Matthew 6:5-15 Prayer


Thought pirate
Actually they do, but just the part we call the Revelation. Which was the last book written.

That's what I meant, that the scrolls were revelations, not the entire Bible. Thanks for the clarification. But I was right? Wow, guess I'm learning things hanging around here.


Thought pirate
I'm pretty sure Galatians wasn't an "hallucination".
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! (Galatians 1:6-8 NIV)

What? I thought you were going to explain to me how I misunderstood your Revelations scripture.


What? I thought you were going to explain to me how I misunderstood your Revelations scripture.

Why waste my time explaining something when I can just throw more valid proof/ readings your way?


Soul Probe
I'm sorry but it's just becoming irritating explaining the bible to someone that refuses to spot her faults. Refer to the verses I posted after the one you just quoted and there again, it FURTHER explains how the bible is the one and only word of god

Ps: sarcasm in an argument doesn't help you be correct. It just make it look like you're out of factual ammunition so you have to move to something else.

Your irritated already? And here you and I have just begun. :ohwell:

I'm assuming you want me to address Galations 1:6-8? Sure thing!

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

"The one we preached to you", not "the one written in the bible that didn't exist at the time of this writing". :lol: Nowhere in the bible does it say "bible alone". It couldn't because the bible is a compilation of letters and writings that existed separately from each other, some earlier and some later, and what we know as the bible wasn't put together until after the fact by men.

Take Luke for example. Luke was not one of the original apostles who walked with Christ (nor was Paul for that matter). How do you suppose Luke learned of Jesus? He couldn't have read about Him in a bible (or at least one that contained his own gospel, which would mean it had been taken away from). He learned from preaching, by word of mouth.

Btw, you still need to address how the NT adds to the OT.

Why did you perceive me as being sarcastic? I was actually being rather gentle with you.


In My Opinion
Well if you have a problem with it, then you also have a problem with Lutherans and Anglicans who also pray to Mary. You should take up your torch of hatred toward them as well. Oh wait, didn't you say you were a Lutheran or at least lean that way? Surely not! :lmao:
To be honest, I was Lutheran from birth till 18 with perfect attendance at church,, I continued for a few years after until I discovered the Hyporsity of organized religion.
but I will say that I never false worshiped Mary. She is not worthy of worship and to be honest, she did not die a virgin
]Didn't you say in this thread that you were more versed in scripture than most? Surely you jest! I think I already asked you to do so and you apparently have not, but go read the first chapter of Luke. Your confusing Gabriel with Lucifer (Satan). That's darn near blasphemous! How can anyone take you seriously if you don't know the difference between GABRIEL and SATAN? :faint:

Dude, seriously, you need stop. Your looking like an idiot. Really.[/QUOTE]
so what you are saying is that the bible means nothing, what matters to you is what so proph childmolester dressed in a robe tells you.

see, I can be just as ignorant as you profess to be.


Soul Probe
so what you are saying is that the bible means nothing, what matters to you is what so proph childmolester dressed in a robe tells you.

see, I can be just as ignorant as you profess to be.

No, what I'm saying is that you obviously need to read the bible more.


New Member
All this agitation over church doctrines is a real problem.

I have a family member who is a catholic. I know she likes the catholic church because it's easy for her to make mass in spite of her hectic schedule [she's a nurse]. She doesn't do the rosary thing. I know she loves Jesus just as I do. I know she doesn't worship Mary.

I have a friend who is in a protestant church. She is bordering on worshiping the church. Know what I mean?

Don't let the bickering cause a problem....



Thought pirate
Why waste my time explaining something when I can just throw more valid proof/ readings your way?

Ummm, cause you can't explain it?? All you can do is exactly that, throw quotes from a book you clearly do not understand at me.

And here I thought we might have an intellectual conversation.

I'm done with you, go aggravate radiant, she'll eat you alive.


New Member
To be honest, I was Lutheran from birth till 18 with perfect attendance at church,, I continued for a few years after until I discovered the Hyporsity of organized religion.

It's not the hypocrisy of the church that drives people away. Organized religion is based on the great commission. It's the people running the church that mess it up.... just like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the elders at the temple messed that up. It's a human thing.... not a church.... A church is only as good as the faith of the humans that make it up.

but I will say that I never false worshiped Mary. She is not worthy of worship and to be honest, she did not die a virgin

While I would agree with others who say Mary should not be worshiped [because she is not the one true God], I do think Mary is worthy of our admiration. Mary was willing to face death to do as God asked her. Would you?

Do you remember when Jesus gave the lesson about casting the first stone? The woman was accused of being an adulteress. Mary, unwed, could have been taken into the square and stoned to death.

Jewish girls of that period usually became engaged when they were twelve or thirteen years old. Actually, for legal purposes this engagement was regarded as the first stage of a marriage, although the girl would normally remain with her parents for about a year before going to live with her husband and consummating the marriage. If she became pregnant before then, she would face public disgrace, and if the law was strictly enforced, could even be executed as an adulteress.​

God didn't call Mary to remain a virgin for life. That would have been contradictory. Women are meant to bring life into the world. How could Jesus have learned the ups and downs of family life if Mary had remained a virgin? How would Jesus possibly understand sibling rivalry if He had been an only child? How would Jesus possibly understand being a half brother if Mary had put her entire life on hold? Mary and Joseph were examples of married life and human parenting.

so what you are saying is that the bible means nothing, what matters to you is what so proph childmolester dressed in a robe tells you.

While I'm at it... Aren't we just getting a little tired of blasting the catholic church because a small percentage of pervs got to be hired as priests. It happens in all churches. I've heard lots of stories of adulterous Lutheran Pastors. Does that make the Lutheran Church bad?

The majority of the priests and nuns in the catholic church are good people, devoted to the Lord. The majority of them devote their life to the parishioners. There are bad people where good people should be in all organizations.

Before a newbie reads this and assumes anything... I'm a Baptist who doesn't go to church....



It's not the hypocrisy of the church that drives people away. Organized religion is based on the great commission. It's the people running the church that mess it up.... just like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the elders at the temple messed that up. It's a human thing.... not a church.... A church is only as good as the faith of the humans that make it up.

While I would agree with others who say Mary should not be worshiped [because she is not the one true God], I do think Mary is worthy of our admiration. Mary was willing to face death to do as God asked her. Would you?

Do you remember when Jesus gave the lesson about casting the first stone? The woman was accused of being an adulteress. Mary, unwed, could have been taken into the square and stoned to death.

Jewish girls of that period usually became engaged when they were twelve or thirteen years old. Actually, for legal purposes this engagement was regarded as the first stage of a marriage, although the girl would normally remain with her parents for about a year before going to live with her husband and consummating the marriage. If she became pregnant before then, she would face public disgrace, and if the law was strictly enforced, could even be executed as an adulteress.​

God didn't call Mary to remain a virgin for life. That would have been contradictory. Women are meant to bring life into the world. How could Jesus have learned the ups and downs of family life if Mary had remained a virgin? How would Jesus possibly understand sibling rivalry if He had been an only child? How would Jesus possibly understand being a half brother if Mary had put her entire life on hold? Mary and Joseph were examples of married life and human parenting.

While I'm at it... Aren't we just getting a little tired of blasting the catholic church because a small percentage of pervs got to be hired as priests. It happens in all churches. I've heard lots of stories of adulterous Lutheran Pastors. Does that make the Lutheran Church bad?

The majority of the priests and nuns in the catholic church are good people, devoted to the Lord. The majority of them devote their life to the parishioners. There are bad people where good people should be in all organizations.

Before a newbie reads this and assumes anything... I'm a Baptist who doesn't go to church....


I enjoy you. The only thing I would question is the sibling rivalry. Jesus being an example of a perfect person and loving everyone I can't see him having a rivalry with anyone. I mean he died for sinners. He GAVE HIS LIFE so people could have hope of eternal life. Idk. I agree with everything else said though


New Member
I enjoy you. The only thing I would question is the sibling rivalry. Jesus being an example of a perfect person and loving everyone I can't see him having a rivalry with anyone. I mean he died for sinners. He GAVE HIS LIFE so people could have hope of eternal life. Idk. I agree with everything else said though

He had two brothers and a human side. That's why I think He understood sibling rivalry. Do I think He hit them or made fun of them, nope. I think He experienced it though.

I really appreciate the human side of Jesus. I'm sure it gave Him more than a few headaches. I really think that if He didn't have a human side He could never truly understand our stupid sin nature. I'm sure He controlled His human side, though.
