MD. Constitution / Declaration of Rights.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
What innocent people are being placed in jail? Do you mean "deadbeats" like you? You are aware that it is criminal to not provide support for minor children, right?

:elaine: Surely I do know that the prisoners are considered as criminals by the unjust Court and laws but they have done nothing wrong, thus an innocent person is put into jail and called a criminal. That is what I am saying.

Ken King said:
Who has ignored burned school houses? Every school that has had a fire was either repaired or replaced to my knowledge. Care to provide any specifics or is it that you hope that by simply saying so this will become fact?

:coffee: The point is that now that we know the trailers are a fire hazzard then to keep putting public school students into harm's way is the equivolent of "ignoring the burned school houses." That is pretty darn specific.

:yay: ------------------- :whistle:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:elaine: Surely I do know that the prisoners are considered as criminals by the unjust Court and laws but they have done nothing wrong, thus an innocent person is put into jail and called a criminal. That is what I am saying.
They are criminals, not simply "considered as criminals". You say that they have done nothing wrong? :bs: They have failed to support their minor children which is a crime as determined by our elected representatives in the legislature. Maybe if they did that instead of stiffing their kids we would not have a need to enumerate the requirement in law. There is nothing innocent about their behavior, it is dastardly and by law criminal.

:coffee: The point is that now that we know the trailers are a fire hazzard then to keep putting public school students into harm's way is the equivolent of "ignoring the burned school houses." That is pretty darn specific.

:yay: ------------------- :whistle:
How many fires have there been? To my knowledge there have been only two at the Carver Annex that have burned, are there more? You do realize that brick built schools have had fires too? Not to mention the fact that others in various threads here have provided evidence contrary to your unfounded rantings as to safety of the relocatables goes a long way to making your allegations nothing more then fear-mongering. If they were unsafe “fire-boxes” as you contend there is no way in Hell that they would be allowed to be used.

You are great at making a claim but as of yet you have not been able to support with any evidence what you allege. That makes you politically impotent as to your credability and as I suspect the primary election in September will validate my belief.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:flowers: St. Mary's County has a condition much like the one described by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton where she said the Republican administration is running things like a Plantation mentality (and we know what she means).

Here in SMC we have a similar situation where our rich greedy oligarchy is actively imposing their greed driven big business into our small community and the population like that on a Plantation is doing all the work.

School buildings burn down so ignore that because the greed must proceed.
The roads conjested and that does not matter because the greed must succeed.
Property prices super inflated with rent prices outrageous but do not complain because the population must let the oligarchy have its greed and ignore what the population needs.

I say that we do not have to play the servants in our own home. The greed driven oligarchy only has power because the population foolishly gives it to them.

The whole point of democracy and of elections is to put persons into office that care about the betterment of the community and that will protect the society from intrusions by force and by greed, and SMC is in need now.

In our history the old Plantation houses are a monument to unjust human exploitation, and the Plantation mentality is a monument to human stupidity.

Victory in 29B. :howdy:

I'm not sure exactly what hillary meant, but what do you think about getting rid of all those senators who got money from Abramoff? I mean, he donated to all these right wing guys, let's get rid of them all!


New Member
Ken King said:
How many fires have there been? To my knowledge there have been only two at the Carver Annex that have burned, are there more? You do realize that brick built schools have had fires too? Not to mention the fact that others in various threads here have provided evidence contrary to your unfounded rantings as to safety of the relocatables goes a long way to making your allegations nothing more then fear-mongering. If they were unsafe “fire-boxes” as you contend there is no way in Hell that they would be allowed to be used.



New Member
Dear JCP, Sr...

Can you please provide me with all of your recommendations on where to put my "checks" on November's ballot???

That will make it easy for me. Then, all I'll have to do is vote for everything/everyone other than those you recommend. :lmao:


Super Genius
JPC said:
:elaine: Surely I do know that the prisoners are considered as criminals by the unjust Court and laws but they have done nothing wrong, thus an innocent person is put into jail and called a criminal. That is what I am saying.
I'm curious...when you lose the election (and that is when, not if), will you blame the unjust election system and the laws that govern it?


Active Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: Capitalism (paraphrased) is when citizens own and operate the business and thus the means of production and distribution of goods.
why the hell do i want to start my own business? is there no incentive for me? The incentive is greed: if i start my own business i get profit and i can afford more things for ME... this society is about the pursuit of happiness, in otherwords making life better, or greed.... (once can argue love is happiness, but lets get real, if you cant provide for even yourself you arent happy -- JPC is a good example, he cant provide for himself and hes very unhappy)

In other systems like Communism the government owns the businesses and controls the economy while the citizens are servants of the State.
Communism is a system that isnt greed driven, you gain nothing other than betterment of the whole by starting a business... Everyone is paid the same, everyone is mediocre, you cant make life better and it cant get worse... CANT GET BETTER (regulated by the govt)... So there is no way to be greedy, thus there is no greed... (in theory)

Our Capitalism might look like it is greed driven because we do have many greed driven people in the system. Greed is a common human failing and it is present in every society in the world.

:coffee: --------------------- :popcorn:
Out society and economy are driven by greed, not everyone may act out of greed but that is how it is driven, its not a human failing it is just a fact of life... Which is why communism didnt work...


JPC said:
The whole point of democracy and of elections is to put persons into office that care about the betterment of the community and that will protect the society from intrusions by force and by greed, and SMC is in need now.
Victory in 29B. :howdy:

For one, this country is not a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic! A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what will be eaten for dinner.
Too many bureaucrats have been shoveling the phrase Democracy down our throats for so long that people have come to accept it.

Also, don't quote 'Hitlery Clinton' if you want to gain any sympathy from me, she will surely destroy this country is she is ever elected to lead it.

Oh, and get a real job!
Then come back and try and run for office.

And why don't you ralley against 'real' unjust laws, not laws that are designed to help the children in single parent households. Drug law reforms come to mind, maybe push to have the money spent on incarcerating druggies instead used on state funded drug rehabilitation! Make murder and child molestation the crimes that you do more time for again, instead of possession of something doesn't effect someone elses liberties!

Step back and look at what you write, you sound like a crackpot


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
Our society and economy are driven by greed,
I prefer to call it ... ambition work..imagination.
The desire to excel, succeed.

There's just a normal everyday life presumption in our society that says if you work hard enough, you will be rewarded for your efforts - communism takes all that away, and rewards mediocrity.

But communism doesn't fail strictly because of this "lack" of greed - it fails BECAUSE of greed, and corruption - because it's even EASIER to be corrupt in an environment where the state controls everything. You just have to hold power in the machinations of the state. It fails because it promotes greed while remaining in denial over it.


off the shelf
MMDad said:
When does the library open this morning?

guess we will find out soon enough....

he might be a little late today....his mother has to make sure he's wearing his rain boots....

and I know all of us have our boots on, too! :yay:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
What are you going to do with your life, When you lose??

(*please don't kid yourself. you will lose.*)

:lmao: The Library is OPEN.

:yay: I am glad that you ask that question. It was asked in another Thread and I failed to answer it and it has troubled me ever since.

:elaine: After the election whether I win or loose, I believe in fate and destiny and now I feel strongly that I am to be running for this election regardless if it is won or loss. I was certain that I would run for 29B years ago even when I was forced into being homeless and put into jail then prison as a political prisoner and I felt long ago that this was my destiny but I have no feeling nor vision as to wether I shall infact win or loose and that does not matter to me. St. Mary's County would be wise to vote me into office but I do remember the saying of Christ that even He did not recieve His honor in His own hometown so I surely do not pretend to be better than He.

So I am quite certain of what I shall do when I win the election but she ask only for what I will do if or when I were to lose. So still I do sence some vague thought of what I might do if I were to lose. Personally I like to wait and see what happens and then see what fate and destiny has waiting for me then and do not try to force my ideas as my future plans. I prefer to only plan the future when it feels like destiny.

But, for the sake of that question, I could become a missionary, or maybe a monk, or organize a rebellion against the injustices of child support, or some thing like that, but for now my plan is to win District 29B and then do my duty in the Maryland Legislature.

:popcorn: ------------------------ :flowers:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
But, for the sake of that question, I could become a missionary, or maybe a monk, or organize a rebellion against the injustices of child support, or some thing like that, but for now my plan is to win District 29B and then do my duty in the Maryland Legislature.

So in other words, still no plans to get a job and be a productive member of the society you leech off of?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

itsbob said:
Amazing.. you use a word like "Oligarchy" yet you can't spell congested correctly.

You should give your mom back her Thesaurus.

:coffee: I think my mis-spelling comes from me having an accent and I try to spell words the same way that I speak the words.

I do suspect that persons that can truly spell well are persons that also speak well too.

The primary purpose (as I understand it) is that so long as one does communicate the message than the mis-spelling is irrelivant. As it is easy enough to decipher that a "trailor" is really a "trailer" so the communicating is complete as opposed to spelling in such a way that the word and its meaning can not be interpreted. As in DgutinyMougsa.

:lmao: --------------------- :buttkick:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
What innocent people are being placed in jail? Do you mean "deadbeats" like you? You are aware that it is criminal to not provide support for minor children, right?

Who has ignored burned school houses? Every school that has had a fire was either repaired or replaced to my knowledge. Care to provide any specifics or is it that you hope that by simply saying so this will become fact?

... ... ...

:elaine: I do expect that it will be difficult for some to adjust to the changes that are coming. Bringing justice out of injustice is always a slow process.

The ones that do count are all over my way here in 29B

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
So in other words, still no plans to get a job and be a productive member of the society you leech off of?

:flowers: I am getting a job in 29B.


New Member
JPC said:
:coffee: I think my mis-spelling comes from me having an accent and I try to spell words the same way that I speak the words.

I do suspect that persons that can truly spell well are persons that also speak well too.

The primary purpose (as I understand it) is that so long as one does communicate the message than the mis-spelling is irrelivant. As it is easy enough to decipher that a "trailor" is really a "trailer" so the communicating is complete as opposed to spelling in such a way that the word and its meaning can not be interpreted. As in DgutinyMougsa.

:lmao: --------------------- :buttkick:

What sort of "accent" ? I thought you were born in St. Mary's and most of your travel was within the US. Just curious.