Maryland Government to give free health care to illegal immigrants


Well-Known Member
Exactly my point. Since the law says they MUST be treated in an ER, and then they just throw away any bills that might come (making it a 100% free service) then why would anyone expect them to sign up and PAY for any kind of plan???
For many - the ER *is* their doctor. Some years ago, I had to take my youngest to be treated at the ER at Children's in DC. OMIGOD. *Barely* standing room only, and since the referral came from not so dependable St Mary's Hospital - even though we were sent there after hours at St Mary's - we were hours before seen there also.

There was barely room to sit on the floor.


Well-Known Member
As it stands the people who purchase coverage through the exchanges, based on this new law, would pay the premiums.
There's still two questions then, one of which is rhetorical :

1. Don't persons who purchase through exchanges get subsidies? Because I know of almost no one who pays full price for their health care, whether through their employer, or some subsidy via government.

If that's so - money that belongs to citizens is being diverted to people who shouldn't be here.

2. If the IDEA - is to open the possibility for illegal aliens to STOP getting free care in ER's and clogging them up -
Why in God's name would they THEN choose to PAY for it, when the ER is free, especially without a subsidy but at full price?
The stated purpose is to alleviate the congestion in ER's.
What makes them think it would do that?
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Well-Known Member
Well then you need to prove that is what's happening not just conjecture and complain about an imaginary scenario.

First you didn't even link your source.

Second what you did quote says purchase twice.

Third you can't get 100% free insurance through that marketplace.

So instead of repeating lies based on fake news. Do your own research and learn the truth then go fu** yourself.
Do you hate Americans and this country?


Well-Known Member
Because ---

It's paid for with fairy dust and unicorn farts?

Why do they say crap like this?
Ostensibly it says they can "PURCHASE" insurance from the marketplace. So if that insurance doesn't have a state subsidy, then it could be no-cost to the state. But I doubt that is the case.


Well-Known Member
It literally says "Purchasing Health Coverage on State Based Marketplace".

It says it multiple times too. And you claim its to give "illegals free healthcare"

Do you not even read the crap you post and try to pass off as fact before you post it?
Do you understand the word "Illegal"?? They are not legal citizens of this country, therefore, they should not be entitled to the rights and privileges of the citizens of this country!


Well-Known Member
And meanwhile, this soon to be 65 year old woman who has worked and paid into social security her whole life is facing medicare costs and the endless bull$hit of trying to figure it all out including prescriptions plans "(D")
I have spent countless hours reading and on the phone to try to make sense of it all. One thing for sure is it is not FREE.
I'm not looking for advice... but I am disgusted that I have paid so much into the "system" and these ILLEGAL ALIENS are reaping the benefits.
I feel your pain!! My husband and I did the same thing, and trust me, it wasnt cheap!! Thats one of the reasons I went back to work, for the health insurance and prescription plan. Really pisses me off that these illegals are entitled to free benefits that our seniors cant get!


Well-Known Member
Do you understand the word "Illegal"?? They are not legal citizens of this country, therefore, they should not be entitled to the rights and privileges of the citizens of this country!

They are not. If you read the article and not just the stupid headline the Op posted you will see they are being given the opportunity to PURCHASE healthcare.

But Fox or Newsmax told you all to be mad about something and you are without even reading or learning the truth.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They are not. If you read the article and not just the stupid headline the Op posted you will see they are being given the opportunity to PURCHASE healthcare.

But Fox or Newsmax told you all to be mad about something and you are without even reading or learning the truth.

Keep spinning Dixie!

They dont' belong here.

Let them go home. Submit an application for a visitors visa and then submit to become a citizen and go through the FULL process.


Well-Known Member
They are not. If you read the article and not just the stupid headline the Op posted you will see they are being given the opportunity to PURCHASE healthcare.

But Fox or Newsmax told you all to be mad about something and you are without even reading or learning the truth.
What part of illegal dont you understand. They are not citizens of this country, And do you really think they're going to purchase health insurance when they can go to the emergency room for free. Well, free to them, not to us tax paying citizens. Try sneaking over the border in another country and see what you get...prison time and trip back home.


Well-Known Member
What part of illegal dont you understand. They are not citizens of this country, And do you really think they're going to purchase health insurance when they can go to the emergency room for free. Well, free to them, not to us tax paying citizens. Try sneaking over the border in another country and see what you get...prison time and trip back home.

God you are a special kind of stupid.

If they purchase insurance using this bill they wouldn't get free health care at an ER. They would use their insurance. You should be cheering for this bill

They have a right to claim asylum and that is why they are here until their case i heard.

Why are you so proudly ignorant and angry about thing and yet you prove time and time again you don't haave any idea what you are talking about or how anything works.


Well-Known Member
God you are a special kind of stupid.

If they purchase insurance using this bill they wouldn't get free health care at an ER. They would use their insurance. You should be cheering for this bill

They have a right to claim asylum and that is why they are here until their case i heard.

Why are you so proudly ignorant and angry about thing and yet you prove time and time again you don't haave any idea what you are talking about or how anything works.
Do you really believe they will purchase insurance? These folks are working off the books and sending money back to their families in their home country. If they can continue going to the ER and walking out without spending a dime they will. Don’t be so naive. And you have the audacity to call other people stupid.


Well-Known Member
God you are a special kind of stupid.

If they purchase insurance using this bill they wouldn't get free health care at an ER. They would use their insurance. You should be cheering for this bill

They have a right to claim asylum and that is why they are here until their case i heard.

Why are you so proudly ignorant and angry about thing and yet you prove time and time again you don't haave any idea what you are talking about or how anything works.
How many of these "asylum seekers" do you think the government is able to keep track of??? You call me stupid and you actually believe this will help anything????? They are here illegally...cut and dry... they broke the law and you and your dumba$$ kind keep rewarding them for it. We have citizens in this country who, because of "bidens economy" cant afford to put food on the table, medications for their children, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs! But yes by all means give these criminals free healthcare, because trust me, they're not paying for it. Subsidies are set aside to pay for it and where do think those subsidies come from a$$hat!!


PREMO Member
I have spent countless hours reading and on the phone to try to make sense of it all. One thing for sure is it is not FREE.

I'm transitioning from working to medically retired, COBRA was $ 1750 last month, when my wife checked the portal the estimated payments were about the same ... that is going to consume 2/3's of me income .... but we have BILLIONS for lying asylum seekers looking for a free meals, room and board and cash payouts


Just sneakin' around....
This is a real problem Gen-X and Millennials are going to face: getting a company retirement benefit. Between the concept of freelancing and gig jobs, and many companies now not extending retirement benefits, their choices for health care will be expensive or limited.

I was very lucky. I was able to stay with my employer for over 30 years and had an excellent retirement package. I could choose from a number of different health plans. I poured over them and realized that I could pay hundreds a month for a plan with a pretty steep deductible, or get a "high deductible" plan at a very low monthly rate. Since I never meet my deductibles anyway, the difference in the deductibles was about $100, and the coverage was very close between them, it was a no-brainer. I took the high deductible plan, initially $28/mo. with a cost increase every year. 10 years later and it's up to about $60 and has never failed to cover adequately, even thru major surgeries. The amount I've saved in premiums over the 10 years more than covers any costs I had out-of-pocket.

Yes, my company is footing the bill for any subsidies, but that was their choice. I took advantage of it.


Well-Known Member
How many of these "asylum seekers" do you think the government is able to keep track of??? You call me stupid and you actually believe this will help anything????? They are here illegally...cut and dry... they broke the law and you and your dumba$$ kind keep rewarding them for it. We have citizens in this country who, because of "bidens economy" cant afford to put food on the table, medications for their children, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs! But yes by all means give these criminals free healthcare, because trust me, they're not paying for it. Subsidies are set aside to pay for it and where do think those subsidies come from a$$hat!!

No one is giving anyone free heallthcare. read the article. it is to help them PURCHASE healthcare on the marketplace dummy. Why can't you read past a biased headline?

Why are you so angry about something you cant even be bothered to understand clearly?