marriage Q


New Member
Magnum said:
Been Single for about a year now. I would like for nothing more than to meet the girl of my dreams and eventually get married, however I have not met anyone in a long time. I mean I am 25, I don't think I'm that bad looking, and I have a great job, I have a lot of great things going for me, I just never meet new people. I get up at 2:30, go to the gym, then go to work, get home around 4 and pittle around the house. Might have been on 2 or 3 dates in the past year, maybe one day I will find that special woman.

is magnum a reference to your :gossip: b/c if it does, that is some creative advertising...


Should be Huntin
cattitude said:
Would you buy me stuff?

Crap....wait... :lmao:
:lmao: Learned my lesson with my ex.

Since her and I split I have bought a boat, a few cars, New big Screen Plasma Tv's, I am spending more money on myself than I ever have.... and it is still not as much as I used to spend when I was with her. I learned all the little things add up. Going out for Fancy dinners all the time was probably the biggest expense. But the thing is I enjoyed it, heck back when I used to have a group of friends I would take them out for dinner too.


PREMO Member
Redskinsmama said:
i feel for young, married parents b/c that has to be the hardest thing. not only do you have to work on your marriage, but you also have the task of taking care of a young child. it's as if the odds are against you. The lack of experience in life, parenthood and marriage would make it extremely challenging im sure
You are only 25 yrs old.
Get out there and live life.

I'm 40 and still living life, but I'm married and doing most of my living working around the house.

But, when she is happy I'm happy.

And when I'm happy (couple Budlights) she may not be very happy.


New Member
04-26-2007 11:51 AM Face the truth. Your boyfriend just dumped you and now other man would want you.

i find it so amusing that people who have no clue who you are write stuff like this. sign your karma and don't be a #####! thanks :howdy:


Should be Huntin
Redskinsmama said:
is magnum a reference to your :gossip: b/c if it does, that is some creative advertising...
Actually I was not thinking of that when I made the name. I had just bought a Dodge Magnum a few weeks before I joined the Forum so I figured I'd use that as my name....

But I like the way you think :lmao: :wench:


Well-Known Member
Redskinsmama said:
i didn't know anything about a prostitution ring!!!! wow. where is this going on? has to LP, everything goes down around there. what happened to the St Mary's county i grew up in ?!?! so disappointing.

he was good looking until he opened his mouth. once he started talking, he might as well looked like a male rosie o' donnell. not the best way to have started the dating thing. and i told my friend if she EVER did anything like that again, i'd :smack:

yeah if you check the msp reports for st marys (i check them to see if any of my customers are on there for dui's and stuff) usually once every two weeks or so they have a list of people arrested for prostitution and the people who solicited them.

One of my customers who is married was on it. ewww


New Member
DoWhat said:
You are only 25 yrs old.
Get out there and live life.

I'm 40 and still living life, but I'm married and doing most of my living working around the house.

But, when she is happy I'm happy.

And when I'm happy (couple Budlights) she may not be very happy.

trust you me, i'm going out and having fun, it sucks though because all of my friends are coupled up and don't go out so i'm out with my guy friends and no guy approaches a girl surrounded by guys! drat!


Well-Known Member
Redskinsmama said:
04-26-2007 11:51 AM Face the truth. Your boyfriend just dumped you and now other man would want you.

i find it so amusing that people who have no clue who you are write stuff like this. sign your karma and don't be a #####! thanks :howdy:

girl i sent you some good karma just for dealing with farting at the table. :howdy:


All Up In Your Grill
mainman said:
Don't let go until there is nothing to hold onto...:yay:

:clap: Very well said, MM. :huggy:

You wouldn't give up on your little girl, don't give up on your hubby so fast either.


Should be Huntin
DoWhat said:
You are only 25 yrs old.
Get out there and live life.

I'm 40 and still living life, but I'm married and doing most of my living working around the house.

But, when she is happy I'm happy.

And when I'm happy (couple Budlights) she may not be very happy.
:yay: I was a farm hand for a couple years because I was with a horse girl. When I became single I had so much free time I didn't know what to do with it.


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
i feel for young, married parents b/c that has to be the hardest thing. not only do you have to work on your marriage, but you also have the task of taking care of a young child. it's as if the odds are against you. The lack of experience in life, parenthood and marriage would make it extremely challenging im sure

I am 26 years old, my husband is 28 years old, we have been together for 13 years and married for 7 years. We have a 7 year old daughter, and though it has been hard keeping both the marriage and family together and happy, if you are truely meant to be with eachother, the good times should be around more than the bad times, no matter what age you are. My husband and I have had more than our share of hard times, but coming from families where both sets of our parents have each been married over 30 years to our biological mother/father, it is not something that you just walk out of. We are best friends, reguardless of our ages, and have worked hard to have a successful marriage. I think that people ultimately want to have that story book life-house, kids, dog, pickett fence, etc...and the only way that one can achieve that is to be married, or the storybook is not complete. Short term thoughts of there lustful happiness tend to over shadow the real long term investments made in a marriage. These are just my thoughts!
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mainman said:
How did you get that out of what I said? :confused:

never mind..I thought you put..don't let go unless there is something else to hold on to......and you said nothing.. not something..ok gotcha


Lugnut said:
:shrug: Everywhere.

Here's the thing, forget about making a "love connection" and just go out and meet people and make friends.

If somebody catches your attention go say "hi!" and strike up a conversation. What's the worst that can happen? They tell you to buzz off, so what? Who cares?



curiouser and curiouser
DoWhat said:
We don't have everything in common, but I think that is what attracted us together (opposites).
We have our moments, but we are adults and deal with it.
That's how Dustin and I are. We don't like the same movies, books, music, stuff like that. But we have the same values, expectations, and morals. And we love each other, so it works.


Watch it
Redskinsmama said:
i often wonder why people get married now a days. Marriage used to be about co-survivorship and hard work and now everyone is so willing to get married b/c divorce is common place now. i feel like women just want the big white dress and all eyes on them and if their marriage doesn't work out, oh well, divorce. i have a friend that got engaged after dating a guy for 2 months and it blows me away! I would love to hear opinions from all spectrums (married/divorced/single) on whether you believe marriage is what it used to be and if you would go down that path.

I'm embarrassed at what marriage is considered today. More people than not seem to get married and think "well, if it doesn't work, I'll just leave". So they don't seem as "picky" about their partner. It blows my mind how easily people say "yeah I'm getting a divorce right now". It used to be a devastating thing- now it is just part of getting married.

I'm a bit traditional, so it all drives me crazy. Fortunately, I had to common sense to take the time to make sure my husband is who I thought he was and is committed to being married for life...not until a better option comes along.

OK, I'm off my soapbox now.


New Member
josmom said:
I am 26 years old, my husband is 28 years old, we have been together for 13 years and married for 7 years. We have a 7 year old daughter, and though it has been hard keeping both the marriage and family together and happy, if you are truely meant to be with eachother, the good times should be around more than the bad times, no matter what age you are. My husband and I have had more than our share of hard times, but coming from families where both sets of our parents have each been married over 30 years to our biological mother/father, it is not something that you just walk out of. We are best friends, reguardless of our ages, and have worked hard to have a successful marriage. I think that people ultimately want to have that story book life-house, kids, dog, pickett fence, etc...and the only way that one can achieve that is to be married, or the storybook is not complete. Short term thoughts of there lustful happiness tend to over shadow the real long term investments made in a marriage. These are just my thoughts!

well said :yay:


This Space for Rent
pixiegirl said:
I swear to this day their marriage is what screwed me. :lmao: Because of them I believe that two people can genuinely love each other and that that love only grows with time. I believe that two people who are together should love the ever living $hit out of one another at all times. I'm sure they had issues when I was growing up but I'm only aware of one fight they ever had. I was 14 and told to leave the house so they could hash it out. They've gone through a ton of hardships but have always done it together. Sometimes I think it's unrealistic to think I'll ever have that but at others I refuse to settle for anything less.

My ex husband and I stayed together so long because he was exciting. I felt that rush. The baby daddy, none of that was there but there was stability.

My parents still hold hands at the mall and go out on "date night" EVERY Saturday night. Everyone here has heard me talk about what a whacko my mom can be... Doesn't matter to my dad, he loves the ever loving crap out of her anyway.

Maybe your parents felt all those same feelings you had in different relationships, too. They just didn't show it because they knew it was part of being married, and it isn't just something you do... it takes work. There are good and bad times. I think it is in the vows somewhere... but I couldn't be certain.


PREMO Member

Magnum & Redskinsmama are now a couple.
Have fun together.
Enjoy life.
And :bangbangbang: as often as possible.

I'm done here.