McKay is a sore loser


Football addict
Ehesef said:
Bullsh*t. I know who both of these little pieces of feces are and they were both guilty as sin. The only reason that Adkins got off too was because he showed up to talk to McKay's buddy Fritz with a reporter in tow. He said he wanted the same deal as McKay or he was going to tell the real story.

My only hope is that the coke dealer beats the snot out of both of them when he gets out of the clink.
:yeahthat: Want to see a loser, go visit Larry. I bet he still has a literal pound of weed on him, he always did in high school.


Active Member
McKay said if he’s learned one thing during this election, it is that negative and attack advertising works. And they work especially well when you have a tabloid newspaper working for you, he said.

This statement just cracks me up. I love how he claimed to not engage in negative campaigning while running for office. I seem to remember hearing commercials slamming Dyson regularly, maybe it doesn't count if a family member does it for you.

Truthfully, McKay lost because of all of the dealings he was a part of during his time as a county commisioner. The land deal was just one example of how shady he is. I believe he may have also forced a church to sell off property they owned so another mall could go up. The guy was just bad news.


New Member
Tommy McKay deja vu all over again ...

This statement just cracks me up. I love how he claimed to not engage in negative campaigning while running for office. I seem to remember hearing commercials slamming Dyson regularly, maybe it doesn't count if a family member does it for you.

Truthfully, McKay lost because of all of the dealings he was a part of during his time as a county commisioner. The land deal was just one example of how shady he is. I believe he may have also forced a church to sell off property they owned so another mall could go up. The guy was just bad news.

When Ms. Elizabeth Lewis was putting the finishing touches on her documentary, "The Close Race That Wasn't Close: The Story of the 2006 Tommy McKay for Maryland State Senate Campaign", she, in all likelihood, had no way of knowing that a significant thread of the political and domestic back-story was in fact missing and entirely overlooked.

As Tommy McKay was in the thralls of a heated campaign against the Honorable Roy Dyson for the State Senate; and continuing to serve as President of the St. Mary's County Board of Commissioners; and living with his girlfriend in Hollywood, the "Honorable" Thomas F. McKay somehow managed to have time for his undisclosed adulterous relationship with his other girlfriend (or mistress if you will depending on your definition of the term), the Leonardtown Town Administrator, Laschelle Miller. As it turns out, the two maintained their clandestine romance -- perceived conflict of interest and government ethics considerations be damned! -- throughout his entire term as BOCC president. A very busy man indeed! So, no, I don't think the horse is dead quite yet.


When Ms. Elizabeth Lewis was putting the finishing touches on her documentary, "The Close Race That Wasn't Close: The Story of the 2006 Tommy McKay for Maryland State Senate Campaign", she, in all likelihood, had no way of knowing that a significant thread of the political and domestic back-story was in fact missing and entirely overlooked.

As Tommy McKay was in the thralls of a heated campaign against the Honorable Roy Dyson for the State Senate; and continuing to serve as President of the St. Mary's County Board of Commissioners; and living with his girlfriend in Hollywood, the "Honorable" Thomas F. McKay somehow managed to have time for his undisclosed adulterous relationship with his other girlfriend (or mistress if you will depending on your definition of the term), the Leonardtown Town Administrator, Laschelle Miller. As it turns out, the two maintained their clandestine romance -- perceived conflict of interest and government ethics considerations be damned! -- throughout his entire term as BOCC president. A very busy man indeed! So, no, I don't think the horse is dead quite yet.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
When Ms. Elizabeth Lewis was putting the finishing touches on her documentary, "The Close Race That Wasn't Close: The Story of the 2006 Tommy McKay for Maryland State Senate Campaign", she, in all likelihood, had no way of knowing that a significant thread of the political and domestic back-story was in fact missing and entirely overlooked.

As Tommy McKay was in the thralls of a heated campaign against the Honorable Roy Dyson for the State Senate; and continuing to serve as President of the St. Mary's County Board of Commissioners; and living with his girlfriend in Hollywood, the "Honorable" Thomas F. McKay somehow managed to have time for his undisclosed adulterous relationship with his other girlfriend (or mistress if you will depending on your definition of the term), the Leonardtown Town Administrator, Laschelle Miller. As it turns out, the two maintained their clandestine romance -- perceived conflict of interest and government ethics considerations be damned! -- throughout his entire term as BOCC president. A very busy man indeed! So, no, I don't think the horse is dead quite yet.

"Hell hath no fury..."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As it turns out, the two maintained their clandestine romance --

Do you have a legitimate source for this or is it just a stupid cyber rumor? And I find it hard to believe someone has so much time on their hands that they would make a documentary about a State Senate race. Gonna be a big market for that, let me tell ya. :rolleyes:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Do you have a legitimate source for this or is it just a stupid cyber rumor? And I find it hard to believe someone has so much time on their hands that they would make a documentary about a State Senate race. Gonna be a big market for that, let me tell ya. :rolleyes:

I'll take "Scorned woman with an ax to grind" for $500 Alex.


No Use for Donk Twits
Bullsh*t. I know who both of these little pieces of feces are and they were both guilty as sin. The only reason that Adkins got off too was because he showed up to talk to McKay's buddy Fritz with a reporter in tow. He said he wanted the same deal as McKay or he was going to tell the real story.

My only hope is that the coke dealer beats the snot out of both of them when he gets out of the clink.

Is this similar to the Mike Miller's son story? I've heard it now from a couple folks that as a 17 yo Mike's son was drunk and killed someone. Now the son is being considered for a District Court Judgeship.


Is this similar to the Mike Miller's son story? I've heard it now from a couple folks that as a 17 yo Mike's son was drunk and killed someone. Now the son is being considered for a District Court Judgeship.



Main Streeter
Do you have a legitimate source for this or is it just a stupid cyber rumor? And I find it hard to believe someone has so much time on their hands that they would make a documentary about a State Senate race. Gonna be a big market for that, let me tell ya. :rolleyes:
It's not a matter of her having too much time on her hands. The documentary was done for her St. Mary's Project. This is a requirement for graduation from SMCM. Each senior decides how simple or complex to make their St. Mary's Project. In 1999, one guy did a papaer on politics in St. Mary's County. He interviewed all sitting elected officials along with party activists from both sides and people who had been candidates. When his paper (more like book) was done, it really ruffled a lot of feathers in local political circles. It was very interesting reading, sort of a "tell all".


New Member
Is this similar to the Mike Miller's son story? I've heard it now from a couple folks that as a 17 yo Mike's son was drunk and killed someone. Now the son is being considered for a District Court Judgeship.

Never heard that is there a link ,or is this made up?


New Member
That's what I'm trying to determine.

The Millers are a big family,lots of Aunts,Uncles,cousins...etc.Miller Farms,B.K. Miller in Clinton.I don't know if it happen ,I never heard about it sounds like something that people would write about but I found no link .


No Use for Donk Twits
The Millers are a big family,lots of Aunts,Uncles,cousins...etc.Miller Farms,B.K. Miller in Clinton.I don't know if it happen ,I never heard about it sounds like something that people would write about but I found no link .

I don't know either. Someone mentioned an incident to me around 10 years ago in P.G. county. Then I recently heard almost the exact same story again just recently in La Plata. Just weird. I'm new here, only 12 years and some of these families have been here forever. I was just trying to pin it down one way or the other.


No Use for Donk Twits
My understanding the young Mr. Miller was underage, so there may be sealed juvie records. I didn't see any articles from the time (almost 25 years ago as he is 41 now). It's prolly just :gossip:!