Media Corruption


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Chuck Todd Drops Troubling Admission on What a Senior Cabinet Sec. Told Him About Biden Two Years Ago

For instance, in the immediate aftermath of the June presidential debate, NBC News resident Biden apologist Chuck Todd, formerly of "Meet the Press" infamy, was particularly sour-faced and sullen. He declared that "at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips [read: cheap fakes] tonight, right, this was - you saw it before your eyes."

Except Chuck Todd, like many in the mainstream media, already knew it wasn't merely a caricature of Biden being drawn by his critics. He was well aware that the Biden we saw on June 27th on that stage was the Biden we've warned about since before he even took office.

And the reason we know Todd knew is because he as much as admitted it on his latest "Toddcast." In it, he confessed that a senior cabinet secretary for Biden said two years ago that he didn't think Biden would be able to run again, and that they had little to no interaction:

Chuck can talk now since he no longer has a show.


PREMO Member

The Immaculate Conception of Thomas Crooks

Plenty of poisonous rhetoric has been flying around on the left for the past decade. Biden is waging a campaign whose only argument, expressed with intermittent coherency, is that democracy is on the ballot. "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye," Biden told donors last week. Even in the 2022 midterms he was scaremongering in front of Washington, D.C.’s Union Station, telling voters that the race was about "democracy itself" and a Republican victory would "allow dark forces to thirst," whatever that means. The New Republic and others compare former president Donald Trump to Hitler.

We don’t know whether those moronic and misguided talking points led Thomas Crooks to try to assassinate Trump, but there are a few things we do know.

  1. The Democratic Party has bathed itself in violent and hysterical rhetoric about Trump. See above. And yet, the Democratic Party has consistently egged on Trump in the belief that he is the weakest possible standard bearer for the GOP.
  2. Trump is a force of nature, a unique political talent, and a showman who at the moment of maximum danger yesterday was at his finest. As it turns out, the Republican primary voters who nominated him see things clearly.
  3. The media are a spectacularly incompetent and ineffectual arm of the Democratic Party that has done more to empower Trump’s rise and resurrection than any other institution in American life. Their raison d’etre is defeating Trump and they’re about to go 1 for 3.
  4. The ultimate dissonance comes from the well wishes of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other pooh-bas of the Democratic Party. "Get well soon, Donald, so you can get back to destroying our democracy!" Either they didn’t actually believe their self-interested talking points about Trump the tyrant or they are coming to the realization that the public doesn’t buy it.


PREMO Member

“GARM” Is New Version Of Old Tactic To Starve Conservative Media of Revenue To Silence Dissent

You probably never heard of GARM. It’s the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, which describes its mission as “a cross-industry initiative established by the World Federation of Advertisers to address the challenge of harmful content on digital media platforms and its monetization via advertising.” WFA members include global brands such as McDonald’s, Exxon, Visa, Adidas and dozens more.

What could be wrong with preventing “harmful” digital content? You and I may have been born at night, but we weren’t born last night. We are so old we remember how various “anti-disinformation” entities actually served to silence online speech with which they disagreed.

The hook with GARM is that it does so by wielding the power of the largest advertisers on the planet to deprive unapproved content and platforms of advertising revenue.

The House Judiciary Committee investigated anti-competitive behavior by GARM, and issued a report setting forth findings that GARM colluded “to suppress voices and views disfavored by the leading marketers at the world’s largest companies and advertising agencies,” with conservative media a target, as was X (Twitter) due to it’s free speech policies.

The NY Post covered the story because it was among the media targeted:

The new report establishes links between the WFA’s “responsible media” initiative and the taxpayer-funded Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a London-based group that in 2022 unveiled an ad blacklist of 10 news outlets whose opinion sections tilted conservative or libertarian, including The Post, RealClearPolitics and Reason magazine.
Documents acquired by Congress show that some GARM members thought the GDI’s blacklist was bogus — with one employee writing that it was “bewildering” that the group “somehow placed the NYPost as ‘at most risk’ paper in the USA for disinformation.”

But additional documents show that the GDI’s blacklist was nonetheless promoted to WFA members as a tool to gauge misinformation and demonize disfavored outlets.
“[W]e do advise that platforms, ad-tech, agencies, use independent fact checkers to weed out mis-and-disinfo from supply chain and ad buys. GDI is one of many — NewsGuard, IFCN, etc,” Rob Rakowitz, WFA’s initiative lead for the GARM program, wrote in response to the employee who complained.


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Liberal Media MELTS DOWN As BASED Judge DESTROYS Jack Smith Classified Documents Case Against Trump!​



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America could heal, if only Trump would allow it | Editorial

Sadly, the same can’t be said for Donald Trump. On Monday, he also released a statement calling for “unity,” but made no effort to tamp down on his explosive rhetoric. Again, he called the Jan. 6th attack in which police officers were brutally beaten a “hoax.” Again, he trashed the independence of the Justice Department, and cast himself as a victim of a conspiratorial witch hunt.

This is a moment when we need to be clear-eyed about character. In November, we’ll decide what direction we want for this country, who we want to be. So, once again, the question is this: Who is most fit? And the statements speak for themselves.

“We need to have the moral courage to be forthright about the fact that politically violent rhetoric is an asymmetric phenomenon across the political spectrum,” Amanda Rogers, a fellow at the Century Foundation and expert in political violence and propaganda, told us Monday.

“Joe Biden calling to tamp down on extremist rhetoric, and so on and so forth: He’s much more centrist and he’s much more moderate than the former president.”

And that’s just a fact. Courage is not only about raising a fist in defiance. It’s also about showing Americans a better way.

Joe Biden Is a Terrible Liar About His Dangerous Rhetoric

Less than a day after Joe Biden called on Americans to “lower the temperature,” he denied his own dangerous and divisive rhetoric in an interview with Lester Holt on NBC News.

“You called your opponent an existential threat,” Holt pointed out. "On a call a week ago you said it's time to put Trump in the bullseye. There's some dispute about the context, but I think you appreciate that we’re—"

“I didn’t say crosshairs,” Biden retorted. “I said bull's eye. I meant focus on him. Focus on what he’s doing, focus on his policies, focus on the number of lies he told in the debate. Focus on — I mean there is a whole range of things that, look, I am not the guy that said I want to be a dictator on day one, I am not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. I am not the guy who said that he won’t accept the outcome of this election automatically. You can’t only love your country when you win. And so the focus was on what he’s saying, and I mean the idea.”

HOLT-BIDEN INTERVIEW: The Temperature Has Not Been Lowered

NBC’s Lester Holt sat down with President Joe Biden for a much-hyped interview that would kick off Biden’s counterprogramming of the Republican National Convention, which kicked off tonight. Despite President Biden’s calls to lower the temperature in the wake of the failed attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump, his rhetoric remains pretty much the same and met little pushback from Holt.

The interview begins with a question about the assassination attempt. Biden immediately cited the thoroughly debunked “Fine People Hoax” as part of the divisive rhetoric, with zero pushback from Holt.



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Media DEMAND Iconic Trump Assassination Photo Be CENSORED Because It Is Helping Him WIN The Election​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They dont' want their "least indoctrinated" to see for themselves and get any funny ideas.


PREMO Member

Black Liberal MELTS DOWN After Piers Morgan Confronts Him On Endorsing Kamala Coup Against Biden!​
