Mask Report


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
It’s good to laugh some of that fat ass off. I applaud your health journey.
Fat ass? obviously know nothing about me, drooler. But you did just reveal one are just another repeat troll scumbag that's returned here time and time again.


Active Member
Fat ass? obviously know nothing about me, drooler. But you did just reveal one are just another repeat troll scumbag that's returned here time and time again.

Yup. I have zero tolerance for snowflake turds who are triggered by simple signs and I will repeatedly lash out at them. Let’s just ignore each other.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Not to change the subject, but it's probably more of a flat ass than a fat ass. I don't mean that offensively at all @Gilligan - it's just that you have the prettiest face on the forum so I've never noticed your behind one way or the other. BUTT, I have noticed that the majority of men over 50 have no ass whatsoever. What the hell happens to it? Does it get absorbed or something?

I don't have a clue what happened to just sorta disappeared. SGI laffs when people like Milkhead make comments like that ..


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Not to change the subject, but it's probably more of a flat ass than a fat ass. I don't mean that offensively at all @Gilligan - it's just that you have the prettiest face on the forum so I've never noticed your behind one way or the other. BUTT, I have noticed that the majority of men over 50 have no ass whatsoever. What the hell happens to it? Does it get absorbed or something?

It's like this...



Throwing the deuces
Not to change the subject, but it's probably more of a flat ass than a fat ass. I don't mean that offensively at all @Gilligan - it's just that you have the prettiest face on the forum so I've never noticed your behind one way or the other. BUTT, I have noticed that the majority of men over 50 have no ass whatsoever. What the hell happens to it? Does it get absorbed or something?
My husband's butt looks like it never developed past childhood. He literally has a kid butt on an adult body. In some ways, I am kinda envious.


Active Member
I see Sapidus has returned

Not sure what this is a reference to, but whatever it means let’s just agree on this: any dumbsh*t triggered by a simple sign needs to go find a safe space and work through their feefees before joining society.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
So it's gone then huh? I've noticed that in a handful of men recently, like there's absolutely nothing in the back at all, their pants just kind of droop there and then you get the male cleavage and they don't even bend over. Sexy.
We give to our wives after the wedding. Every time theirs grows, ours shrink. :sshrug:


Well-Known Member
I know exactly one guy who has a well developed gluteus maximus - is that the right word? He's on the forum and he knows who he is.
Did you just call me a fat ass?

Wife does slap my gluteus sometimes and sends me to fetch her a cold drink, so I guess it does have a certain aesthetic appeal :)