Media Corruption


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Russia's 2024 Election Interference Has Already Begun

Apparently, the Russians didn't interfere in the 2020 election, which garnered an unheard-of 81 million votes for Joe Biden. As the editor reported, CBS News' Major Garrett even wrote a book about, saying the 2020 election was"'the greatest success of American democracy in history." 2016 was rigged by the Russians for Donald Trump, but what about 2024? Vladimir Putin is already trying to interfere in our election because Putin has already said outright that he hopes Biden gets a second term: "He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician,” Putin said in an interview.

With Putin's recent endorsement of Biden, NBC News decided to investigate Russian interference in the 2024 election. What is Putin planning to put Biden back in the White House?

Dan De Luce and Kevin Collier report:

Russia is already spreading disinformation in advance of the 2024 election, using fake online accounts and bots to damage President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, according to former U.S. officials and cyber experts.
The dissemination of attacks on Biden is part of a continuing effort by Moscow to undercut American military aid to Ukraine and U.S. support for and solidarity with NATO, experts said.
"Experts said."

Moscow and its proxies have long sought to exploit divisions in American society. But experts and former U.S. officials said Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, the country's deepening political polarization and sharp cuts in disinformation and election integrity teams at X and other platforms provide fertile ground to spread confusion, division and chaos.

Russian disinformation, like the Hunter Biden laptop story. It's that kind of foreign influence that inspired DHS to create its own Disinformation Governance Board and chair it with a woman who called the laptop story a "fairy tale."



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BASED Dr. Phil Schools Leftist After Getting CONFRONTED For Becoming A Right Wing Conservative!​



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Lefty Journalist Lets the Cat Out of the Bag, Says What He REALLY Thinks About the US Constitution

There was a time, not long ago, when people on the left tried to make sure that while they might criticize some aspects of the American system they were after all loyal patriots who valued the American system. 'Sure there are issues', they might say, 'but I still believe in the American experiment and the ideals upon which our nation is built!' When Democrats didn't like something they'd throw a fit but then try to quote Thomas Jefferson (incorrectly) by saying 'Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!', although this mindset only ever seemed to rule so long as the person being dissented against was a Republican President... When Republicans dissent against Democratic Presidents it's usually a whole other ball game. But the point remains that they always put on a game face of trying to pretend that they were big fans of the building blocks of the American system and most importantly that they were fans of the Constitution... but feeling emboldened presumably by their feeling of cultural ascendancy some on the left have decided that it's safe to let their anti-Constitutional feelings out for all to see.

Osita Nwanevu isn't some random person here. Not only does he have a healthy following on Twitter with over 94,000 followers, he also earns a living as a contributing editor for The New Republic and as a columnist for The Guardian as well as having written for publications like The New Yorker and Harper's Magazine (according to his own bio on his web site). So this isn't some random lefty popping off with the parenthetical take claiming that the US Constitution is a bad thing, this is someone who is apparently considered to be enough of a public intellectual to be employed by and published in some extremely venerable and notable English language publications. This isn't to say that the mask hasn't slipped more and more these days on the left, on a range of topics, but usually you expect a little more subtlety than this!



PREMO Member

University of Georgia student Laken Riley was allegedly murdered by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan national who crossed illegally into El Paso, Texas in September 2022 and was released into the U.S. via parole. A lot of people who don't want illegal immigration to be on people's minds when they vote this November are out in force. Athens Mayor Kelly Girtz held a press conference in which he not only tried to blame Donald Trump for creating the problem but then denied any connection between illegal immigration and crime. Girtz, who declared Athens a sanctuary city, was shouted down by angry residents.

The Atlanta Journal-Constituton ran a piece called, "After UGA killing, Venezuelans in Georgia worry about backlash." Will Leitch wrote a piece for New York Magazine saying the issue here was male violence, not illegal immigration. How about both? Male violence by an illegal immigrant.

The simple fact is that Ibarra shouldn't have been here. Forgive us for not wanting murderers crossing illegally into the country.

NBC News, which has gone fully woke, has put together a piece about how crime is actually down in cities that have the most illegal immigrants.

Olympia Sonnier and Garrett Haake write:

Trump has undoubtedly tapped into the rising anger over crimes allegedly committed by undocumented migrants that have gained national attention — most recently, the killing of college student Laken Riley in Georgia last week, after which an undocumented migrant from Venezuela was arrested and charged with her murder, and the much-reported fight between New York police officers and a group of migrant teens.
According to a recent Pew poll, 57% of Americans said that a large number of migrants seeking to enter the country leads to more crime. Republicans (85%) overwhelmingly say the migrant surge leads to increased crime in the U.S. A far smaller share of Democrats (31%) say the same. The poll found that 63% of Democrats say it does not have much of an impact.

That won’t change the way Trump talks about immigrants in his bid to return to the White House, as he argues that President Joe Biden’s immigration policies are making Americans less safe. Trump says voters should hold Biden personally responsible for every crime committed by an undocumented immigrant.

“This is a public perception problem. It’s always based upon these kinds of flashpoint events where an immigrant commits a crime,” explains Graham Ousey, a professor at the College of William & Mary and the co-author of “Immigration and Crime: Taking Stock.” “There’s no evidence for there being any relationship between somebody’s immigrant status and their involvement in crime.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday gifted good news to President Trump. But it was bad news for Axios, which ran its somber story under the morose headline, “Florida judge considers timing of Trump classified docs case, does not issue ruling.

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Axios has the sads because no trial date was set yesterday in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case in South Florida. Judge Aileen Cannon said she was still considering when to schedule trial and did not schedule a date. Worse, Axios worries there are fewer and fewer options to get Trump! before the election, maybe none:

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You have to give them credit, though, for trying to put a good face on things so their readers wouldn’t lose all hope. The article ended on a weakly-positive note, trying hard to stay positive, with what Axios labeled “Trump’s one loss this week.” The President’s “one loss” was that, since there won’t be any trials, Trump can’t give any more of his troop-rallying courthouse speeches.

I’ll take that loss, no problem. So, it’s win-win.



PREMO Member

ENTIRE Panel SHUTS DOWN White Liberal Woman CRYING Racism Over TRUTH About Illegal Immigration!​



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Liberal Media MELTS DOWN Over SCOTUS REJECTING Liberal States Banning Trump From Election Ballot​



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WaPo Writer Makes It Official: Shoplifting Is Just Reparations

If you've been reading the news these last four years, you know that the Third World shopping experience is a familiar sight in cities like Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.

Yet Judkis insists that "the data is murky" whether or not America really has a shoplifting problem. But that misses the point, doesn't it? America doesn't have a shoplifting problem, but poorly policed neighborhoods in America's Democrat-dominated blue cities do.

The problem is so exaggerated that corporate finally had to shut down the Columbia Heights CVS last week.

"Besides, there’s a Robin Hood mentality," Judkis wrote, that allows thieves (and politicians and well-to-do white progressives) to "assume that a massive corporation can absorb the losses of petty thefts. Some shoplifters view it as a form of anti-capitalist social activism."

And they're being encouraged by the current zeitgeist that whites are racist, so are the police, and that petty crimes shouldn't be punished.

Judkis did leave one question unanswered: where are those free-lance reparations specialists going to shoplift now that the local CVS has closed? I'd wager this month's car payment that she'll have a somewhat less understanding take if the O.C. shoplifting gangs ever come to Georgetown or Adams Morgan.


PREMO Member

Nolte: 9-0 Decision Proves the Corporate Media Liars … Again

Remember how excited Democrats were in their certainty Trump colluded with Russia? And then Mueller Time! arrived and Robert Mueller…and…the left…crushed again.

Well, it was the same with the fake news that it was in any way legal to remove a presidential candidate from a state ballot. But that sure didn’t stop them from dealing out the hopium…

“Can the 14th Amendment be used to block Trump from 2024 ballots?” asked NPR, knowing full well it couldn’t.

“Could the 14th Amendment keep Trump off the ballot in 2024?” asked the far-left Washington Post, knowing full well it couldn’t.

“Can Trump be disqualified from the presidency over Jan. 6?” asked Reuters, knowing full well he couldn’t.

“Two conservative law professors contend Donald Trump is ineligible to run for president due to the 14th amendment,” CNN blared.

“Former judge J. Michael Luttig and constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe tell CNN…Donald Trump is ineligible to be president under the 14th Amendment,” CNN blared again.

“Prominent conservative legal scholars are increasingly raising a constitutional argument that 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result,” CNN can’t stop, won’t stop.

“Why the 14th Amendment could boot Trump from ballots,” blared MSNBC.

“Why this new effort to bar Trump from office has a better shot,” MSNBC again.

“Conservative Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6,” reported the New York Times.

That’s a literal drop in the ocean. With a little effort, you can find hundreds of hours of cable news taking this seriously, hundreds of editorials from “prestigious” law professors…Pure madness sold to suckers.


PREMO Member

Charles Barkley LOSES HIS MIND Over Trump Mug Shot Shirt As Black Liberals FUME Over Black Support!​



PREMO Member

The True ‘Threat To Democracy’ Isn’t White Americans, It’s The Democrat Party

Very Important Columnists Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman just released their book White Rural Rage, about flyover Americans and their support for Donald Trump. They’re doing rounds through the Democrat media circuit to plug it. One of those fun little appearances happened on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

It’s hard to put into words just how delusional and dishonest the segment was — as in, every single word. These highfalutin “journalists” have their heads so far up their own keisters, they wouldn’t know the honest truth if it introduced itself by name and punched them in the face.

Not only do the writers, who purport to be experts on Middle America, misunderstand everything about it. They also project Democrats’ nastiest and most conspicuous political impulses onto white, rural folks. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black — if the pot were actually white, racist, conspiratorial, anti-democratic, and violent.

“We lay out the four-fold, interconnected threat that white, rural voters pose to the country,” Schaller said with a straight face to Mika Brzezinski. In the author’s telling, rural, white voters are every kind of -ist, -anti, and -phobic imaginable, including “racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, and anti-gay.” They’re also mega conspiracy theorists, Christian nationalists, and anti-democratic. And to top it all off, rural whites “excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse.”

1. Racist, Xenophobic, Ant-Immigrant​

2. Conspiratorial​

3. Anti-Democratic​

White, rural voters also “don’t believe in an independent press, free speech,” adds Schaller. “They’re most likely to say the president should be able to act unilaterally without any checks from Congress or the courts or the bureaucracy.”

Hmm, remind me again which political demographic is working with Big Tech and corporations like Amazon to ban books and censor dissenting political opinions under the guise of “misinformation.” Just this week New York Attorney General Letitia James — who is waging no-holds-barred lawfare to convict and bankrupt Trump in the Empire State — urged Colorado to deny cake artist Jack Phillips his First Amendment rights of free speech, expression, and association.

As for freedom of the press, also this week, Biden’s FBI charged investigative journalist Steve Baker with four misdemeanors for his coverage of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

Let’s play a little game. See if you know who I’m talking about: He’s a president who openly ignores the courts when they slap him down, governs via executive order and bureaucratic sweep, ignores the Constitution and other established law when it doesn’t suit him, is currently weaponizing the federal government boot his No. 1 political opponent off the ballot, and, in fact, is guilty of a worse version of what his opponent is charged with but has been deemed too senile to be prosecuted. In other words, he’s above the law and anti-democracy. Hint: His primary voting demographic is not white, rural voters.

4. Political Violence Over Civil Discourse​

I know Democrats are still high on celebrating their favorite national holiday: Jan. 6. But I’m sorry, was it a Trump voter who just self-immolated in front of the Israeli Embassy while screaming “Free Palestine”? Was it angry, white Republicans who lit Minneapolis, Kenosha, Seattle, and Portland on fire?

Is it rural white Americans in the headlines these days shooting up schools and churches — or leftist gender goblins who want to get back at white “crackers“? And how about the more than 400 Catholic churches, not to mention crisis pregnancy centers, that have been attacked since the 2020 summer of rage?

We all know the answer.


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Charles Barkley WALKS BACK Threat Against Black Trump Supporters After They DARE Him To Fight Them!​
