Media Corruption


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So I saw a new story on Hershel Walker this morning. Does the media see PA slipping away to a republican that they now are concentrating on not losing Georgia.


PREMO Member

‘Part Of The … Insurrection Toxicity’: MSNBC Anchor Tries To Tie Paul Pelosi Attack To January 6th

“The assailant who attacked Paul Pelosi was in search of the Speaker of the House,” Mitchell began. “Which puts it into a federal crime, you know, against the relative of an officer and now the second in line for the presidency.”

“Before the assault occurred, according to the source, the intruder confronted Mr. Pelosi in their home, shouting, ‘Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?’” Mitchell continued, before observing, “That’s what the intruders going through hallways on Jan. 6 were shouting: ‘Nancy, Nancy,’ this is part of the January 6th insurrection toxicity that has infected the brains of people around the country in horrible ways, if this is accurate.”

Despite Mitchell’s claims, local officials have made it a point to state that the motive for the attack has not yet been determined.



PREMO Member

Washington Post Launches Disgusting Attack on Twitter After Elon Musk Takes the Helm

The left has been engaging in wild histrionics after it became official that Elon Musk is now the owner of Twitter. Progressives have been scrambling to concoct a strategy in response to this development, which many believe will result in the end of the social media company’s biased censorship practices.

On Friday, the day after the deal became official, the Washington Post posted a thread on Twitter linking to a previous article informing readers on how they can change their privacy settings on the app. “Your tweets may be public, but you can still have more privacy on the social media service,” the first tweet explained.

Not only is The Post trying to limit Twitter’s ad revenue, it even made a pathetic, but subtle, attempt to persuade its followers not to tweet. This will be one of many attacks the activist media will be launching against the platform now that Musk is at the helm. To them, Twitter is now the enemy.

Progressives can’t abide a social media site that allows conservative voices to be displayed without biased censorship. It will only be a matter of time before they escalate their offensive against Musk. In fact, it would not be surprising to see the government get involved in the effort against the company. If the GOP retakes Congress, it will make it more difficult to weaponize the state. But with Biden in control of the White House, we can expect to see action coming from the executive branch.


PREMO Member
It’s all so stunning and brave to witness. These valiant libs standing up to tyranny, remaining on a platform that isn’t trying to kick them off. Truly, I feel as if I’m witnessing history being made. One day, people will talk about the heroism of “JoJoFromJerz” not being afraid of a dude who just wants her to have free speech.

And that’s really the absurdity of all this perfectly illustrated. Musk isn’t going to start banning leftwing accounts because unlike the leftwingers who used to run Twitter, he’s not a rabid partisan looking to crush freedom of expression for political purposes. The very people attacking Musk and suggesting he’ll destroy the site fail to recognize that he’s not like them. They are the ones who used secretive algorithms and selective TOS enforcement to silence their critics. Musk is taking things in a different direction, and even though they don’t deserve it, they’ll be protected just like everyone else.

The difference in philosophy and entitlement couldn’t be starker. Those on the left have relied on a monopoly in social media for years to throttle opposing viewpoints. That’s made them weak and unable to defend their stances, not that they were defensible anyway. Now, they are terrified they won’t have the power to put their finger on the scale any longer.

In the end, all this freaking out is over a guy buying Twitter who just wants everyone to be able to speak freely within some very basic guidelines. Those that are terrified by that are showing that it’s not Musk who is the problem.



PREMO Member

CBS Wails: It's The End of Democracy if Democrats Don't Win Midterms!

CBS’s Sunday Morning started off with their anchor Jane Pauley fearmongering that if Republicans win in the 2022 midterm elections, “democracy” could end in the United States. Plugging an upcoming segment by correspondent Robert Costa, Pauley fretted that “the very future of our democracy” is on the ballot in 2022.

“This past summer, it was looking like the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade might offer an opportunity to the party in power, the Democrats. But a more recent issue, inflation, could very well rule the day. And favor Republicans,” Pauley bemoaned.

Kicking off his report, Costa cried “hundreds of candidates for state and national office have denied the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. And while crime and inflation dominate the headlines, many are sounding the alarm about what else is at stake in 2022.”

Turning to Michael Berkman who currently serves as president of the McCourtney Institute for Democracy, Costa allowed him to fearmonger: “Democracy doesn't usually die through coups or invasion. It usually dies from within.”


PREMO Member

CBS News Anchor Loses Her Mind Because GOP Refuses to Concede the Election to Nancy Pelosi

The attack on Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, has dominated the news the last few days. Questions still remain about how David DePape, a nudist protester with a convoluted political history, got inside the house, but what appears fairly clear is that the assailant had a drug-induced psychotic break.

Naturally, though, the easy answer isn’t the one the left wants. Instead, they want to pretend that Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy making a joke a year ago is what actually “radicalized” DePape because everything must be stupid.

CBC News anchor Margaret Brennan toed that line on Sunday, losing her mind because the GOP refuses to concede the election to Democrats nine days before the mid-terms.

If you watch the clip, Brennan attempts to connect normal Republican election rhetoric to the attack on Paul Pelosi, asking why the GOP is still running ads tying going after Nancy Pelosi. That despite the fact that even the authorities have stated they have not ascertained a motive for the crime yet.

NRCC Chair Tom Emmer was having none of it. He pushed back effectively, noting that such a standard has never applied to Democrats. He’s right, of course. Someone tried to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh over the summer (that person is now charged with attempted murder). Not a single mainstream media figure demanded Democrats stop running attack ads on the Supreme Court and abortion. When Lee Zeldin was tackled and nearly stabbed in July, not one journalist asked Democrats to take down their attack ads against him. I could keep going with the examples, but you get the idea.


PREMO Member

Why the Legacy Media Is Panicked About Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover

To understand the angst of the legacy media and the Democratic Party over Musk’s takeover of Twitter, it’s important to understand the oligopolistic history of legacy media dominance. Until the 1990s, virtually all Americans had to rely on just a few major legacy media sources: the three networks, The New York Times, WaPo and the like. A huge number of Americans relied on local newspapers, but these newspapers in turn relied on wire services like the Associated Press, AFP, Reuters or McClatchy.

This oligopoly meant both market share and control of the narrative.

The rise of the internet changed everything.

After Drudge Report broke former President Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky scandal, the nature of the media changed entirely. There had been hints of a brewing dissent in the works — talk radio, the rise of Fox News. But the internet shattered legacy media dominance entirely. People began diversifying their news diets en masse. The legacy media were suddenly being called out and fact-checked by outlets that people actually read.

In the early stages of the new media, people accessed their favorite websites directly. They bookmarked these sites, and they clicked on them each morning.

Then came major social media. Social media re-centralized the mechanisms of distribution for news. Instead of bookmarking 10 websites, for example, people followed 10 accounts on Twitter, or added them to their Facebook newsfeeds. This was highly convenient — and it was good for a lot of nonmainstream news outlets, who suddenly had access to billions of eyeballs. A thousand flowers bloomed.

And, for a time, there was stasis: Because Democrats maintained political control, these social media sites were praised for their free speech principles, and clever use of these services — a la the Obama campaign in 2012 — was considered good and worthy.

When former President Donald Trump was elected in 2016, however, legacy media outlets and the Democratic Party panicked. They thought they had forged an unbeatable electoral coalition; there was simply no way Hillary could have lost legitimately. Someone had to be blamed. The answer was obvious: right-wing “misinformation” and “disinformation,” spread by social media, was the culprit.

The legacy media and their Democratic friends now began to blame Facebook and Twitter. Pressure was put on the social media sites to stop acting as free platforms for dissemination of a broad variety of views; instead, the social media platforms — which had monopolized news traffic — could be used to reestablish Left-wing legacy media oligopoly. Pressure even came from the Department of Homeland Security, as The Intercept reported this week: DHS engaged in “an expansive effort… to influence tech platforms.”


PREMO Member

Jake Tapper’s Primetime Slot At CNN Is Ending

“As part of a special lineup, Jake agreed to anchor the 9p hour through the midterm elections,” a CNN spokesperson said. “At the completion of that schedule, he’ll be returning to his award-winning program The Lead. We will announce post-election plans for that time slot in the coming days.”

Semafor reported that although Tapper had reportedly only agreed to do the show through November 11, “there had been some speculation that the network’s lead Washington anchor could take over the slot permanently.”


PREMO Member

How apocalyptic ....... 6 days from Democratic Riots and Destruction, as Republicans are slated to sweep


PREMO Member

87% of Networks’ Coverage of GOP Is Negative — Kari Lake Scores 100%

A new Media Research Center study covering Sept. 1 to Oct. 26 found that midterm election news in CBS, ABC, and NBC’s evening broadcasts is about as negative on Republicans as it was during the Trump presidency (88% in 2018). But while that 87% number is already appalling, Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake scored a perfect 100% negative coverage.

MRC found that “dominant topics” in the networks’ campaign coverage “perfectly match the topmost items in Democrats’ campaign playbook.” So, for instance, the networks spent 54 minutes, or one-fourth of midterm coverage, on abortion or abortion-related accusations against Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker. But a September Gallup poll showed only four percent of voters listed abortion as the “most important problem” facing America. That same poll said 38% of voters named “an economic issue” as their top concern, yet “the economy was only the fifth-most cited issue within these midterm stories.”

Talk about being out of touch with voters.


Well-Known Member

87% of Networks’ Coverage of GOP Is Negative — Kari Lake Scores 100%

A new Media Research Center study covering Sept. 1 to Oct. 26 found that midterm election news in CBS, ABC, and NBC’s evening broadcasts is about as negative on Republicans as it was during the Trump presidency (88% in 2018). But while that 87% number is already appalling, Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake scored a perfect 100% negative coverage.

MRC found that “dominant topics” in the networks’ campaign coverage “perfectly match the topmost items in Democrats’ campaign playbook.” So, for instance, the networks spent 54 minutes, or one-fourth of midterm coverage, on abortion or abortion-related accusations against Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker. But a September Gallup poll showed only four percent of voters listed abortion as the “most important problem” facing America. That same poll said 38% of voters named “an economic issue” as their top concern, yet “the economy was only the fifth-most cited issue within these midterm stories.”

Talk about being out of touch with voters.

Its all they have. They know dems can't run on the economy.