Media Corruption


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NPR Employees Cry Racism Amid CEO Discussing Mass Layoffs

At one point during the meeting, The Wall Street Journal reported a laid-off black employee grilled Lansing about why some podcasts lacked marketing support, called out by name the executives for repeating statements they made in the past concerning more accountability, and questioned how the network would make diversity essential.

Lansing pointed to the network’s mission statement and told the group to “turn down the rhetoric” and refrain from naming the executives.

“I would never, ever, on your worst day, call you out by name in a meeting with 827 people,” he said. “Let’s please keep in mind nobody is happy about this. Nobody is more unhappy about it than those affected, but certainly, everybody in the company, beginning with me, this is the last thing we wanted to do.”

Despite Lansing’s remarks about making such decisions, a group of employees reportedly accused him of “tone-policing,” causing them to feel offended and uncomfortable with the conversation, which he said should have been more civil.

Employees began calling Lansing’s response “racist” during the Zoom meeting.


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NPR Employees Cry Racism Amid CEO Discussing Mass Layoffs

At one point during the meeting, The Wall Street Journal reported a laid-off black employee grilled Lansing about why some podcasts lacked marketing support, called out by name the executives for repeating statements they made in the past concerning more accountability, and questioned how the network would make diversity essential.

Lansing pointed to the network’s mission statement and told the group to “turn down the rhetoric” and refrain from naming the executives.

“I would never, ever, on your worst day, call you out by name in a meeting with 827 people,” he said. “Let’s please keep in mind nobody is happy about this. Nobody is more unhappy about it than those affected, but certainly, everybody in the company, beginning with me, this is the last thing we wanted to do.”

Despite Lansing’s remarks about making such decisions, a group of employees reportedly accused him of “tone-policing,” causing them to feel offended and uncomfortable with the conversation, which he said should have been more civil.

Employees began calling Lansing’s response “racist” during the Zoom meeting.

Do blacks listen to NPR .?


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NPR labeled 'state-affiliated media' on Twitter, same as Russia's RT and China's Xinhua

Twitter has made it official, National Public Radio (NPR) is now classified as a "US state-affiliated media" outlet on the platform.

It’s a label that has traditionally applied to state-run media outlets in foreign autocracies, like Russia’s RT and China’s Xinhua.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk shared the company’s guidance on state-affiliated media Wednesday.

"State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution," the Twitter policy read.


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State-Run Media at Work: ABC Blurs Out “TEXT TRUMP AT 88022” on Podium During Tuesday’s Speech to Block Donations to His Campaign – But They Didn’t Blur the Ad for Joe Biden!

ABC News, a proud member of the State-Run Media was working double-time on Tuesday night to prevent President Trump from collecting donations from his supporters.

ABC News blurred out “TEXT TRUMP AT 88022” on his podium last night during his speech at Mar-a-Lago. They just would not allow Trump to raise money following his arrest by a corrupt Soros-funded DA in New York City.


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Let’s slow the roll here for a second. Predictably, a left-wing publication like Salon would toss this article out there, but liberals will probably need often reminding that Trump being indicted doesn’t mean much. The charges are soaked in bias, with some aberrant explanation about how then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo halted the clock regarding the statute of limitations during COVID concerning the charges Trump is facing. And those charges are misdemeanors elevated as felonies, thanks to some fantastical writing and Trump-deranged imagination. The indictment stems from Trump's hush money arrangement with Stormy Daniels, whom Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg feels influential to the 2016 election, hiding this tryst even potentially tilting the election in Trump’s favor. And I thought it was the Kremlin connection, which is also a total hoax.

So, they must get everything they’ve held inside out into the open. Like claiming the Trump indictment is a win for the Me Too movement, given the list of women who allege sexual assault or impropriety with the former president. First, one woman is a former porn star, while the other, E. Jean Carroll, went on a tangent about rape being sexy, a remark so outlandish that CNN host Anderson Cooper was left speechless. Now, there is nuance to what she said, which Carroll elaborated on more in-depth as she took her book tour. The point is that it’s a discussion for C-Span, not a 10-minute segment on CNN, where more academic discussions aren’t appropriate for the time slot. At any rate, I wouldn’t chalk this up as a Me Too win.



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"It is just getting started, so far he is just giving his normal list of grievances. We don’t consider that necessarily newsworthy and there is a cost to us as a new organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things so our deal with you is that we will monitor these remarks," she further explained.
Maddow claiming they don't want to air untrue things is hilarious considering they have done just that with topics such as the Russiagate hoax, of which Maddow was a big promoter of during Trump's presidency. That night's panelists such as Joy Reid and Nicolle Wallace also ran afoul into the network's new guidelines.



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I’m going to be interviewed on MSNBC today by Mehdi Hasan, the author of a book called Win Every Argument. I’m looking forward to it as one would a root canal or rectal.

I accepted the invitation because it would have been wrong to refuse, on the off chance he was planning a good-faith discussion. If you’re reading this, things have gone another way.

I last appeared on MSNBC six years ago, on January 13, 2017, to talk with Chris Hayes and of all people Malcolm Nance, about the then-burgeoning Trump-Russia scandal.

The Trump-Russia story was white-hot and still in its infancy. That same day, news leaked from Israel that Americans warned the Mossad not to share information with the incoming administration, because Russia had “leverages of pressure” on Trump. Asked by Chris about the scandal generally, I made what I thought was a boring-but-true observation, that we in the media didn’t “have any hard evidence” of a conspiracy, just not a lot to go on. This was the TV equivalent of a shrug.

Nance jumped on this in a way I remember feeling was unexpected and oddly personal. “Matt’s a journalist. I’m an intelligence officer,” he snapped. “There is no such thing as coincidence in my world.” Chris jumped in to note reporters have different standards, and I agreed, saying, “We haven’t seen anything that allows us to say unequivocally that x and y happened last year.”

“Unequivocally” seemed to trigger Nance. With regard to the DNC hack, he said, “That evidence is unequivocal. It’s on the Internet.” As for “these links possibly with the Trump team,” he proclaimed, “You’re probably never going to see the CIA’s report.” Nance went on to answer “no” to a question from Chris about whether leaks “were coming from the intelligence community,” Chris wrapped up with a sensible suggestion that we all not rely on a parade of “leaks and counter-leaks,” and the segment was done.


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The Powerful Media Pretend They Are Powerless

It's unintentionally laughable when cable news hosts like Rachel Maddow break in to announce that MSNBC will not be airing any of Donald Trump's post-arraignment speech live because "there's a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things."

These pompous announcements aren't simply about what's true and what's false. They are about how the media elites run our democracy by telling us what happenings we're all supposed to be talking about and what should be shamed out of existence.

Or take, for example, how Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler spit nails that conservatives are talking about George Soros throwing a million dollars at a leftist PAC right after it pledged a million dollars to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the man now prosecuting Trump. Kessler proclaimed, "The intense focus on Soros is misplaced." To connect factual dots between Soros and Bragg is "incendiary." He's the Focus Checker instead of the Fact Checker.

We're in the earliest days of the 2024 presidential election cycle, and the Democrats and their media allies appear to be attempting to create a rerun of 2016. Devote all your journalistic resources and live coverage to the monstrosity that is Trump. Count on Republicans to jerk their knees and rally around Trump's flag in the desperate hope Republicans lose again, as they have in 2018, 2020, and 2022.


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Presentation Paradox – NBC NEWS

  • The press is not wrong; the Trump fans are failing!
After weeks of the press promising there would be mobs of crazed people in Manhattan for the Trump indictment, it actually happened. Only, it was the press acting like the crazed mob. Adding to the imbalanced behavior was Ben Collins. Coming fresh off of his recent foray where he rushed to see the violent protests a couple of weeks ago, only to be met with a throng of journalists, Ben once again showed up in town and was ridiculing the lack of Trump protestors.

Understand – he is not admitting the reporters promising a riot were 100% incorrect; it is that the Trump people failed to arrive in their opposition. In the liberal enclave of New York City.



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Media pounces on Clarence Thomas’ rich friend, ignores Dems doing same thing

Didn’t Clarence Thomas know?

If you want to enrich yourself using your influence as a public official, make sure to funnel the bounty through your son first!

CNN’s John King on Thursday hyped up the “blockbuster” and “bombshell report” by ProPublica this week painting Thomas as a decadent fat cat peddling his position on the Supreme Court in exchange for a jet-setting lifestyle with “Republican mega donor” Harlan Crow.

The report alleged that Thomas had accepted “gifts” from Crow that were worth potentially millions of dollars in the form of private air travel, yachting expeditions, and resort stays.

It’s every bit as outrageous as when Joe Biden traded a State Dinner invite for a beach resort stay paid for by one of his donors.

(Wait . . . nobody was outraged about that.)

Or when anti-cop Democrat Cori Bush used campaign funds to pay her husband $60,000 for “security services,” even though he wasn’t licensed to perform the job.

(Oops, the media didn’t find that too scandalous either.)

California Rep. Maxine Waters has created an entire business scheme out of raising money for her campaigns and then funneling more than a million dollars of it to her daughter.


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Scientific American Compares DeSantis to Mussolini

It is hardly breaking news that many once-trustworthy science and medical publications have been infected by leftist ideology. One of the worst cases involved the Lancet, which published an editorial in May of 2020 that openly urged American voters to replace then-President Trump. Sadly, this disease has continued to metastasize. The latest outbreak just appeared in Scientific American, which published an opinion piece on Friday claiming that the education policies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “mirror past fascist strategies in ways that are disquieting for American democracy.”

The author is Eden McLean, an associate professor of modern European history at Auburn University. She admits that “fascism” is frequently misapplied but exonerates herself of that sin as follows: “Nonetheless, highlighting the parallels between the ambitions of DeSantis and those of the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini exposes the shared threat to democracy.” McLean’s academic work focuses on the period of the last century during which authoritarian regimes rose to power in Italy, Germany, and Spain. All three used public education to reinforce their rule, but McLean uses the Italian model to denounce DeSantis:

At the heart of fascist political strategy was the expansion of state control over public and private life under the facades of popular support and common good. Mussolini may have been legally appointed as Italy’s prime minister in 1922, but by 1927 all political parties had been banned or absorbed into his Fascist Party. At the Ministry of Education, Mussolini appointed nine ministers over 21 years. Only five had teaching experience but, more importantly, all but one (who quit after six months) were devoted party members who did little to question Mussolini’s directives.

What “parallels” does McLean see here? She graciously allows that DeSantis hasn’t banned any political parties, yet detects something sinister in the way he exercises his duty under the state constitution to appoint the members of the Board of Education: “In Florida, as in more than a dozen other states, the governor appoints all members to the Board of Education.” If so many other governors do the same thing, what’s the problem? At length she reveals the secret: “Florida’s current Board of Education includes three lawyers, one doctor, two business executives and just one teacher (who was appointed in March).”

McLean clearly doesn’t know that, until recently, the makeup of the Florida School Board was typical of what she once would have found throughout the country. The idea was that school boards should be representative of the communities they serve. The notion that they should be dominated by “educators” is an artifact of the systematic infiltration of school boards by the teachers unions. What DeSantis has been doing with his appointments is precisely the opposite of fascism. He is returning control of Florida’s schools to parents and students who want education rather than leftist indoctrination. McLean disapproves:

First, it means a small number of people rely on their personal priorities for a child’s education to determine school curricula for all students. The dependence on individual perspectives as much as knowledge grounded in research and expertise leads to an increasing conflation of faith with science, memory with history, and dogmatism with truth. Second, the unwillingness to provide students with subject-appropriate, expert-developed materials that introduce them to new ideas limits their ability to assess sources for reliability and accuracy.


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Media Hoax: No, the Diary of Anne Frank Has Not Been Banned From Florida Schools

“Anne Frank’s diary gives a child’s face to the Holocaust’s incomprehensible truths. It often constitutes what the @HolocaustMuseum calls ‘the first, and sometimes only, exposure many people have to the history of the Holocaust.’ Who would want to ban it?” – Nat Geo writer David Beard tweeted.

Not a week goes by that the mainstream media and their allies in the Democratic party don’t work hand in hand to misinform the public in an effort to push false narratives about their political opposition.

This week has certainly been no exception to that rule, with the Associated Press among the numerous media outlets that have distorted a Florida high school’s decision to remove from their library a book that was very loosely based on the Diary of Anne Frank on the grounds that it minimized the Holocaust and depicted Frank as a young lesbian girl who fantasized about seeing women’s breasts.

Katie Couric was among the many so-called “journalists” who shared the story:
