Good for you. Everyone should seek out some kind of training like that.after I saw Gilligan's post I looked it up and it's true - it's handguns that are doing most of the dirty work. I still don't like automatic weapons being easily available, never will. When I did my firearms training with John Pepper back in the 90's (He invented the Pepper Pop-up Target in 1978) after we completed the safety session he had me fire a 22 revolver first then took me though firing each next level in firepower until we got to the Glock 45 I brought there with me. After that he had me fire a shotgun OMG I almost fell backward on my behind because I only weighed 106 lbs at the time at 5' tall. I was properly trained on evasive tactics and how to defend myself if cornered. I'd love to repeat that training again but at my age I can't crawl around on the ground with ease like I used to LOL
Getting back to the AR part of the interchange, one of the reasons that platform is so popular is it's simplicity.
Unlike many traditional firearms, it's easy to take down, easy to clean and easy to repair even for a novice. Its about the most user friendly rifle built, and has been around since the 1960s.
It's not a new thing. At least not to anyone but the prohibition crowd that fear and hate them all.