Media Corruption


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PBS leaving Twitter after NPR departure

The public broadcaster joined NPR in saying it is no longer interested in sharing its content on the platform, after owner Elon Musk slapped a “government-funded” label on its account, which carries more than 2 million followers.

“PBS stopped tweeting from our account when we learned of the change and we have no plans to resume at this time,”a spokesman for the outlet told The Hill. “We are continuing to monitor the ever-changing situation closely.”


PREMO Member
It was with head-shaking inevitability that we learned the Jose Biden administration was altering IRS standards so that now private businesses making side venture transactions on payment platforms such as Venmo would have to report the revenue this year. Scott MacFarlane has taken a respite from his January 6 obsession to detail how small businesses will be affected by the new move.

Tellingly, we get no notification of how this basically defies the message from the White House that the massive spending increase at the IRS and the hiring of a new army of hundreds of thousands of agents were not going to impact the middle class and entrepreneurial business owners. Funny, because we were told that very detail – from CBS News.



PREMO Member
Chris Hayes had some critical things to say about Senator Tim Scott and his stance on abortion. Okay, fair enough so far. But we have to point out that it is rather assured – if not outright promised – if anyone on the right were referring to a black Democrat and used the "not very good at swimming" reference, there would be no shortage of accusations being heard in the press. Hell, Joy Reid would get a week's worth of material out of that!



Well-Known Member
Chris Hayes had some critical things to say about Senator Tim Scott and his stance on abortion. Okay, fair enough so far. But we have to point out that it is rather assured – if not outright promised – if anyone on the right were referring to a black Democrat and used the "not very good at swimming" reference, there would be no shortage of accusations being heard in the press. Hell, Joy Reid would get a week's worth of material out of that!

You mean like Joe Frazier in the pool on superstars?


PREMO Member

Now let’s take a closer look at that graph. The revenue bar in blue totals about $450 million in 2018-19, and $600 million in 2017-18 (the Olympics added to their revenue).

In both years the government bar, in magenta, totaled about $1.2 billion in each year.

Does that make sense? The government bar is smaller, but the revenues are vastly larger. Hmm. What happened there?




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“Attacking this Canadian institution, attacking the culture and local content that is so important to so many Canadians, really indicates the values and the approach that [conservative political rival] Mr. Poilievre is putting forward,” Trudeau declared.

Trudeau, as an avowed admirer of “basic Chinese dictatorship,” reflexively defends CCP-style state media. It affords his administration the means to disseminate its propaganda unchecked by facts.

CBC, like its American and British counterparts NPR and BBC, insists absurdly that it is “independent” while dependent on state funding.

“Our journalism is impartial and independent. To suggest otherwise is untrue. That is why we are pausing our activities on @Twitter,” the CBC protested as it quit Twitter.

But the proof of the CBC’s wholesale collaboration with the government is in the pudding. No matter how draconian or authoritarian the Trudeau administration proves itself to be, the CBC is reliably in his corner, loyally pumping out the state narrative without exception.

Consider, as one example of many in the dozens of years of service to the state since its incorporation in 1936, the CBC’s framing of the COVID freedom trucker convoy to protest draconian vaccine mandates in Ottawa last winter.

Via CBC, Feb. 19, 2022 (emphasis added):

The scenes that unfolded in downtown Ottawa over the past three weeks have been described by people living there as disruptive and frightening. For people right across the country, they’ve also been eye-opening.
Anyone who thought this kind of dug-in, angry occupation of streets in a capital city would never happen in Canada was proven wrong by how quickly and easily Ottawa was brought to a standstill by the so-called Freedom Convoy.
What’s more, as the days of diesel-spewing truck idling and intrusive horn-honking went on, there has been disbelief at how little anyone seemed willing — or able — to do.

“Please, Mr. Trudeau, crush the convoy harder!” was essentially the plea.

In doing so, CBC granted the would-be dictator the rhetorical cover to persecute the truckers with an unprecedentedly heavy hand.



PREMO Member

Media ‘fact checkers’ lie to defend Alvin Bragg

Consider the case of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, subject of a House hearing in New York City on Monday. The media was quick to circle the wagons and “debunk” actual truths.

First up, it’s “false,” Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler claimed, that billionaire George Soros “funded Alvin Bragg.”

Except an anti-police group called the Color of Change PAC announced in May 2021 that they wanted to back Bragg’s candidacy for DA with $1 million. Days later, Soros cut Color of Change a check for $1 million.

Anyone can see exactly what happened here — yet the fact-checkers were more than happy to further demolish their credibility in arguing the contrary with pure semantics. The fact-checker’s case that Soros didn’t fund Bragg amounts to nothing more than “Soros didn’t fund him — the PAC did!”


Well-Known Member

Media ‘fact checkers’ lie to defend Alvin Bragg

Consider the case of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, subject of a House hearing in New York City on Monday. The media was quick to circle the wagons and “debunk” actual truths.

First up, it’s “false,” Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler claimed, that billionaire George Soros “funded Alvin Bragg.”

Except an anti-police group called the Color of Change PAC announced in May 2021 that they wanted to back Bragg’s candidacy for DA with $1 million. Days later, Soros cut Color of Change a check for $1 million.

Anyone can see exactly what happened here — yet the fact-checkers were more than happy to further demolish their credibility in arguing the contrary with pure semantics. The fact-checker’s case that Soros didn’t fund Bragg amounts to nothing more than “Soros didn’t fund him — the PAC did!”

Until you try to say he funded the PAC at the amount they promised to support him at. Then its back to he didn't fund him directly.


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The Marriage of the Media and the Security State

Their first foray into election interference failed because, in 2016, they underestimated the power of social media and allowed Donald Trump to speak directly to the voters. They fixed that problem in 2020 by convincing Facebook and Twitter to censor legitimate news stories while disseminating disinformation. And it is no coincidence that former Obama and current Biden administration officials were involved in both interference schemes.

One such official, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell, testified before Congress last week that he facilitated the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal at the request of then-Biden campaign advisor Antony Blinken. Morell coordinated the fraudulent open letter in which he and 50 other national security “experts” claimed that the entirely accurate story published by the New York Post before the 2020 election had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian disinformation operation.” Morell also contributed to the 2016 Russia collusion hoax by writing in a New York Times op-ed that Donald Trump was pro-Putin:

Mr. Putin is a great leader, Mr. Trump says, ignoring that he has killed and jailed journalists and political opponents, has invaded two of his neighbors and is driving his economy to ruin. Mr. Trump has also taken policy positions consistent with Russian, not American, interests — endorsing Russian espionage against the United States, supporting Russia’s annexation of Crimea and giving a green light to a possible Russian invasion of the Baltic States.

This was all nonsense, but Morell seems to be a man of imperfect honesty when he can lend a hand to a Democratic presidential candidate. Indeed, he admitted during his testimony that he concocted the open letter “to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election.” Biden did use the spurious statement during a subsequent debate to “prove” that Trump’s assertions about Hunter Biden’s influence peddling were nothing but “garbage.” Meanwhile the corporate media uncritically parroted the disinformation canard, and the social media platforms censored the New York Post story.


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“Well, yeah, for 15 years, I woke up to Fox News and go to bed with Fox News, now I’m waking up to Newsmax and going bed with Newsmax,” Tuberville responded.

Notably, Tuberville has been a regular presence on both Fox News and Fox Business Network since running for Senate in 2020.

“I’m sick of it. Let them talk and speak how they want to speak. Get out of the damn way. This is a free country. But Glenn Beck, everybody that they’ve fired over there, this is a liberal family that’s trying to make a name for themselves,” Tuberville continued, taking aim at the Murdoch family. Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch has long been a close friend of Tucker Carlson and a supporter of right-of-center politics.

“And they have just cost themselves a lot of money, folks. If you’re on Fox, turn it off. Go to Newsmax, go to one of the conservative stations. Get away from this mess because it’s absolutely a crime. And what this Murdoch family’s doing,” Tuberville concluded.
