Marylanders Support Smoking Ban


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Therefore a smoking ban is a disenfranchisement of a minority. You are for repressing a minority. :smack: You are bad. :razz: Deal with it.
You are correct. I am repressing and bad but if my opposition saves just one life, my work here is done. :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AK-74me said:
Unbelieveable the amount of people looking to live in a "nannie state"
There sure are a lot of them. Some loon in TX is trying to make it a LAW for parents to attend parent-teacher conferences. He's proposing a misdemeanor charge and fine for non-compliance. :jet:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
You are correct. I am repressing and bad but if my opposition saves just one life, my work here is done.
Well, aren't you just the little altruist all of a sudden? :rolleyes:


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Businesses are privately owned. The OWNER should be able to decide whether the business is a smoking or non-smoking establishment. That is the owners freedom - liberty. You have the liberty, freedom, to either go to the establishment or not go to the establishment. As soon as government steps in, they are meddling in areas that they have no constitutional authority. Freedom - liberty - is for everyone including smokers and non-smokers.
I agree but smokers are rapidly losing ground here. :yahoo: Most of my friends are smokers too.

Freedom - liberty - is for everyone including smokers and non-smokers.
I agree here too but why shouldn't non-smokers be allowed their liberty not to have to breathe it? If all establishments allow smoking, a non-smoker has nowhere to go. What the gubment should do is require seperate, sealed smoking sections.
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Baby blues
We've had a couple of these threads in the past and one thing that is always said "Why should I have to eat with smoke all around me?" Okay, you shouldn't have to. BUT, what about bars that DON'T serve food? I think you should be allowed to smoke in them. Others say "But you are endangering my health." If you are really that worried about it, then don't go to establishments that allow smoking. There are bars where food is served that don't allow smoking. Go tank yourself up there.

So many people complain that smokers should only be allowed to smoke in a windowless shed, without heat, deep in the reaches of the woods, with no living soul within 50 miles. But then, these same souls are rolling up into the bars that allow smoking and I don't hear them biatching about it while they are there sucking down their brews.

Yeah, I'm a smoker.

Can't we just all get along?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I agree with 2A, it's a privately owned business, it should be up to the owner whether or not it's smoking and you as a consumer make your decision on whether to go there or not. If he loses business because he doesn't offer no smoking maybe he'll change his mind, but the government should not have a say. I always sit in non smoking at a restaurant becuase I don't like to smoke when I eat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I agree with 2A, it's a privately owned business, it should be up to the owner whether or not it's smoking and you as a consumer make your decision on whether to go there or not. If he loses business because he doesn't offer no smoking maybe he'll change his mind, but the government should not have a say. I always sit in non smoking at a restaurant becuase I don't like to smoke when I eat.
Well, YOU are a sensible person and not a fascist with too much time on your hands, not to mention control issues. :yay:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Well, YOU are a sensible person and not a fascist with too much time on your hands, not to mention control issues. :yay:
But every political test I take says I lean toward facist. :shrug:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes it is...

vraiblonde said:
. Gays and blacks are in the minority - shall we start making laws that say they aren't allowed to be seen in public or live in certain neighborhoods?

And don't say "that's different" because it's not different at all. The minute you start letting government take over your privately owned business, not to mention your HOME and VEHICLE, now you have reached totalitarianism. And it's fascinating to me that the people who rail against "government spying" in the name of Homeland Security are the very same ones who are quite happy to let the government pass laws telling you what you can and cannot do on your own private property.

There are any number of non-smoking restaurants available. To insist that ALL restaurants accomodate your non-smoking preference is unreasonable and ridiculous.

...gays and blacks don't cause smoking related diseases. Of course, I've never smoked either one, but, I'm just saying. There's no warning label on them, ergo, not bad for you.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
What? No comment about my Japan statistics? Let me point something else out to you:

The Japanese smoke like chimneys - all over the place because there are no laws prohibiting it. In fact, 50% of adult males in Japan smoke (you can look that up if you don't believe me). They also enjoy a much higher health rate than the US - smoking "kills" Americans, but it doesn't kill Japanese.

The Japanese also have a significantly lower obesity rate than Americans. Now THAT is a hell of a coincidence and I'm sure has absolutely nothing to do with mortality rates. Right?


The Japanese life expectancy will certainly be impacted by smokers, going forward. Their long life expectancy is based on past generations of people who smoked at much lower rates than today. If you smoke today, you'll probably die in 20-40 years, probably not tomorrow.

The 'peak' of smoking is much more recent in Japan than in the US, e.g. smoking rates were at there highest amongst Japanese in the late 80s and early 90s. In the US, smoking rates peaked out in the 60s and 70s.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
From Dick's stats:

I see - so the ONLY thing that causes lung cancer is cigarette smoking or secondhand smoke? Nothing else?

Not to mention that, while there may be a "link" between smoking and heart disease (which is the #1 killer of Americans), the fact is that obesity is the #1 reason people get heart disease.

Now. There are people who happily gobble up whatever brainwashing the activists try and shove down their throat, and do not bother to do any fact-checking on their own. And that's their right. But what the sheeple DON'T have a right to do is take some activist's rhetoric as the gospel and turn them into laws that infringe on the rest of us (the ones who actually do some research to get a fact or two, and have a shred of common sense to sort it out with).

There are other things that may cause lung cancer, but not to the tune of 116k deaths per year (smoking caused lung cancer deaths). Non smoking related lung cancer caes are something on the order of 1 in 5 female lung cancer patients and 1 in 10 male lung cancer patients.

I'm sorry if you think that the CDC's data are all activist rhetoric, perhaps you should contact your elected representative and suggest that they pull the funding for such hogwash.


Stubborn and opinionated
Larry Gude said:
...gays and blacks don't cause smoking related diseases. Of course, I've never smoked either one, but, I'm just saying. There's no warning label on them, ergo, not bad for you.



New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Businesses are privately owned. The OWNER should be able to decide whether the business is a smoking or non-smoking establishment. That is the owners freedom - liberty. You have the liberty, freedom, to either go to the establishment or not go to the establishment. As soon as government steps in, they are meddling in areas that they have no constitutional authority. Freedom - liberty - is for everyone including smokers and non-smokers.

So by your argument, the owner of a privately owned establishment has the freedom to keep an unsanitary kitchen, too. Hundreds of people will get sickened, word of mouth will spread that its a bum kitchen, and they'll close up shop. So maybe we should do away with sanitation laws for establishments and let the free market take care of it.

Oh, and they can also let hundreds of extra people into the joint to pack the place, and then when a fire breaks out and no one can get out and they all die, everyone else will know not to go there anymore because it was unsafe. The free market system will have figured out which places were safe and which ones weren't.
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