The plaintiffs argue that social media platforms contributed to the spread of violent images, extremist ideologies, and ideas of white supremacy. They claim that monetary motivations prevail over social media companies’ responsibility for public safety. The attorneys representing the families acknowledged the anticipated resistance from social media giants but emphasized their commitment to making the community and the country safer, with the ultimate goal of preventing future mass shootings.
The lawsuit also targets the manufacturer of the body armor worn by the shooter and the gun shop that sold him firearms. The families also named the parents of the shooter, claiming they knew of their son’s dangerous tendencies.
Attributing direct causation between the content on these platforms and real-world violence is a difficult task. Social media companies employ algorithms to personalize users’ experiences, but this does not necessarily mean they actively endorse or promote hate-filled ideologies. Algorithms are designed to cater to users’ preferences and interests, which, unfortunately, can inadvertently result in an echo chamber effect.
Indeed, if Gendron was influenced by content on social media, which many like him have been, it was his choice to consume this material. Holding social media responsible would be akin to holding Verizon responsible if someone used their service to call Gendron and convince him to commit this crime.
One of the core tenets of a democratic society is individual responsibility. While it is convenient to place the blame on social media companies, the uncomfortable reality is that individuals ultimately choose how they engage with online content. People have agency over their actions and the ability to critically evaluate the information they consume.
Blaming social media platforms for radicalization overlooks the complex interplay of factors that contribute to an individual’s mindset, including personal experiences, upbringing, and societal influences. By focusing on social media, we neglect the other crucial factors that may have played a role in the individual’s radicalization process.
Holding social media companies accountable for individual actions would have a chilling effect on free speech, which has already been attacked on social media platforms. This lawsuit would only be another tool the authoritarian left would use to stifle opinions of which they do not approve. Imposing excessive regulations will only lead to more censorship, hindering legitimate discussions on controversial topics and potentially impinging on citizens’ fundamental rights.
The Giffords Law Center, which has been at the forefront of the gun control effort appears to be using this legal action to not only curtail gun rights, but also to crack down on speech. It is another avenue that authoritarians on the left would exploit to ensure their political opposition is not able to express their views.
As is typical, they are claiming to only target racist white supremacist speech that might radicalize people like Gendron. But too many of us have seen that these people believe anything they don’t agree with falls under this category, meaning that even mainstream right-leaning opinions are most likely to be the target than anything else. As much as I feel for the families of the victims of that terrible shooting, using government force to silence people is not the answer.
The congressional baseball shooter comes to mind