marriage Q


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
DoWhat said:

Magnum & Redskinsmama are now a couple.
Have fun together.
Enjoy life.
And :bangbangbang: as often as possible.

I'm done here.
:clap: Nice work!


PREMO Member
Nickel said:
That's how Dustin and I are. We don't like the same movies, books, music, stuff like that. But we have the same values, expectations, and morals. And we love each other, so it works.
I love smart women.
That's why I married one.
She thought I was smart, when she said "Yes".
Me be tricky.

(and I said I was done here)


Cleopatra Jones
FromTexas said:
Maybe your parents felt all those same feelings you had in different relationships, too. They just didn't show it because they knew it was part of being married, and it isn't just something you do... it takes work. There are good and bad times. I think it is in the vows somewhere... but I couldn't be certain.

There is no one in this world that should be married to my ex husband for reasons I don't care to post. We'll just say that he is truely bad. That's not coming from a wife scorned but a mother's perspective. B will make a very good husband one day. He's not there and he knows it. We were at different places in our life and our emotional evolution. We weren't right for each other no matter how well we appeared to be on the surface. I was in denial about who he was and what he wanted or was good for him and he was dishonest about who he was and what he wanted. We were both very relieved when I broke off the engagement. It was pretty much void of emotion at all, which mirrors much of the relationship.

I know marriages take work. I've seen my parents work at it. Hell they raised my brother and I which was probably equally as difficult as walking on water. They faced layoffs, job changes, possible moves, financial hardships, etc. But they did it together is the key. I know it's not all $hits and giggles but there should be one priority that shines above the rest; each other.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
There is no one in this world that should be married to my ex husband for reasons I don't care to post. We'll just say that he is truely bad. That's not coming from a wife scorned but a mother's perspective. B will make a very good husband one day. He's not there and he knows it. We were at different places in our life and our emotional evolution. We weren't right for each other no matter how well we appeared to be on the surface. I was in denial about who he was and what he wanted or was good for him and he was dishonest about who he was and what he wanted. We were both very relieved when I broke off the engagement. It was pretty much void of emotion at all, which mirrors much of the relationship.

I know marriages take work. I've seen my parents work at it. Hell they raised my brother and I which was probably equally as difficult as walking on water. They faced layoffs, job changes, possible moves, financial hardships, etc. But they did it together is the key. I know it's not all $hits and giggles but there should be one priority that shines above the rest; each other.

All relationships take work, even when you think there isn't much work to it because you are so happy. My spouse died very young. Wasn't looking for anyone, however fell in love a year later with what I thought was my knight and shining armor. I knew he had come from a bad marriage, or so he claimed, and I believed every word he told me. We had several years of happy happy, had many issues during our relationship with the Ex, but I loved the children and treated them very well and we worked through every issue as they came about; thought all the bad was behind us when we finally decided to have a home together. Then one evening he tells me he is going back to the Ex because he needs to be with his children and our few years together cannot overcome their 19 years and the children they share. ( Maybe I am stupid but I translated as he was going back for the kids) I am all for people working out their issues, however some marriages/relationships need to know when to call it quits, especially when their are children involved.


My husband and I met in August of 95. We were married by March 96. We have had 11 wonderful years together and I really don't think I could live without him and he is the same way with me. If it is true love, the marriage will endure almost anything. I still to this day get butterflies in my stomach when he kisses me. That says something about us. Marriage is not hard if you truely love and respect your SO. We sit around planning our retirement together and can't wait to get started on that part of our lives together. I truely just cannot imagine my life without him. I don't know how I got along without him in the first place! :shrug:

Magnum, my husband and I met through the Pennysaver. I was dared by a cousin of mine to run an ad because I hadn't dated in 3 yrs. So I did, I did not have long distance at the time and my husband was the only local phone number that answered my ad! We met for coffee, had a couple of dates and by the time we knew each other for 2 weeks we knew we were getting married. You will meet someone when the time is right. Don't force it. :huggy:


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
next question...if you got divorced, would you ever remarry?

No. I don't plan on getting divorced, been together for 21 years, but if something happens - no 2nd marriage for me.