Matthew 6:5-15 Prayer


In My Opinion
Of course the bible is the Word of God, no one disputes that.

True for certain books found in it, but not the entire bible. As I pointed out to your dad, the NT was added to the OT. Sorry, but you just can't get around that fact.

Are you sure about that? Matthew 16 disagrees with you. In addition, how do you think you got the bible to begin with? Do you think it just dropped down from Heaven into someone's lap?


Is repeatedly stabbing strawmen a pasttime for your family? :eyebrow:

I was hoping that you would show where the bible says to worship Mary, You seem pretty good at asking questions, then making up some excuse why the Bible is wrong about certain things, However you are just a bit weak on showing any proof that Mary should be worshiped.
Perhaps now is a good time for you to do it?


Soul Probe
I was hoping that you would show where the bible says to worship Mary, You seem pretty good at asking questions, then making up some excuse why the Bible is wrong about certain things, However you are just a bit weak on showing any proof that Mary should be worshiped.
Perhaps now is a good time for you to do it?



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In My Opinion

Then I can conclude that you have no answer to why you pray to mary other than some bishop told you to?

You would rather listen to some guy in a robe instead of actually reading the Bible for your answers.


Soul Probe
Then I can conclude that you have no answer to why you pray to mary other than some bishop told you to?

You would rather listen to some guy in a robe instead of actually reading the Bible for your answers.

Re-read posts #91 and #100 for comprehension.

I think PanLady has beat you upside the head one too many times. :lol:


New Member
I was hoping that you would show where the bible says to worship Mary, You seem pretty good at asking questions, then making up some excuse why the Bible is wrong about certain things, However you are just a bit weak on showing any proof that Mary should be worshiped.
Perhaps now is a good time for you to do it?

You're missing the point here, BCP.

Radiant has straightened out my misconception about the worshiping Mary question..... Catholics, apparently don't worship Mary. As I read it, Mary is like a friend to them. The way I understand it now is that they talk to Mary as some protestants [or for that matter other faiths] talk to deceased parents or friends that are watching over them. It's not worship as I understand it.

I don't see the need, myself, because I can talk directly to Jesus, My Lord. Some people, though, are more comfortable adding these others to their talk.

I don't see Radiant kneeling to Mary..... know what I mean?



Soul Probe
You're missing the point here, BCP.

Radiant has straightened out my misconception about the worshiping Mary question..... Catholics, apparently don't worship Mary. As I read it, Mary is like a friend to them. The way I understand it now is that they talk to Mary as some protestants [or for that matter other faiths] talk to deceased parents or friends that are watching over them. It's not worship as I understand it.

I don't see the need, myself, because I can talk directly to Jesus, My Lord. Some people, though, are more comfortable adding these others to their talk.

I don't see Radiant kneeling to Mary..... know what I mean?



I'm pretty sure he knows what you mean, but he'd prefer to troll.


In My Opinion
You're missing the point here, BCP.

Radiant has straightened out my misconception about the worshiping Mary question..... Catholics, apparently don't worship Mary. As I read it, Mary is like a friend to them. The way I understand it now is that they talk to Mary as some protestants [or for that matter other faiths] talk to deceased parents or friends that are watching over them. It's not worship as I understand it.

I don't see the need, myself, because I can talk directly to Jesus, My Lord. Some people, though, are more comfortable adding these others to their talk.

I don't see Radiant kneeling to Mary..... know what I mean?


Kneeling or not, they do worship Mary, what is that Catholic saying, through Mary to Jesus or something to that effect?
The Catholics put Mary up on a pedestal that is not backed up by scripture. And to be honest, the Bible is specific about who to pray to, Jesus, and God, (basically one in the same if you believe the Triune God thing) Mary is not part of the three.
All I wanted to know is where the Catholics got the idea that they should be praying to Mary.


In My Opinion
May the Tuscan friars pray for you fervently! :huggy:

Its ok to admit that you just don't know why you do it other than you are told to do it.
no need to get all snippy just because someone is interested in the reason behind it.


Soul Probe
Its ok to admit that you just don't know why you do it other than you are told to do it.
no need to get all snippy just because someone is interested in the reason behind it.

It would be ok to admit it if it were true. I know exactly why I do it. Why do you perceive me as being snippy? I was only wishing prayers for you. The bible tells us to do that ya know.

So are you going to tell me where in the bible it says to use the bible alone? I'm fairly versed in scripture and I can't seem to find it. I'd like to know where you got that idea.


New Member
Kneeling or not, they do worship Mary, what is that Catholic saying, through Mary to Jesus or something to that effect?
The Catholics put Mary up on a pedestal that is not backed up by scripture. And to be honest, the Bible is specific about who to pray to, Jesus, and God, (basically one in the same if you believe the Triune God thing) Mary is not part of the three.
All I wanted to know is where the Catholics got the idea that they should be praying to Mary.

If that's all you wanted to know... then why not just google it?

Here's a link to the Catholic Encyclopedia.... apparently it originated about 1050 AD....

But as far as a Biblical basis.... according to this link the Biblical basis is from the New Testament gospel of Luke....

I'm just the messenger here.... Baptist that I am.... but since you are saying you want some information.... why not google and fill us all in on what you find.



Thought pirate
Because bcp is not interested in learning, just picking a fight.

I count about 50 times radiant has said Catholics do not worship Mary. I'm not Catholic, but have attended many Masses, never saw, heard, or thought they were worshiping Mary.

Yep, there is a statue in the Church I went to, but then I've seen statues and busts of previous pastors in Protestant churches.


In My Opinion
Because bcp is not interested in learning, just picking a fight.

I count about 50 times radiant has said Catholics do not worship Mary. I'm not Catholic, but have attended many Masses, never saw, heard, or thought they were worshiping Mary.

Yep, there is a statue in the Church I went to, but then I've seen statues and busts of previous pastors in Protestant churches.

Ive never seen such a thing, but I will take your word for your experience, but tell me, these busts of previous pastors, do they sit at the alter? does the congregation pray to them? do they have pastor beads that that do the hail previous pastors to?
or, are they just there for remembrance, not unlike a wall of pictures of previous pastors.


Soul Probe
bcp, why are you skipping over my question? Here it is again in case you missed it the first few times.

So are you going to tell me where in the bible it says to use the bible alone? I'm fairly versed in scripture and I can't seem to find it. I'd like to know where you got that idea.


In My Opinion
:crickets: :tap:

I have been asking you just one thing all along.
Where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mary, or that Mary is the way to Christ who is the way to God etc...
You have failed.
on the other hand, you have tried to sidetrack the conversation by asking questions, and I have answered and given scripture to back it up.

If you cant show anything that backs up your Mary worship, then just say so, but I am not going to show you what you should know, until I get the answers.
So, two questions that I want answers to first.
1) where are we told to worship Mary
2) what happened to the 2nd commandment in the Catholic church?


In My Opinion
Just to shake your memory.

Catholic version:

1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day

4. Honor your father and your mother

5. You shall not kill

6. You shall not commit adultery

7. You shall not steal

8. You shall not bear false witness

9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

Actual Bible version

1. You shall have no other gods but me.

2. You shall not make unto you any graven images

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

4. You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

5. Honor your mother and father

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery

8. You shall not steal

9. You shall not bear false witness

10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor

Do you see what they did here? they took out the commandment that would have made it against the rules to worship an image of Mary.

Can this be explained?


Soul Probe
Just to shake your memory.

Catholic version:

1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day

4. Honor your father and your mother

5. You shall not kill

6. You shall not commit adultery

7. You shall not steal

8. You shall not bear false witness

9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods

Actual Bible version

1. You shall have no other gods but me.

2. You shall not make unto you any graven images

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

4. You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

5. Honor your mother and father

6. You shall not murder

7. You shall not commit adultery

8. You shall not steal

9. You shall not bear false witness

10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor

Do you see what they did here? they took out the commandment that would have made it against the rules to worship an image of Mary.

Can this be explained?

I responded to this in the other thread. Now stop dodging and answer my question.