JPC, Sr.
The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.
Surely I do know that the prisoners are considered as criminals by the unjust Court and laws but they have done nothing wrong, thus an innocent person is put into jail and called a criminal. That is what I am saying.
The point is that now that we know the trailers are a fire hazzard then to keep putting public school students into harm's way is the equivolent of "ignoring the burned school houses." That is pretty darn specific.
Ken King said:What innocent people are being placed in jail? Do you mean "deadbeats" like you? You are aware that it is criminal to not provide support for minor children, right?

Ken King said:Who has ignored burned school houses? Every school that has had a fire was either repaired or replaced to my knowledge. Care to provide any specifics or is it that you hope that by simply saying so this will become fact?