Media Corruption


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New York Magazine: men suck

The good folks at New York have declared that 2022 is the year that men flopped. Since this particular announcement took place in their style section the fine folks there used a theater metaphor. Nicely done, New York.

Try to name even one good man. You can’t. The only thing close to a good man is Chris Pine, and he is not a man; he is a demigod. The unfortunate, painfully obvious truth is 2022 will heretofore be known as the year when men simply flopped.
There are many ways for a person to be questionable, some objectively worse than others, and men found every single one this year. There were the men with an unbearable lack of self-awareness, screaming “cancel culture” to an audience of millions. There were the men whose long history of abuse allegations did nothing to dissuade people from coming to their defense or giving them MTV VMA cameos. Did you know Louis C.K. won a Grammy this year? If anyone is concerned that these men haven’t gotten the opportunity to apologize, learn, and grow, you can rest assured — they are being given awards instead.

Brilliant! Funny! And smart to leave out Chris Pine from the general attack because he is so dreamy to look at, if occasionally a bit retrograde. He has dangly bits, but looks really nice in a well-cut suit.

Not one good man. Does that include the guys who designed the computer this was written on? Built the building you are writing in? Maintained the water, sewer, and electrical grid you are using? Drilled for the natural gas heating your apartment? The countless men who made your privileged life possible, so that you can write this drivel celebrating your own wonderfulness, Mia Mercado?


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ABC's Raddatz Blames Trump, DeSantis & Abbott for Border Crisis

On ABC’s This Week, during her interview with Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott, co-moderator Martha Raddatz suggested that Republican messaging on the border is what’s causing the massive influx of migrants pouring across the southern border. According to Raddatz, Republicans stating aloud the fact that the border isn’t secured, is the reason for the border crisis, not the fact that the border is unsecured.


Abbott corrected Raddatz’s clownish comments:

It was known from the time that Joe Biden got elected that Joe Biden supported open borders. It's known by the cartels who have sophisticated information whether or not the Biden administration is going to enforce the immigration laws or not is known across the world but most importantly known among the cartels.

Undeterred, Raddatz continued to suggest that Abbott has any responsibility for the crisis at the border by asking “how do you play into that? What can you do better?”


anyone BUT DEMOCRATS are to blame


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Fox News Host Confronts GOP Congressman on Border Criticism of Joe Biden

"Biden campaigned on it. There were people showing up to our border wearing Biden T-shirts," the GOP lawmaker said. "There's nothing hidden around the world about what this administration is doing and what Democrats on Capitol Hill are doing to say that our borders are wide open."

Roy continued: "When you put a big neon sign saying if you come here and claim asylum or heck even now you don't even have to claim asylum. In Eagle Pass where Bill Melugin was just reporting from, there's a four-acre facility processing people, they don't even have to claim asylum or get processed for credible fear."

Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Newsweek on Sunday, "Democratic candidates in 2019 were going on national television doing debates. They would raise their hands saying they'd give migrants healthcare as soon as they crossed the border."


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CNN’s Jim Acosta Says He’s Locked Out Of His Twitter Account

CNN’s Jim Acosta appears to be the latest in a growing list of journalists whose Twitter accounts have been restricted during a flurry of changes overseen by CEO Elon Musk.

In an interview with Insider columnist Linette Lopez, whose Twitter account has been suspended, Acosta said his account was locked overnight after he promoted his accounts on other social media platforms, including Post and Mastodon.

Maybe these people need to read the TOS again. Some changes were made. :faint:


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Fox News Host Confronts GOP Congressman on Border Criticism of Joe Biden

"Biden campaigned on it. There were people showing up to our border wearing Biden T-shirts," the GOP lawmaker said. "There's nothing hidden around the world about what this administration is doing and what Democrats on Capitol Hill are doing to say that our borders are wide open."

Roy continued: "When you put a big neon sign saying if you come here and claim asylum or heck even now you don't even have to claim asylum. In Eagle Pass where Bill Melugin was just reporting from, there's a four-acre facility processing people, they don't even have to claim asylum or get processed for credible fear."

Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Newsweek on Sunday, "Democratic candidates in 2019 were going on national television doing debates. They would raise their hands saying they'd give migrants healthcare as soon as they crossed the border."

If republicans were smart they'd push to these immigrants that democrats hate christians. Since most of these people are christian it may make democrats think about what they are doing.


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WebMD made its article’s premise clear: Measles is spreading and dastardly anti-vaxxers are behind it all! Its reporter breathlessly wrote:

The Ohio measles outbreak continues to expand, with cases now totaling 81 – a 37% increase in the course of just 2 weeks.

The lead health official where the outbreak is occurring said the driving force behind the spread is vaccine hesitancy. Most of the children infected were unvaccinated but were old enough to get the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) shot, which is 97% effective at preventing measles.

“I think these are individuals who are making a decision not to protect their children against vaccine-preventable diseases, and some of them are making a specific decision not to use the MMR vaccine,” [said] Columbus Public Health Commissioner Mysheika W. Roberts, MD[.]

If a parent wants to let their kid get measles, to develop natural immunity, how is it the state’s business?

I tracked the story to its source. Round and round it goes. The WebMD article, along with all the other similar ones in other venues like CNN Health, they all came from a single story planted, I mean published, in JAMA on December 15th, which soberly reported the current apocalyptic threat to public health:

A measles outbreak is underway this winter in central Ohio, where 73 known cases and 26 hospitalizations have occurred since late October, according to health department data updated on December 12. The Columbus-area outbreak comes on the heels of an unrelated cluster [of 22 cases in Minnesota this year.

You guys still with me? WebMD said there are 73 cases in Ohio and 22 cases in Minnesota. Remember those numbers.

Next, the world’s premier medical journal reported the first bit of actual good news, even though JAMA thinks it’s grotesque, anti-scientific backsliding into medieval medical thinking, like bleeding people for their inconstant humours or something:

According to the November 25 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), an estimated 24.7 million children worldwide missed their first measles vaccine dose through routine immunization services in 2021, and another 14.7 million missed their second dose.

Haha, they “missed” their doses. How about that. Progress! I wonder WHY those parents don’t trust the safe and effective measles vaccine.

I’m not baffled, though.

The JAMA article then disclosed its story was based on a single WHO report — things became even clearer — and the WHO writer warned its institutional readers in very stark terms, about … measles.

“With record lows of nearly 25 million children who did not receive even one dose of measles vaccine, suboptimal early detection of measles outbreaks through surveillance, and large ongoing outbreaks,” she said, “measles is an imminent threat in every region of the world.”

It’s an imminent threat! To the entire world! Quick, apply mandates!

JAMA then drew a line directly between the Ohio “outbreak” and vaccine hesitancy, citing exactly the same health administrator in Ohio that WebMD did. That’s science, apparently. One health administrator’s goofy opinion, and corporate media is off to the races. Anyway, here’re the overwrought unscientific paragraphs that JAMA squeezed out of the Ohio lady’s hatred for anti-vaxxers:

In the US, most children today have access to vaccines, Ratner said in an interview. Vaccine hesitancy, however, is a major barrier to childhood vaccination that is growing in importance, he said.

… During the pandemic, vaccination turned “into this insanely polarized political thing,” he said, further eroding vaccine acceptance. “Once there was that kind of hesitancy out there and that kind of divisiveness, it’s not surprising that it has bled over into people thinking about vaccine mandates and childhood vaccines in general.”

Vaccine hesitancy—or outright refusal—is driving the measles outbreak among children in central Ohio, according to Mysheika W. Roberts, MD, MPH, health commissioner for Columbus Public Health, the jurisdiction where about 95% of the total cases have occurred. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic threw fuel on antivaccination sentiment, pockets of her community refused the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, she said in an interview.

She attributed this refusal to a persistent misconception that the vaccine causes autism... “I think these are individuals who are making a decision not to protect their children against vaccine-preventable diseases, and some of them are making a specific decision not to use the MMR vaccine,” Roberts said.

Doctor Roberts thinks it’s the anti-vaxxers. She “thinks” so. How can she be sure, she’s working at the speed of science. In other words, she’s NOT SURE:

When asked if her community is undervaccinated, Roberts replied, “That’s a great question.” Her jurisdiction’s measles vaccination rate is estimated at 80% to 90%, but accurate data aren’t available because reporting to Ohio’s vaccine registry isn’t mandatory, she explained.​

This entire multi-media anti-science house of measles cards is built out of the frustrations of Mysheika (if that’s her real name) Roberts, some random health commissioner in Columbus, Ohio, and we are meant to believe she’s some kind of global measles expert, and start signing up for mandates or something.

No, thanks.

But it gets better. It’s ALL fake. It literally took me under 30 seconds of searching on DuckDuckGo to find this old 2014 story:

2014! Did you remember your 2022 numbers? The alarming WebMD article reported a shocking number of 73 measles cases in Ohio this year so far. Let’s see what the numbers looked like way back in 2014, long before the current pandemic of rabid anti-vaccine sentiment:

At least 155 people have caught the highly contagious respiratory disease, according to the Ohio Department of Health. That’s up from 68 infected as of May 13.​

Oh. A hundred and fifty-five. Only halfway through 2014, in June. What month are we in again now? That’s right, DECEMBER. So we’ve half the cases in December 2022 than we had during the first half of the 2014 measles “outbreak” of 155 kids in June 2014. Okay. But… we’re supposed to … what? Panic or something?


Searching Twitter, I found HUNDREDS of nearly identical breathless, fear-mongering tweets about the terrifying new “outbreak” when I searched for “Ohio measles”. I then spent fifteen minutes posting corrective replies, until my fingers were bleeding and I had to stop. But the fearful tweets kept scrolling downward into infinity.

There’s an outbreak, all right. It’s just not an outbreak of anti-vaxx driven measles infections. It’s an outbreak of stupidity.

We are NOT doing this again. Nope. Sorry, WHO, Sorry, JAMA. Sorry, germaphobes. Get a grip.



Mostly settled in...
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From what I've read in the course of my cancer bout, and after, recall a mention that having measles wipes out your body's immune "memory."
I had measles as a child, mom said the sores were even in my mouth and throat.

But, after the mRNA vax thing being foisted on us, am now a vaccine skeptic.


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GMA producer was paid thousands of dollars by Florida-based lobbying firm to perform 'hit job' interviews on political opponents - 11 years after she had THAT affair with married 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen

  • A Good Morning America producer is accused of using her credentials in order to do political lobbying on behalf of a major consulting firm in Florida
  • Kristen Hentschel, who previously went by Kristyn Caddell, was paid thousands for her work in attempting sabotage political campaigns
  • Hentschel was formerly best known for her affair with To Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen in 2011
  • At the time news of their affair broke, Hentschel wrote an open letter in which she worried about her future career prospects
  • Since 2016, she has worked as a freelance producer for GMA working on stories as recently up to September


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'We Need to Know' Why Members Didn't Clap

This is nothing new from Beschloss. Early last month, ahead of the November midterm elections, it was Beschloss who warned about an "authoritarian system" if the midterms did not go as he wanted them to.

"The story in 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact, whether we will be a democracy in the future. Whether our children will be arrested or conceivably killed. We're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away," he claimed.



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'We Need to Know' Why Members Didn't Clap

This is nothing new from Beschloss. Early last month, ahead of the November midterm elections, it was Beschloss who warned about an "authoritarian system" if the midterms did not go as he wanted them to.

"The story in 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact, whether we will be a democracy in the future. Whether our children will be arrested or conceivably killed. We're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away," he claimed.

Maybe he should move to Ukraine to see how its done.


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NBC historian hammered for demanding legislators who didn't applaud Zelenskyy be questioned: 'Soviet tactics'

Twitter users wondered why Beschloss was so intent on knowing such things. One user blasted Beschloss, claiming he was leaning into "his love for Soviet" totalitarian tactics.

Pro-life writer Annette Jals wrote, "Nice. @BeschlossDC showing his love for Soviet tactics. It’s well known that when Stalin spoke to crowds, the NKVD would monitor people to determine who wasn’t clapping or who stopped clapping first. This often resulted in applause sessions that seemed endless."

Conservative writer Kimberly Morin asked Beschloss, "Is this a satire account?"

Washington Examiner author Christopher Tremoglie slammed Beschloss, tweeting, "No, we really don’t NEED to know that."

"How dare they not support the latest witless proxy war," psychology professor and author Geoffrey Miller tweeted sarcastically.

Conservative influencer Márta Lisle provided her rationale for not being a fan of Zelenskyy, tweeting, "Zelenskyy banned the Orthodox Church, opposition political parties, free press, is monitoring Christian religious activities and threatening imprisonment. Maybe that’s why."

Prominent Twitter conservative Dale Stark mocked Beschloss over the Soviet-sounding nature of his tweet. He wrote, "We also need to know who clapped with insufficient enthusiasm and who stopped clapping first."


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NBC ‘justice’ reporter hit for ‘mocking’ Twitter Files revelations: ‘Corruption is good when your side wins’

NBC News "justice reporter" Ryan J. Reilly is being slammed for mocking Monday's new release of the Twitter files, which show collusion between the tech giant and the FBI and DOJ in censoring damaging information about the Biden family in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election.

Reilly tweeted "tHe PaRlEr FiLeS" with a screenshot that shows communication between the FBI and social media platform Parler.

"Totally serious journalist covering legal issues for NBC News y’all," Sunny McSunnyface, a prominent conservative Twitter account, posted. "Very Serious Journalists still mocking the uncovering of corruption and censorship of journalists because the corruption and censorship benefited Democrats. They’re Democratic activists but with less self respect than the ones who get paid by the DNC."

He continued, "Let’s be clear: Ryan is mocking and dismissing revelations that federal law enforcement colluded with social media companies to suppress investigative journalism. But because it benefits Democrats, he’s cool with it. Journalism."

The Spectator World contributing editor Stephen L. Miller tweeted, "Sorry you lost all your fed contacts at Twitter, Ryan."