McKay is a sore loser

Used to be, I thought she was when she was the manager of the 1st National Bank in Hollywood, back in the early 90s

Fifteen years can age a person.....

Well - looks like 15 years worked on her a bit...

Leonardtown Chosen as Capital for a Day



Asperger's Poster Child
As it turns out, the two maintained their clandestine romance -- perceived conflict of interest and government ethics considerations be damned! -- throughout his entire term as BOCC president

If this were "Desperate Housewives," the two would have had a steamy encounter on the commissioner meeting table. The public access cameras would have accidentally been left on. Viewers learn that when Tommy is aroused, he sings a Barry White version of the McKay's jingle.


Asperger's Poster Child
My family went to a non-profit group's dinner fund-raiser right before the 2006 election. The office-seekers were stopping at tables to say hi to the diners. McKay was laying it on thick, focusing on my young daughters and complimenting them on their appearance. It wasn't inappropriate but it did seem slimy.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
My family went to a non-profit group's dinner fund-raiser right before the 2006 election. The office-seekers were stopping at tables to say hi to the diners. McKay was laying it on thick, focusing on my young daughters and complimenting them on their appearance. It wasn't inappropriate but it did seem slimy.

Again :roflmao: :yay:


No Use for Donk Twits
If this were "Desperate Housewives," the two would have had a steamy encounter on the commissioner meeting table. The public access cameras would have accidentally been left on. Viewers learn that when Tommy is aroused, he sings a Barry White version of the McKay's jingle.


You just ain't right!


Active Member
A message to Tommy McKay:

Lets face it the reason you didnt get my vote is because you openly lied to the voters of southern md. When questioned about it you lied again. Then you blamed it on a county employee. Shouldn't you have proofed your info?
You dont have to like the results but you lost, accept it.

You say this like your surprised..... politician=liar liar=politician, there're all the same.


New Member
I met his son the day before I heard about him getting busted. He seemed cool as hell. I haven't seen him since

You must have been high-- I have known Eric since elementary school and he has ALWAYS been bad news- just like his dad, and just like his uncle... I was actually leaving his neighborhood (woodpecker lane, I was at someone elses house that lived in there) and as I was pulling out there were ~10 unmarked vehicles (expeditions, explorers, crown vics, etc) pulling into his road. So, I pulled out (with a friend in a car behind me) and was driving to turn on sotterly. Just beofre I got to the light 5 of the unmarked vehicles were right on me and my friend. One pulled in front of me slowing down extremely fast, while another one "pushed" me into the shoulder (he got so close to my passenger side that I had to ease to the left), and another behind me. The same thing was occuring to my friend who was behind me. So, several men exited their vehicles wearing badges around their necks ran up to my car, and one slammed his hand on my rear dirvers window saying "Roll down the window! Roll down the window!". So, I did, and they asked me where I was coming from, and where I was going. I told them who's house I left and they all met in between me and my friends cars almost in a huddle. About 2-3 minutes later (which seems like forever when you have all of these unmarked police vehicles surrounding you at ~2pm) they came back to my car and said. "Nevermind, we are looking for someone else". So they turned around in the median and took off North on 235.

Come to find out, that was the day that Erics house was raided. I guess they thought we were "fleeing" the house, maybe they thought my friend or I were Eric- it was crazy..

Eric is just an spoiled prick... bottom line...


New Member
Yeah Eric is a spoiled little rich boy. It really cracks me up how if money talks bs walks, like the whole jail time/commnity service. That whole family/assocaites seem shady. I think the girlfriend needs a :buttkick: