Media Corruption


PREMO Member


CASE NO. 3:22-CV-01213






Pending before the Court is Federal Defendants’ Corrected Motion for Partial Stay of October 21, 2022 Order Pending Petition for Writ of Mandamus [Doc. No. 92]1 . An Opposition [Doc. No. 100] was filed by Plaintiffs, 2 and Federal Defendants have filed a Reply [Doc. No. 102] to the opposition.

For the reasons set forth herein, Federal Defendants’ Corrected Motion for Partial Stay is DENIED.

I. BACKGROUND On May 5, 2022, Plaintiffs filed a Complaint3 against Defendants. In the Complaint and Amended Complaint,4 Plaintiffs allege Defendants have colluded with and/or coerced social media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social media platforms by labeling the content “dis-information,” “mis-information,” and “mal-information.” Plaintiffs allege the suppression of disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content constitutes government action and violates Plaintiffs’ First Amendment right to free speech. 5 In the Complaint and Amended Complaint, Plaintiffs set forth examples of suppression of free speech, which include:

1) the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; 2) speech about the lab leak theory of COVID-19’s origin; 3) speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; 4) speech about election integrity and the security of voting by mail; 5) censorship and suppression of speech by Plaintiffs Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration; 6) censorship and suppression of Jim Hoft, owner of The Gateway Pundit, on social-media platforms; and 7) censorship and suppression of Jill Hines, co-director of Health Freedom Louisiana and Reopen Louisiana on social-media platforms.​



PREMO Member

Activist Media’s Attitude Towards ‘Citizen Journalists’ Is Exactly Why Nobody Trusts Them

What is truly interesting about this exchange is that these media activists didn’t even realize they were proving Musk’s point. They are trying to discredit the notion that regular folks who don’t work for their esteemed media outlets could also bring important information to the American public. Folks like this believe that they – and only they – should be entrusted with the responsibility of informing the populace.

But what most people know is that despite O’Connor’s contention that major news outlets have fact-checkers and editors, mainstream media routinely gets it wrong, oftentimes deliberately so. Trust in the media has declined significantly over the past decade.

There is a reason for that.

The big letter news agencies have shown even more that their aim is to influence rather than inform. Many of these companies have acted as full-on propaganda mills for the Democratic Party while cloaking themselves under the veneer of objectivity, even though they are no longer fooling anyone.

Rather than being honest about their bias, they sell a deceptive image of fairness and balance to their audience, hoping to fool them into believing they are only reporting the facts. Indeed, most people would not have a problem with the media if they were open about their political leanings. But the fact that they choose to lie has been their undoing.

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PREMO Member

Corrupt Media Have Created A Hilarious Problem For Themselves In Time For Trump’s 2024 Campaign

For the past six years, journalists in Washington and New York have been pondering aloud on how “responsible” they are for Trump having ever been president, what they should have done to prevent it, and how they can handicap him if he ever tries to get there again.

This is called a conspiracy. Or, if you prefer, collusion.

But since they’re on the record admitting their emotional hostility toward a major party presidential candidate, it’s impossible for them to pretend that every editorial decision they make in covering the election is anything but driven by that hostility. It’s not new that the media hate Trump. But that there is now such an enormous body of evidence proving that they are prepared to actively choke every ounce of breath from his new campaign means they can’t sell it to voters that this is going to be fair by any measure.

Hmm. Who do we know to have thrived in and even relished circumstances that are demonstrably unfair? Not sure at the moment, but I’ll get back to ya!

If Trump wants to recreate 2016, he’ll have to do what he did in 2016. He’ll have to step outside of the Fox News cocoon and beat the media on their turf — their studios, their airwaves. I don’t know if he can do it again, but it’s the only way. To limit himself to friendly (though increasingly less so) anchors at Fox is to write off all the voters he needs and who want to hear him answer questions related to his handling of the pandemic, crime, abortion, Ukraine, the economy, and on and on. He can’t be afraid to put himself in that environment now, just as he wasn’t in 2016. The point is to prove that as president, he had it right, that the press has been wrong, and that the truth is on his side.


PREMO Member

Hilariously Bad Take as Leftist Host Attacks Elon Over Ligma, Johnson

On her show Thursday, she talked about those poor employees while she went after Musk. Gray claimed Elon had “created such a poor working environment” and had to ask those employees back because he fired Ligma and Johnson “prematurely.” I’m not sure she truly got what she said there. She mocked Musk, claiming the “single genius myth” was “just that, a myth.” She even claimed the “employees didn’t look so happy” in the picture.

Now, that’s pretty funny. But isn’t that so emblematic of the liberal media? They can’t be bothered to report the truth; they report what they want the truth to be. But in this case, she doesn’t realize how ridiculous she is, as she’s mocking Musk over being a genius when she proved how clueless she was. These folks expect us just to accept what they say blindly, then don’t understand why we don’t take them seriously.

The trolls and Musk had a great laugh at that one.



PREMO Member

Associated Press Reporter Fired After Retracting Story on Russian Missiles Hitting Poland

According to the Daily Beast, the Associated Press fired investigative reporter James LaPorta while retaining reporter John Leicester, who co-wrote the piece.

The piece, which was originally co-bylined with John Leicester (who is still working at the AP), attributed the information to a single “senior U.S. intelligence official,” despite the AP’s rule that it “routinely seeks and requires more than one source when sourcing is anonymous.”
The only exception, according to its statement of news values and principles, is when “material comes from an authoritative figure who provides information so detailed that there is no question of its accuracy”—a situation that seemingly did not occur, as the report was fully retracted last Wednesday.


Are we supposed to believe AP has ' Standards '


PREMO Member

YouTube: purveyor of disinformation

Now everybody agrees the laptop is real. More than 2 years after it mattered to the election, even CBS News, one of the last holdouts, has admitted in a breathless “exclusive” report that the laptop and its contents are genuine. Ed wrote about it here yesterday, as did I in a later commentary.

Taibbi’s angle on the story is different, though. Not only was the video he published 100% correct, but it is still labeled as disinformation on the site, while vast quantities of actual misinformation from MSM sources are all up, unpunished for misinformation, and still among the first videos pushed by YouTube when searching for information on the laptop story.

YouTube, despite all evidence to the contrary, is labeling true information as false, and false information as true. All while punishing the producer of the video by putting a strike against the account that could result in expulsion from the platform. It is a masterclass in disinformation itself.

YouTube also pushed this disinformation campaign. It still does. Despite the total absence of evidence ever existing that the laptop was either fake or part of a Russian “information operation” and a growing pile of evidence that the laptop is real, YouTube continues to leave unmolested on its site countless videos promoting the conspiracy theory — that’s what it is, let’s be clear — that the laptop story is both bunk and an intelligence op.


PREMO Member

Facebook Confirms It Has Ties to a U.S. Military Propaganda Campaign

Meta has acknowledged the discovery of several clusters of fake accounts and pages believed to be linked to individuals associated with the US military,” according to the company’s latest adversarial threat report published this week according to a report by RT. The U.S. ruling class has been trying to control and brainwash the public into compliance with their enslavement for decades. This isn’t news, except, Meta is now admitting it.

“Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military,” the company said in a blog post on Tuesday.

The influence campaign was discovered earlier this year and in total Meta removed 39 Facebook and 26 Instagram accounts, as well as 16 pages and two groups, all for violating the company’s policy against “coordinated inauthentic behavior.”

The social media giant admitted that the large-scale operation ran beyond those several dozen accounts and across many other internet platforms, including Twitter, YouTube and Telegram – as well as major Russian social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It seemingly attempted to downplay the discovery by insisting that the “majority of this operation’s posts had little to no engagement from authentic communities” and highlighting similar “deceptive campaigns”by China and Russia.-RT


PREMO Member

Taylor Lorenz endorses China COVID policy, attacking WaPo

The Chinese policies are brutal. Over the weekend a fire broke out in a high rise building and residents were trapped inside and died due to COVID isolation protocols. Firefighters couldn’t even reach the building for a long time because route were blocked due to COVID protocols.

It is hardly a surprise that the Chinese population is rising up in opposition, and perhaps endangering the Xi regime itself. (Although don’t hold your breath–the Chinese can be more brutal yet).



PREMO Member

Taylor Lorenz defends China’s ‘zero COVID’ lockdowns, bashes US

Lorenz last week posted a tweet in response to her employer’s Twitter link of an article which examines the ramifications of Beijing’s “zero COVID” strategy, which aims to completely stamp out coronavirus cases rather than contain outbreaks and treat symptoms.

“A coronavirus outbreak on the verge of being China’s biggest of the pandemic has exposed a critical flaw in Beijing’s ‘zero COVID’ strategy: a vast population without natural immunity,” the Washington Post’s caption read.

Lorenz, who has criticized the US government’s lifting of virus mitigation measures and is often seen in public wearing a mask due to having a medical condition that puts her at risk, criticized her own newspaper.

“Choosing not to kill off millions of vulnerable people (as the US is doing) isn’t a ‘critical flaw,'” Lorenz tweeted.

“There is no lasting ‘natural immunity’ to COVID,” Lorenz added. “You can get covid over and over and over again bc there are so many endlessly evolving strains and antibodies wane.”


Well-Known Member
“Choosing not to kill off millions of vulnerable people (as the US is doing) isn’t a ‘critical flaw,'” Lorenz tweeted.
No, they essentially kill them off pre-emptively by locking them inside. No harm, no foul.
You do know they've had zero COVID deaths since around March of 2020, right?


PREMO Member

CNN boss Chris Licht guts HLN amid cost-cutting bloodbath

CNN boss Chris Licht has gutted sister network HLN, terminating all live programming as part of ongoing layoffs and budget cuts.

Licht slashed HLN’s “Morning Express with Robin Meade,” as well as “Weekend Express,” he announced in a memo to CNN’s remaining staff on Thursday.

Meade and HLN’s live news programming staffers will be among those fired.

Also getting their pink slips Thursday were prominent CNN correspondents Alison Kosik, Martin Savidge, Alex Field, Mary Ann Fox, and Chris Cillizza, according to Variety.

CNN declined to comment on the overall number of job cuts when reached by The Post.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

CNN boss Chris Licht guts HLN amid cost-cutting bloodbath

CNN boss Chris Licht has gutted sister network HLN, terminating all live programming as part of ongoing layoffs and budget cuts.

Licht slashed HLN’s “Morning Express with Robin Meade,” as well as “Weekend Express,” he announced in a memo to CNN’s remaining staff on Thursday.

Meade and HLN’s live news programming staffers will be among those fired.

Also getting their pink slips Thursday were prominent CNN correspondents Alison Kosik, Martin Savidge, Alex Field, Mary Ann Fox, and Chris Cillizza, according to Variety.

CNN declined to comment on the overall number of job cuts when reached by The Post.
Raze both buildings to the ground.

With all the Leftlists in them.