Media Corruption


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Liberal Sports Show MELTSDOWN Calling For ESPN To DENOUNCE UFC Fighter For DEMOLISHING WOKE Reporter​



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IT'S OVER! Trump Just KILLED The Legacy Media And They're FURIOUS​

Why all this Trump hysteria?

What’s an authoritarian, anyway? The word is squishy. It can mean someone who likes to have his own way or someone who compels you to do things his way. Since we’re dealing with extreme emotions, I’m going with a hardline definition: an authoritarian, let’s say, is an actual or would-be dictator.

If you expect to become an authoritarian, you have to wield absolute control over a key institution of government such as the military (Franco, Peron, Pinochet) or a mass movement with a paramilitary wing (Lenin, Mussolini, Mao). Neither condition applies to Trump. Every federal institution is set ferociously against him. What would happen if Trump ordered the FBI or the 101st Airborne Division to start shooting Democrats? Homeric laughter would happen. And if Trump is training a militia somewhere off the 18th hole at Mar-a-Lago, not even the Times has heard about it.

The conservative establishment has, on occasion, co-opted an authoritarian as a bulwark against the Left. That was Hitler’s bridge to power. But the Republican and conservative elites here ran shrieking for the door the moment Trump won the nomination in 2016. They coined the term “Never-Trumper”: when it comes to the presidency, they prefer the entire population of the United States ahead of the evil Orange Man.

What kind of a person becomes an authoritarian? Well, it may look like fun, but authoritarianism is really hard work. You need to be in the prime of life, in your 30s or 40s (Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Mao, Castro). Very rarely, an exceptional person such Caesar is granted literal dictatorship (the Romans invented the whole idea) in his early 50s. In a clear case of ageism, however, no septuagenarian has ever been offered the job.

The authoritarian personality favours clever manipulations and conspiracies. Best in class was Stalin, who held the purely administrative job of First Party Secretary but seized total power by seeding loyalists everywhere. Trump, who was a builder of buildings, a task with a beginning and an end, can scarcely think ahead from breakfast to lunch. This is a life playing out at the Short Attention Span Theatre.

Trump never dealt with a permanent bureaucracy before his election. Far from being a Machiavellian, he proved to be something of a simpleton — or if we want to be kind, a naif — who was constantly tripped up and outmanoeuvred by his own bureaucrats. Even if you are one of the 10 humans on earth who still believe the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian hack, you have to admit that failure to kill that narrative reflects poorly on Trump’s conspiratorial skills.

Still, I know what some political depressives will be thinking — and they’re wrong. January 6 was not an insurgency aiming to install Trump as Chief Authoritarian. In an insurgency, people with guns shoot at each other and lots of them die. In the firefight to convert Augusto Pinochet into El Supremo, 3,000 Chileans died. That’s an insurgency
. On January 6, only one person died — a young woman who was shot by a Capitol policeman while trying to break through a door into the House chamber. She was unarmed, as was the rest of the trespassing mob. There’s no such thing as an unarmed insurgency.

What else can I say to reassure the fretful? Shall we talk about the Trump rhetoric? To borrow a phrase from Hillary Clinton, Trump should be sent to a reeducation camp run by Miss Manners, no question about it. But we’re talking about authoritarianism here. Now, both as a kid in Cuba and in my professional life, I had the pleasure of sitting through entire Fidel Castro speeches. I mean, I served freedom by deciphering every cough and mumble that bearded authoritarian could utter in a four-hour tirade. And say what you will about Trump’s rhetoric, you can be sure of this: he’s no Fidel Castro.


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Let me just stop this reporter right there. What exactly is so stunning about Harris' "background in particular?" We are talking about a woman who got her start in politics in an allegedly very questionable manner. She then road a wave of favoritism, parlaying that into a spot as the Attorney General of California. Was she good at that job? Not particularly, but as a U.S. Senator, she was even worse, becoming nothing more than a generic backbencher.

That lack of a standout record and her naked ambition prompted her to run for president in 2019. I say 2019 and not 2020 because despite having a lead in the race early on, plenty of donor support, and a media apparatus in her corner, she still managed to not even make it to the actual election year. So again, I ask, what exactly in Harris' "background" and "career" is so astonishing that it should be getting Coates this worked up?

The framing is clearly meant to convey that the only reason one might question the vice president's ability is bigotry. Harris was more than happy to play into that and in the most awkward manner possible.

HARRIS: Well, I think that most women who have risen in their profession, who are leaders in their profession have had similar experiences. I was the first woman to be elected district attorney, I was the first woman to be elected Attorney General of the state of California, and I'm the first woman to be vice president.
(weirdly long pause)
...and I love my job (cackles).



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Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters

During Fox News’s coverage of the New Hampshire Republican Primary Tuesday night, a one-sided fight broke out between conservative Fox News host Charles Payne and liberal Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov after President Trump won.

As Mediaite reported, Tarlov opened up by whining that Trump “has an uncontrollable narcissism and rage about him when he feels insulted.”

Relevant transcript:

Payne: I don’t think it’s narcissism. When you have lived in New York long enough, you think it’s mainly a New York thing. When someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That’s how I grew up in Harlem.

Tarlov: Not if the country’s at stake, right (should Trump win)?

Payne: He became President of the United States with that same personality…Biden’s vitriol and hatred for MAGA is far worse than President Trump’s individual battles with someone who crosses him.
That is something that is really detrimental to this country, that the President of the United States despises HALF the United States! President Biden…I had a segment coming up, so I googled “Biden hates MAGA.”
Nothing but articles after articles after articles! He has expressed hatred for half the country!
Tarlov: Who was writing those articles?
Payne: It doesn’t matter! Because the bottom line is he has vitriol for them, and so does MSNBC, and so does CNN, and so does the New York Times. They have vitrol for half the nation they don’t look at them as fellow Americans.
(Tarlov opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out)
Payne (continuing): And it’s unfortunate. They try to paint them as racist. All the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community for their prosperity. They (MAGA voters) want the same thing, they demean them all the time.

WATCH (segment begins with Baier’s question and Payne’s response):

F Tarlov .. I'd rather see Piers Morgan on every day


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It Begins… Politico Urges Trump Supporters to Skip His Historic Rallies

Now, the left has a new tactic.

Politico today is now urging Republicans to skip Trump rallies. They don’t think its fair that tens of thousands will come out for Trump when Old Joe can only garner a few hundred supporters to come out and see him – and many of those are paid supporters!

Millions of Americans have seen President Trump speak in the past 8 years. The elites want it to stop.

From Politico.

The line snaked along the driveway, hundreds of people long. The weather was dreadful in southern New Hampshire — ice and the slush and the subfreezing temperatures — but Donald Trump’s faithful didn’t care. They were willing to wait two hours in the freezing cold, and three more in an airless ballroom, to witness what promised to be a triumphal occasion: The day before, their besieged champion had won a resounding victory in Iowa, and tonight’s rally would be his victory lap. The night held forth the possibility of Vintage Trump — punchy, emboldened, zany — and they were willing to wait for it.
Just after 7 p.m., Trump took the stage, two hours late. “If you think that it was easy to get here, you are wrong,” said Trump, who arrived in a militarized motorcade driven by combat-trained drivers. His audience — who had navigated their SUVs and pickup trucks across slick highways and frozen back roads — chuckled awkwardly. It was clear Trump did not want to be here.
Trump’s rallies, once the primary attraction in the MAGA universe, have become awkward sideshows in his grander political drama, which is now unfolding primarily in closed courtrooms and six-page legal orders. (Just that morning, Trump had appeared in court in New York.)
But something deeper than distraction or fatigue plagued the former president’s appearances in New Hampshire. Trump’s speeches have always been rambling and directionless, but in 2024, they have the additional drawback of being inescapably monotonous.

They can’t stop Trump. So now they are begging you to ignore him so they can continue their mass destruction of America.


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Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters

During Fox News’s coverage of the New Hampshire Republican Primary Tuesday night, a one-sided fight broke out between conservative Fox News host Charles Payne and liberal Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov after President Trump won.

As Mediaite reported, Tarlov opened up by whining that Trump “has an uncontrollable narcissism and rage about him when he feels insulted.”

Relevant transcript:

WATCH (segment begins with Baier’s question and Payne’s response):

F Tarlov .. I'd rather see Piers Morgan on every day

In the Reserves, I was stationed with a LT from the NYC area. Graduated from SUNY Maritime. Talked and acted just like Trump. Great guy. Came to learn it really was a NY thing. I decided every unit needed someone like him.


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Liberal Fox News Host SPEECHLESS As Charles Payne DESTROYS Her Trump DERANGMENT In BRUTAL Takedown!​
