Media Corruption


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PREMO Member
And Jessica just has to take it because in the oppressed hierarchy, I think black male trumps (ha!!!) Jewish female.


Well-Known Member
These Democrats lived through the Trump Administration. We weren't at war, the economy was good minimum inflation we had fuel at a cheap price and we had plenty of it., Now they are living through Joe Biden inflation, illegals , war, sending money to America's enemies, sending our manufacturing to the dirtiest countries in the world while giving lip service to cleaning the air..
What is it they refuse to see? How blind can they be.? I just cannot understand anyone who wants Joe Biden in the WH for another 4 years. Years that he probably will not survive or if he does he survives as a vegetable while Jill and Obama run the country.


Well-Known Member

She wrote a book called "Hatemonger". It attacks a man called Steven Miller and accuses him of white supremacism. white nationalism, calls him a racist and states that he is against illegal immigration. She calls him an advisor to former President Trump.
She is now out of a job, and looking for another and using her authorship of her attacks on Miller and Trump as an inducement.

If anyone wants to hire a radical left-wing vomit spewing Latino kunt. Now is your big chance.


Well-Known Member
She wrote a book called "Hatemonger". It attacks a man called Steven Miller and accuses him of white supremacism. white nationalism, calls him a racist and states that he is against illegal immigration. She calls him an advisor to former President Trump.
She is now out of a job, and looking for another and using her authorship of her attacks on Miller and Trump as an inducement.

If anyone wants to hire a radical left-wing vomit spewing Latino kunt. Now is your big chance.
Ya know what? This is crazy. She write about a man and White Supremacy and white nationalism, and then she use the fact that she is latino to apply for a job. Isn't that racist?


PREMO Member

MRC's Tim Graham on C-SPAN: Vox Is Wrong, Conservatives Do NOT Dominate Media!

NewsBusters Executive Editor Tim Graham appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal on Saturday morning to discuss media bias in the presidential campaign and take calls from viewers across the country. The host, Kimberly Adams, began by talking about the generalities of media bias and how NewsBusters operates. Then she shared a long quote from the leftist website Vox by Eric Levitz claiming the media is dominated by Biden critics.

Of course, there are plenty of unabashedly left-of-center media outlets. And some of these do seek to boost narratives favorable for the Democratic Party. But Fox News is more consistently propagandistic than MSNBC and boasts a 42 percent larger viewership. Right-wing talk radio dwarfs the influence of progressive alternatives. Sinclair Broadcast Group — one of the largest owners of local TV news stations — is an ardently conservative family-owned firm that donates to the GOP and disseminates right-wing propaganda on its affiliate stations. And although the audience for Fox News and right-wing talk radio may consist largely of partisan Republicans, viewers of local evening news broadcasts are ideologically diverse.
Therefore, Trump has a much better apparatus for maintaining the approval and enthusiasm of his party’s voters, and for seeding politically favorable narratives, than Biden does.

Tim wasn't buying it:

TIM GRAHAM: This kind of requires a multi-paragraph answer. Obviously, yes, Fox has a larger audience than MSNBC or CNN. But if you compare it to the evening newscasts on ABC or CBS or NBC, those all are going to be greater than Fox. Certainly, when you add them all together, they are much greater than Fox. I think sometimes when people say Sinclair owns all these TV stations, what's ironic about is, yes, you could argue that maybe Sinclair's local TV, maybe they send a corporate directive and say "you should say these words" or "do it this way." But a lot of these Sinclair stations are ABC affiliates or NBC affiliates or CBS affiliates, so what they are doing in a lot of cases is putting out what you would call the mainstream media news.
We are always going to disagree with the idea that somehow the conservative media has greater influence than the liberal media or greater reach. I'm going to disagree with that, and you can have that debate. But obviously, yes, we feel that the media is dominated by -- I mean, look at the White House briefing room. How many reporters in the White House briefing room voted for Trump? Maybe three. And you know, there's like 80 people in there. I think that is where we are coming from. Most of what we call the legacy media, the established media, the big brands of media are liberals and Democrats.

Adams then pressed on the idea of whether an attempt to balance the news leads to offering time to falsehoods -- a common liberal complaint. Tim mentioned Arianna Huffington writing a book titled Right Is Wrong, that the conservatives don't deserve a space in the debate, and that mentality rules today. He added part of the problem now with falsehoods is that the "fact checkers" tilt to the left just like the liberal outlets and donors than fund them.

yeah ' legacy ' media claiming the right has more power in news, when progressive media has MORE VOICES screeching leftist propaganda , because Americans are not buying their bullshit refusing to believe the progressive narrative like Bidenomices has made our lives so much better when Americans can see for themselves the prices at the grocery store, how much less money is left from their pay checks ....
