Media Corruption


PREMO Member
Hey Gurps... can you give me the 5 cent synopsis on what Fear the Floof is?

A twitter account that exposed the Millennial Generation of Journalists like Carlos Maza [ he tried to get Crowder kicked off of you tube ] and Taylor Lorentz elitist up bringing .. Maza grew up in a 13 million dollar mansion Lorentz 10 ... Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbuilt

the conversation is how these moneyed progressives, they will never face teh music for the actions Lorentz Uncle owns a large chunk of the Wayback Machine so her twitter posts get scrubbed from ANY attempt to archive them


PREMO Member

Twitter Crosses Red-Line, Censors Florida Surgeon General's Recommendation

Think about how Orwellian and perhaps dangerous Twitter’s move was. They chose, supposedly of their own volition (but likely with a wink and nod from the Biden administration), to directly interfere in the public health decision of a US state. Again, a massive social media company decided it should have the power to override and ignore the recommendation of a duly-elected administration, dictating to the public instead.

It’s hard to fathom how that kind of thing became acceptable, especially after so many “conspiracy theories” during COVID-19 ended up being confirmed. You’d think Twitter would be more cautious, at least when dealing with an official of Ladapo’s stature. Besides, in this case, Florida has the data to back up what was decided. The study in question covered a year and a half of vaccinations of all age groups and it was careful to only consider cardiac-related deaths. It is a more credible a study than much of the rushed garbage appearing in medical journals these days.

There is a good ending here, though. Twitter faced such focused, immense backlash for what they did that Ladapo’s message was eventually restored.



PREMO Member

Journalist Called Child Protective Services on State Senate Candidate—for Celebrating Columbus Day with Her Daughter

Yes, you read that right. A leftist journalist called Child Protective Services on a Republican state Senate candidate and single mother because she teaches her daughter to celebrate Columbus Day. Apparently, celebrating the man who made it possible for America to exist and for us to live here falls under the leftist definition of “abuse.”

Self-described “Award-Winning Multimedia Journalist” David Leavitt called Child Protective Services (CPS) on Republican Virginia state Senate candidate and single mom Tina Ramirez for being pro-Columbus Day. The drama began when Ramirez referenced PayPal’s recent attempt to fine “misinformation”-spreaders $2,500. Ramirez tweeted, “Only women can be pregnant. Do I owe PayPal $2500 now?” Leavitt replied with the highly rational comment, “Why are you celebrating torture, rape, murder, and enslavement?” Ramirez, apparently realizing that Leavitt was referring to Columbus Day, tweeted, “I teach my daughter real American history. I refuse to join the radical left’s campaign to erase history.”

Leavitt, who has over 330,000 Twitter followers, tried to start a harassment campaign against Ramirez, tweeting, “Can someone please call child care services on Tina Ramirez who’s teaching her child to be a racist?” He then evidently decided that he couldn’t wait for anyone else to report Ramirez, because he began to post an extended tweet thread complaining about how long the wait was on Virginia’s child abuse hotline. Perhaps the wait time is long because woke journalists call the hotline to complain that mothers are teaching their children history?

Ramirez fired back at Leavitt’s stunt, tweeting, “Mighty bold and liberal of you to lecture a Hispanic mother with a black daughter on racism. What’s next? Are you going to lecture me on women’s rights?” Leavitt sneered, “Having a black child doesn’t make you any less racist.” The journalist also retweeted dozens of comments bashing Ramirez and her pro-Columbus tweet, including comments like “Slavery is American history” and “I feel very sorry for your daughter. She will learn the truth one day and hate you for not helping her navigate racism, back lives matter, and all the ‘history’ you choose to ignore.”


PREMO Member

Former Newsmax host claims he was nudged out of network for refusing to attack Tucker Carlson

Stinchfield charged that Newsmax canceled his show when he flat-out refused to attack the conservative Fox News host. He asserts his show was bagged because it could not compete with Carlson in ratings.

“Tucker Carlson’s doing 3 million people a night. We were doing 300,000,” Stinchfield admitted.

“Well, if you can believe it, they wanted me to go after Tucker Carlson to attack him. And I had a real hard time with this because to me, Tucker Carlson, I would say is number two to President Trump as the leader of the Republican Party,” he remarked.

“Really, there’s not a politician, a Republican politician in America today that does not take a cue from Tucker Carlson over on Fox News. That’s just the reality of things,” Stinchfield commented.


PREMO Member

Seven times 'disinformation' turned out to be just the opposite

The case highlights how potent a weapon disinformation can be in today's political climate, where falsehoods can slip through the cracks and transform into received truth without the public noticing.

However, it works the other way as well.

Indeed, in the past few years the opposite has more often been the case: Something deemed disinformation ultimately turns out to be true. Here are seven recent examples of elites in government, Big Tech, and other positions of influence targeting various ideas as mis- or disinformation only to be proven wrong in the end as the facts come in:

1. Hunter Biden's laptop
2. The origins of COVID-19
3. COVID-19 vaccines as a panacea
4. Pelosi's Jan. 6 role and calling in the National Guard
5. The mistreatment of Jan. 6 defendants
6. Irregularities in the 2020 election
7. Critical race theory in schools


PREMO Member

Twitter censorship targets Florida, but not FDA adviser, for undermining COVID vaccines

Last week, Twitter permanently axed Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist and vocal critic of COVID vaccines, prompting Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) to say it illustrates "coordination with government censors, and the undisclosed influence [tech platforms] have on elections."

Meanwhile, a vocal FDA adviser has suffered no known social media sanctions after months of questioning the federal government's one-size-fits-all COVID vaccine policy — particularly for healthy young adults at higher risk of serious adverse eventsdespite routinely sharing his interviews.

Ladapo's censored tweet, which purportedly violated Twitter rules, shared a Florida Department of Health analysis that found "an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. This is an "abnormally high risk," given the "high level of global immunity to COVID-19."


PREMO Member

This Business Insider Story Illustrates What's Wrong With Mainstream American Journalism

Now, why should anybody reading this care about what Cohen thinks or says about Trump these days? PJ Media readers aren’t likely to put any stock in Salon or Obeidallah, the latter of whom declares in his Twitter profile that “Democrats are the REAL patriots!”

But you should care about it when the subject immediately at hand is a “senior news reporter” working for an internet site that, despite a checkered history in several respects, just last year won a Pulitzer Prize for a superb expose of and commentary on China’s genocide against the Uyghurs.

Why on earth would that reporter think Cohen’s explanation for Trump’s action regarding classified documents is even remotely worth presenting as legitimate news? The answer, of course, is that there is no way on God’s green Earth. Except perhaps as click bait for a certain sort of reader, one seeking reinforcement rather than straight news.

Here’s why: I’m an old-school journo and all, but, if the credibility of the news media is ever going to be rebuilt, Journalism 101’s first lesson for evaluating the credibility of sources better still apply.

There are undoubtedly topics on which Cohen could conceivably be considered a credible source, but why Trump does what Trump does isn’t one of them for at least two basic reasons:

First, Cohen was not in a position to know what Trump was thinking or the rationale behind any of his actions that he may have uttered during his last day in the White House. Cohen was finishing out his prison term under house arrest owing to the Covid pandemic while Trump was gathering his things to exit Joe Biden’s new digs.

So anything Cohen says about why Trump took classified documents, White House table napkins, 17 official portraits of himself, or anything else is pure conjecture, speculation. Thus, Cohen fails on the first requirement for a source to be credible — being in a position to know of what he or she claims.

Second, it is the deepest understatement to say that Cohen has a motive to discredit Trump in any way he can. One need only read that Salon interview to appreciate the depth of Cohen’s disdain for his former client. That disdain — and I am being charitable in my word choice there — utterly disqualifies Cohen as a credible source on any matter pertaining to the former chief executive.


PREMO Member

Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb secretly pressed Twitter to censor me days before Twitter suspended my account last year

On August 24, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb sent an urgent email about my reporting to a contact at Twitter.

Gottlieb is the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, a close colleague of many federal officials - and a senior board member of Pfizer, which has made $70 billion selling mRNA vaccines.

In his email, Gottlieb forwarded an article I had written about Dr. Anthony Fauci on this Substack and complained, “This is whats promoted on Twitter. This is why Tony needs a security detail.”

Thus Gottlieb — whom Pfizer pays almost $400,000 a year to serve on its board, including its highest-level “executive committee” — began the final act in a secret months-long conspiracy to suppress my basic American right to free speech.

The conspirators included corporate, private, and federal actors.


PREMO Member

MSNBC anchors, other media pundits fuel civil war fears over midterms: 'Democracy looks like it's over'

"The people who are going to be at the core of his base are going to be more animated, more ginned up, more willing to take to the barricades to do whatever is necessary to try to reinstall him in power," Heilemann said, "And that’s the danger, is that the fact that at the base is getting smaller, it makes it more dangerous in a lot of ways because those are the people who are willing to do things like take up arms and press the questions and tactics that lead to civil war."

"Maybe now it is all about the violence," MSNBC host Joe Scarborough agreed. "It all is about an insurrection. It all – in [Trump's] mind, about a civil war."

President of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass told Scarborough in August that the country is battling a dangerous period that resembles the 19th century in the run-up to the Civil War, which began in 1861.

Warnings of political violence continued in online print publications such as The Washington Post, which saw an analysis from "21 experts" repeatedly warn of civil violence and the end of the republic if Trump is elected president again in 2024.

Author and activist Ibram Kendi, largely associated with his role in the critical race theory movement, argued that the "most immediate concern" of Trump's return would create a great domestic terror threat and cause violence in the streets. UC-San Diego Professor Barbara Walter, who wrote "How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them," said such dynamics "could intensify with Trump or a similar figure in the White House."


PREMO Member

Yahoo Says More Abortions Equals More Diapers, and Whites Cause Latino Racism

Artisanal-Crafted Narratives – YAHOO FINANCE

  • They solved it! The answer to any shortage is getting rid of the people!
To see just how entrenched in liberal ideology the press has become, we need only look at the strained examples they come up with to justify abortion. Recall recently that we were served a story claiming tough abortion laws were hurting the oil industry by chasing people out of Texas. (One couple served as an example.)
Now, Yahoo Finance has come up with an equally daft pro-abort stance. It seems there is a diaper shortage, and instead of supply chain challenges or other issues, they have pegged the culprit: It's those damned pro-lifers causing the demand for diapers to remain high.

It's a simple equation. Fewer babies mean more diapers, then the…fewer babies who need them will have them.

Matching Media Memorandum – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • Whites are so bad they are corrupting minorities!
The case of the LA Council President who was forced to step down after being caught on tape making racist comments about blacks continues to send tremors in Los Angeles. But one of the asinine aspects is that the lame defense offered up by Hispanic member Nury Martinez is being echoed in a number of news outlets. The New York Times, as well as NBC News and The Atlantic, are pushing the flat-out stupid premise that Martinez was compelled into these hateful, racist remarks due to white supremacy. That nobody who is white was involved in any capacity in the case is seemingly not a factor.

- "The racist remarks extended beyond Blacks to the embedded prejudice against Indigenous Latinos that is pervasive in Latin America and in the U.S., a remnant of colonialism and a version of white supremacy."

Ah yes ignoring Spanish Colonialism ..... where do the Progressives think all of these Hispanics came from :sshrug:


PREMO Member

ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

Stephanopoulos claimed there was “no other side,” and Brazile demanded to know, “What is the other side?” Christie spoke about the ability to grill the witnesses, something they would normally have at a hearing, which is missing here. Instead, he said, accurately, it was a television production. Brazile just kept shouting at Christie and would barely let him get in a word edgewise.

When he finally got the chance to speak, Christie said, “There are lots of people inside the White House who now have convenient memories about things that didn’t have memories about them before.” But, the Trump team/Republicans weren’t given that option because that’s not allowed, to challenge the narrative. You’re not allowed to know that Trump spoke about acting “peacefully and patriotically” at his rally before the riot. You’re not allowed to question why Democrats didn’t conduct this like a normal hearing.

But this is the Democrats’ view in general. Trump is guilty of pushing an “insurrection”–because they say so. He isn’t entitled to a defense. It doesn’t matter what he said, or what evidence might rebut their presumptions. They don’t believe in the rule of law, just the rule of the narrative. That’s why everyone on the Committee — including the Republicans — was already solidly anti-Trump, picked for their bias. That’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in an unprecedented move, rejected members who were picked by the Republican side who might have questioned the Democrats.


PREMO Member

Kari Lake’s Candidacy Shows Us How Democracy Self-Destructs

A dangerous far-right demagogue is rising in Arizona, and our republic’s immune system may have no response.

You may know her backstory. She was a Phoenix TV news anchor for years, meaning that she was, to the public eye, more celebrity than journalist in that way that local anchors are—opening supermarkets and the like. She was not very political; in fact, she seemed pretty liberal—in 2008, she thought it was cool that America elected a Black president.

Then, Donald Trump ran and won, and something in her synapses snapped, as it did with millions of other Americans. He awakened a rage buried within her. Now she’s running for governor against Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a normal and able public servant who is best known for defending democracy in Arizona after the 2020 election and who, if not for Trump and Q and the white fury that has detonated in this country in these last seven years since Trump descended that escalator, would probably be just fine to most Arizonans. She was a Catholic school girl and a social worker educated at in-state public universities whose liberalism is closely tailored to match the sensibilities of this purple state. But she’s a lackluster candidate and is taking a beating for refusing to debate Lake, who has lately inched ahead in polls (still way within the margin of error).

anyone who is guilty of wrong think [ not believing OUR Perceived TRUTH ] is a right-wing extremist
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PREMO Member

Tapper Invents Quotes, Zucker Invents Excuses, and Reuters Creates a New Covid History

Prose & Contradiction – CNN

  • There's no need to quote someone accurately when you know what they mean!
As the race for the governor's seat between Democrat Katie Hobbs and Republican Kari Lake tightened, CNN attempted to help out. The past few weeks have not gone well for Hobbs, as she has ducked Lake in debates and attempted to display a level of competence that has thus far eluded the cameras.
Hobbs could not handle even basic questions from Dana Bash on the economy, on evading debates, and after being asked pointedly to lay out her stance on abortion a handful of times, she refused to do so. Bash also interviewed Lake, and she resorted to her usual litmus test with any Republican guest, namely challenging them on election sanctity. Lake would not play her game. After being asked if she would accept the results of the election, Kari simply replied that she would win and accept that result.

Jake Tapper – who had pledged never to have election deniers on the air – upon seeing this unsatisfactory-to-him answer, came out to declare words that Lake never actually spoke.

Low Octane Gas Lighting – REUTERS

In the European Parliament, they held hearings to look over the issues from the pandemic, and they called the executives from Pfizer to come in and testify. In the process, Pfizer reps declared that they had not known ahead of time if their vaccine would actually halt the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This would appear to be rather glaring new information, except the press is willing to ride in and recast things for the benefit of those in power.

Reuters now states that the drug makers never declared it would stop the spread, despite the fact that we basically had that insistence hammered into the public consciousness. To now say that no one had declared the vaccines would prevent the spread of the virus ignores our getting that delivered to us on the regular from the likes of Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, the CEO of Pfizer, and the broader journalism complex.



PREMO Member

Tapper Invents Quotes, Zucker Invents Excuses, and Reuters Creates a New Covid History

Prose & Contradiction – CNN

  • There's no need to quote someone accurately when you know what they mean!
As the race for the governor's seat between Democrat Katie Hobbs and Republican Kari Lake tightened, CNN attempted to help out. The past few weeks have not gone well for Hobbs, as she has ducked Lake in debates and attempted to display a level of competence that has thus far eluded the cameras.
Hobbs could not handle even basic questions from Dana Bash on the economy, on evading debates, and after being asked pointedly to lay out her stance on abortion a handful of times, she refused to do so. Bash also interviewed Lake, and she resorted to her usual litmus test with any Republican guest, namely challenging them on election sanctity. Lake would not play her game. After being asked if she would accept the results of the election, Kari simply replied that she would win and accept that result.

Jake Tapper – who had pledged never to have election deniers on the air – upon seeing this unsatisfactory-to-him answer, came out to declare words that Lake never actually spoke.



PREMO Member

New York Times Promotes Sabotage, 'Guerrilla Warfare' to End Fossil Fuels

In January of 2021, The New York Times promoted a book titled How To Blow Up a Pipeline by transparently radical author Andreas Malm. On Thursday, the Times directly promoted Malm by publishing his guest essay under the headline "History May Absolve the Soup Throwers." That's too tender a headline, for Malm thinks soup throwing at a Van Gogh painting isn't optimal:

I tend to think sabotage is most effective when it is precise and gritty. When activists from the same group smashed gas stations in April this year, they hit the nail on the head. Gasoline, unlike a van Gogh painting, is a fuel of global warming. There is a whole planetary layer of stations, pipelines, platforms, derricks, terminals, mines and shafts that must be shut down to save humanity and other life-forms. When governments refuse to undertake this work, it is up to the rest of us to initiate it. That is the rationale for sabotage: to aim straight for the bags of coal.

While the Times routinely rails against the "insurrection" on January 6 and sees all "domestic terrorism" as a right-wing problem, it promotes a climate insurrection and left-wing domestic terrorism. Malm explicitly champions sabotage and violence -- even guerrilla warfare! -- as an efficient path to ending fossil fuels:

In the past year, activists have been taking up the tactic of sabotage and property destruction along a spectrum from symbolic to serious. The Tyre Extinguishers have deflated the tires of nearly 10,000 S.U.V.s in some of the most affluent enclaves of the world. In February, activists stormed a construction site of the Coastal GasLink pipeline in British Columbia and utterly wrecked machinery and other equipment, causing, the company said, millions of dollars in damage.
Meanwhile, in the research community, leading energy scholars such as Benjamin K. Sovacool at Boston University are discussing the pros and cons of climate militancy and coming down, remarkably, in favor of considering a full range of options, including civil disobedience and guerrilla warfare.

Malm tyrannically insists "all oil and gas production in rich countries — including the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and Qatar — must be terminated within 12 years. Not only can there be no new fossil fuel installations; 40 percent of reserves already developed must be left in the ground."

As for the ethics of property destruction, it is not, in this case, very complicated. Fossil fuels kill people. If you disrupt the flow of such fuels and damage the machinery they impel, you prevent deaths. You stop the perpetration of harm. You may destroy an inanimate object — and no one in the climate movement is suggesting anything other than targeting dead things — so as to protect living beings. Or, put differently, if you are locked in a house on fire, you have a right to break some windows to get out.
If the logic and ethics here seem straightforward‌, the tactical terrain is not. How do we make sure that no one is physically harmed in the process? Just what windows will be most effective to break? What openings will attract larger numbers of people to make the leap? We don’t know what, if anything, will work, which is why, perhaps, the movement needs both: flippant attention grabbing as well as surgical shutdowns, in a diversity of disruptions. We cannot afford to forgo creative methods that might further the cause.


PREMO Member

‘It’s Your Body’: Stephen A. Smith On Athletes Being Unvaccinated Following Viral Clip Slamming NBA Star For Refusing To Get Jab

“Let me be very clear,” Smith replied. “I don’t disagree with you. … Yeah, it’s your body, and somebody is trying to tell you what to inject into your body. I didn’t like it, I was very reluctant and hesitant about getting vaccinated. But obviously it’s made very clear, you know, you want to work here in these corridors, you need to do this, right?”

“Here’s where I held it against Kyrie,” he added. “It had nothing to do with being vaccinated … or being unvaccinated, in my mind. What bothered me is that you are a superstar on a team that is a championship contender, and everybody is there because of you…”

“But it’s still his body,” Maher interjected.

“All I’m saying is, it’s your right,” Smith replied. “But I’m thinking about it from a competitive perspective. A lot of dudes in the NBA didn’t want to do it. But you’re playing for a championship.”

Maher reiterated that it’s a person’s body that the vaccine is now inside of, and “we just don’t know that much. Even though they think they do. … Because nobody can realistically look you in the eye and say we are a million percent sure there’s just no doubt that no harm can come, and I’m talking about down the road.”

Smith admitted that despite his hesitancy, he got the vaccine, but then caught a bad case of COVID and ended up in the hospital in December.

“I had COVID. I was double vaccinated, I hadn’t taken the booster shot yet,” the ESPN host said. “Damn thing almost killed me because I had an endoscopy prior to acquiring COVID. I had double pneumonia. … So I understand where everybody’s coming from and I get all of that, but I also say this to you — when it comes to professional athletes, you know how much stuff gets put in their body that they have no damn clue whatsoever what it is?”