Media Corruption


Beloved Misanthrope
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Atlantic Contributor Wants Taxpayers to Save Media from ‘Extinction Level Event’

Farhi was once the left-wing media reporter for the disgraced Washington Post. During a recent round of layoffs at the failing Post, Farhi accepted a buyout. Now he believes that the same people the corporate media insult, demean, and misinform (you and I) should bail out this fascist institution:

The outlook for 2024 seems especially cloudy to Sewell Chan, the editor in chief of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit publication that has been held up as a sustainable news-business model. Chan told me that the past year has been as gloomy for the news industry as 2008–09, the start of the Great Recession, when a number of titles went under. “I fear 2023–24 could be another extinction-level event,” he said.
Chan ticked off a handful of ominous trends: slow-growing ad budgets; rising inflation, which has stymied subscription growth; and a shortage of engineering and newsroom-tech talent that has crimped innovation. Chan suspects that audiences are experiencing subscription overload—too many streaming services, Substack newsletters, and digital publications chasing not enough would-be customers. Then there’s the decline in public trust in news media, a long-running phenomenon on the right that has recently become more bipartisan. An October Gallup poll showed a decline of 18 percent in media “trust” among Democrats and 13 percent among independents over the previous year. Chan also suggested that the media is turning off potential readers by being too relentlessly negative.

That makes some sense to me, but then we come closer, to the moral of the story…

The news industry has been in steady decline for two decades. Expecting some kind of free-market-based turnaround is lunacy. If journalism is essential for preserving democratic self-government, perhaps only democratic self-government can preserve journalism.

In other words, the taxpayers should now prop up a rotting and corrupt institution that hates us. You’ll note that Farhi doesn’t want the media to change, or to improve, or to become something Americans might find valuable, useful, honest, and worthy of a subscription. No, he wants a taxpayer bailout, so the liars responsible for this…

…can continue to go right on doing it.

You see, liars cannot survive in a free market. The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Conde Nast, Sports Illustrated, Gawker, Jezebel, BuzzFeed News, Vice, and CNN are all shuttered or shrinking for only one reason — in a free country, there’s no market for their lies and propaganda, for their superior snark and cultural bigotry.


You want to fix journalism? The following three words of advice are the only chance the corporate media might still have: Stop ****ing lying.


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Jonathan Chait, who recently outed Twitchy as a "conservative rage curator," wrote a piece for New York Magazine saying how the supposedly weaponized Justice Department keeps targeting the wrong party: Rep. Cori Bush, Sen. Bob Menendez, and Hunter Biden (who's really felt the brunt of it).

Former GOP debate moderator John Harwood had just one word to say about the weaponized justice system — and a whole lot of other grievances.



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Racist, Deadspin bully Carron Phillips has not had the best week. Granted, he did it TO HIMSELF, but still. Ouch. Guess picking on a kid wearing face paint at a Kansas City Chiefs football game was in and of itself REALLY STUPID, but add to the equation that the kid in question is actually part Native American.

9 Year Old Chiefs Fan OFFICIALLY SUES Deadspin After Woke Writer Accuses Him Of Black Face & Racism​



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WOKE NFL Reporter CONFRONTS Roger Goodell On Hiring Too Many White People In Majority Black League!​



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EU Members DEMAND SANCTIONS Against Tucker Carlson As Liberal Media FREAKS OUT Over Putin Interview!​

AOC is fuking Mental

Oh The Progressive Media is Seriously Butt Hurt


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ABC, NBC, NPR Reporters Try to Aid White House After Biden Brain Blunder

National Public Radio’s Tamara Keith had similar concerns she wanted to be reassured of. “How concerned is the President and the team here that the, quote, ‘gratuitous’ comments are going to damage him, damage public perception of him?” she asked Sams. “I think the public is smart. They can see what's going on,” he responded.

Keith was so set on trying to help the White House that she didn’t seem to appreciate even innocuous questions; showing open disdain for questions that got close to the controversy. The Washington Post’s Tyler Pager asked this fair question looking for more context for how Biden’s son Beau came up as a topic of conversation during the interview:

Just one quick follow-up. The President was animated last night. Rejecting the idea that he did not remember when his son died. Can you provide a little bit more context about – was he directly asked in the interview by the special counsel for the dates; was it a part of a broader conversation? I just need some additional context to understand what is in that report, might be helpful.

As Pager was asking his question, Keith was sitting right next to him and could be seen making faces and shaking her head at him (check out the included video).

ABC’s Selina Wang tried to give Sams an easy out to explain why the President had “memory lapses” in the interview. She tried to hand him the excuse that he was mentally distracted by the events of October 7, but Sams was either oblivious to the aid or too proud to accept it:

WANG: And you had just mentioned how these interviews happened shortly after the October 7th attacks. The President mentioned it last night. Mentioning that, does that mean that possible memory lapses happened because he was so distracted by what was happening overseas? Or do you dispute that you had any memory issues during those hours of interviews?
SAMS: I dispute that the characterizations about his memory that were in the report are accurate because they're not.


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💉 Finally, and my favorite one, MSN ran a story yesterday directly comparing the mushrooming fungal infections to covid, headlined “Health expert shares key differences between deadly fungal disease sweeping the US and Covid-19.

image 6.png

It’s C. auris again. According to MSN’s story, the C. auris fungus is “sweeping the U.S.,” calling it a “serious global health threat” with — get this — “cases having increased dramatically from 2020-2021.”

Yep. Right on schedule!

A video attached to MSN’s article, reporting on a new Lancet study, claimed there are now six times as many fungal deaths than deaths from malaria, and three times as many as from tuberculosis. But here’s the key, again. An Irish doctor quoted for the story said this; can you spot the dead giveaway?

“It's not healthy people out in the community getting infected. It's people who are on ventilators, central lines, or in ICU. C. auris isn't affecting the general population, just a smaller population who are very sick.

The other difference is how C. auris is spread. The infection is spread much more through contact in healthcare settings rather than through respiratory transmissions. People aren't breathing C. auris in.

Most if not all of C. auris cases have acquired the infection in healthcare settings, too, or have a history in healthcare settings. We're not so worried about people catching C. auris in the gym or at the movie theater or at the grocery store. That could change overtime as it becomes more common, but it's not what we're seeing now.”

Did you catch the common element? Weakened immune systems. It’s a weird thread running between all these increasing rates of previously-rare infections.

But what could be weakening all these folks’ immune systems?



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But what could be weakening all these folks’ immune systems?
Political correctness, hear me out. They forced Popeye off the air because it's an all white cast and now we have an entire generation that has grown up without eating their spinach.


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Trump, NATO, and the media

On NATO, Trump essentially said what he always says, which is that while he was president he forced NATO countries to pay more for their own defenses, which had been a goal of U.S. presidents for quite a while. Trump stressed that he had to get tough with some of the countries, had to make a credible threat to stop U.S. support, before they would pay up. Only then did they come up with more money. To illustrate that, Trump said: “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ ‘No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’ And the money came flowing in.”

What was new
there was Trump’s statement that he told the European president he would “encourage” Russia to attack if the president’s country did not pay enough for his country’s defense. That was enough to set the outrage machine in motion again. There were headlines in all the papers and websites. Excerpts of Trump’s speech shown on television. Commentators condemning Trump. If Trump had simply bragged that he strong-armed NATO to pay more for its defense, as he has done a zillion times, then there would have been no reporting. When he tossed in the “encourage” line, he dominated another news cycle. So much for the blackout.

This is not the place to do a deep dive on Trump and NATO. There have been plenty of those in other outlets. Suffice it to say that Trump’s speech in Conway was entirely consistent with things he has said about NATO in the past. And unlike any other Republican candidate, Trump has actually been president, so voters can judge what he actually did with NATO. Plus, we have a recent statement, before Trump’s Conway speech, from NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on the effect of Trump’s NATO policy. It’s worth quoting that at some length.

On Jan. 31, Stoltenberg appeared on CNN, where anchor Poppy Harlow asked him about Trump. The former president has said the United States pays a lot for NATO and doesn’t get a lot out of it, Harlow noted, and said if he wins another term, the U.S. might “fundamentally reevaluate” the role of NATO. “Would a second Trump presidency concern you about the future of U.S. membership in NATO?” Harlow asked. And then:

STOLTENBERG: I believe that the United States will continue to be a staunch NATO ally regardless of the outcome of the U.S. elections because it is in the U.S. interest to have a strong —

HARLOW: Even under President Trump?

STOLTENBERG: Well, I worked with him for four years and I listened carefully because the main criticism has been about NATO allies spending too little on NATO, and the message has been taken across the alliance in Europe and Canada. So over the last years, NATO allies have significantly increased defense spending. More and more allies meet the NATO guideline on spending 2% of GDP on defense. … In total, they have added 450 billion extra for defense. So the message from the United States that the European allies have to step up has been understood, and they are now really moving in the right direction, and that strengthens also the trans-Atlantic bond within the alliance.

Needless to say,
Stoltenberg’s assessment, that Trump’s stand actually strengthened NATO, got lost in the media hysteria that followed Trump’s Conway speech. It could be that the speech said less about NATO and more about Trump’s relationship with some media outlets, a relationship that is both troubled and transactional. Troubled for obvious reasons and transactional because Trump knows if he offers them something hot enough, they will stop everything and obsess over him again, just like they always have. And that is the lesson, such as it is, of the latest Trump-NATO-media flareup.


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Bloodbath at Paramount claims 800 jobs including CBS News journalists embroiled in controversy

Several CBS News reporters were caught up in layoffs at Paramount Global that claimed 800 jobs, including one who is embroiled in a high-stakes First Amendment fight — and another who has reportedly weathered HR probes over his workplace behavior, The Post has learned.

Catherine Herridge — an award-winning senior correspondent whose First Amendment case is being closely watched by journalists nationwide — was among the hundreds of employees at CBS parent Paramount who got pink slips on Tuesday, sources told The Post.

The carnage provoked outrage from the rank-and-file at CBS, with some focusing their ire on Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish, who pulled down $32 million in total compensation last year despite the company’s ever-shrinking financial profile.

“Everybody in the newsroom is pissed that Bob Bakish is making over $30 million and he’s making these cuts,” one insider fumed.

Elsewhere, some suspected the layoffs were more than just cost-cutting.

Sources said Herridge had clashed with CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews — a sharp-elbowed executive who was investigated in 2021 over favoritism and discriminatory hiring and management practices, as revealed by The Post.


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Catherine Herridge Laid Off by CBS in 'Blood Bath' Firing of Hundreds - She Just Reported on Biden Docs

Herridge just posted on X Monday about more damaging news to Joe Biden, noting that the House Oversight Committee wanted the transcript of the Hur interview with Joe Biden, and they expressed concerns about Biden retaining potentially sensitive documents related to specific countries involving his family’s foreign business dealings.

Herridge had previously reported a lot on the Biden family business dealings.

But it looks like she won't be following up on that — at least not with CBS.

Herridge is also heroically standing for journalistic principle.

Herridge may soon be held in contempt of court for not divulging her source for an investigative piece she penned in 2017 when she worked for Fox News and be ordered to personally pay fines that could total as much as $5,000 a day.
A source close to the situation said Fox News is paying for Herridge’s legal counsel.

A couple of months ago, she had also reported on the possibility of a "Black Swan" event.



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How The Media’s Narrative Rule About Shooters Helps Their Leftist Tilt

The media has a rule when it comes to media coverage of mass shootings in the United States. If the mass shooting can somehow be linked to a Right-wing cause, then Americans must question the entire conservative infrastructure in the United States. If somebody can tangentially be linked to a conservative show or politician, we have to question the very premises of conservatism itself — because obviously every terrible iteration of Right-wing ideology is telescoped into some evil white supremacist shooter.

But — if a mass shooter is a Left-winger, then it’s probably a gun or oppression of some sort. Or, perhaps it’s mental illness.

Here is the way the math works when we have the latest iteration of this particularly stupid narrative device.

In an attempted shooting at Joel Osteen’s packed Houston area megachurch on Sunday, reports said the shooter had previously written anti-Semitic rants, had a history of mental health issues, and used an AR-15 with a “Palestine” sticker.

Not only that, but this woman also called herself Jeffrey, and according to authorities, was placed under an order for emotional detention. She was transported to a medical facility in 2016 because she was thought to be dangerous to herself and other people.


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Bloodbath at Paramount claims 800 jobs including CBS News journalists embroiled in controversy

Several CBS News reporters were caught up in layoffs at Paramount Global that claimed 800 jobs, including one who is embroiled in a high-stakes First Amendment fight — and another who has reportedly weathered HR probes over his workplace behavior, The Post has learned.

Catherine Herridge — an award-winning senior correspondent whose First Amendment case is being closely watched by journalists nationwide — was among the hundreds of employees at CBS parent Paramount who got pink slips on Tuesday, sources told The Post.

The carnage provoked outrage from the rank-and-file at CBS, with some focusing their ire on Paramount Global CEO Bob Bakish, who pulled down $32 million in total compensation last year despite the company’s ever-shrinking financial profile.

“Everybody in the newsroom is pissed that Bob Bakish is making over $30 million and he’s making these cuts,” one insider fumed.

Elsewhere, some suspected the layoffs were more than just cost-cutting.

Sources said Herridge had clashed with CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews — a sharp-elbowed executive who was investigated in 2021 over favoritism and discriminatory hiring and management practices, as revealed by The Post.

All the networks are going to cost cut but no one has reported the real reason. Its the writers strike. No new shows or continuing old shows means less money.


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Catherine Herridge Laid Off by CBS in 'Blood Bath' Firing of Hundreds - She Just Reported on Biden Docs

Herridge just posted on X Monday about more damaging news to Joe Biden, noting that the House Oversight Committee wanted the transcript of the Hur interview with Joe Biden, and they expressed concerns about Biden retaining potentially sensitive documents related to specific countries involving his family’s foreign business dealings.

Herridge had previously reported a lot on the Biden family business dealings.

But it looks like she won't be following up on that — at least not with CBS.

Herridge is also heroically standing for journalistic principle.

A couple of months ago, she had also reported on the possibility of a "Black Swan" event.

Wonder if FN will take her back?