. i am freaked about that. i am scared someone i meet and go out with could be visiting those kinda gals occasionally :jameo:

i didn't know anything about a prostitution ring!!!! wow. where is this going on? has to LP, everything goes down around there. what happened to the St Mary's county i grew up in ?!?! so disappointing.

he was good looking until he opened his mouth. once he started talking, he might as well looked like a male rosie o' donnell. not the best way to have started the dating thing. and i told my friend if she EVER did anything like that again, i'd :smack: