Media Corruption


Well-Known Member
You know, I never ever HEARD of Project 2025....
Neither did anyone else! It is a scare tactic brought out by those who support the bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling incumbent in order to do a bait-n-switch to distract voters from his inadequacies.
Honestly... if this was an actual THING... do you think we would just be hearing about it NOW? Within 6 months of voting??


Well-Known Member
Neither did anyone else! It is a scare tactic brought out by those who support the bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling incumbent in order to do a bait-n-switch to distract voters from his inadequacies.
Honestly... if this was an actual THING... do you think we would just be hearing about it NOW? Within 6 months of voting??
When Newt Gingrich proposed the Contract with America - you couldn't swing a dead cat around without hearing about it.

I - THINK - I recall during Bush's campaign, people came out with religious right proposals which they branded as fact - but which never came to light, because unlike Democrats - who might well be clones of the same being - the Right is not some freaking HIVE MIND.


Well-Known Member
When Newt Gingrich proposed the Contract with America - you couldn't swing a dead cat around without hearing about it.

I - THINK - I recall during Bush's campaign, people came out with religious right proposals which they branded as fact - but which never came to light, because unlike Democrats - who might well be clones of the same being - the Right is not some freaking HIVE MIND.
Agree. However, the fact that this thing contains literally EVERY SINGLE hot button topic to inflame any and every Liberal minded individual, Jew, African American, LGBTQ+, etc. It is quite obvious that it is a last ditch attempt to distract voters from the inadequacies of their candidate.


Well-Known Member
Agree. However, the fact that this thing contains literally EVERY SINGLE hot button topic to inflame any and every Liberal minded individual, Jew, African American, LGBTQ+, etc. It is quite obvious that it is a last ditch attempt to distract voters from the inadequacies of their candidate.
The one thing - that surprised me - was a Libs of TikTok where some woman was ripping it a new one because it encouraged traditional families - mom, dad etc. - as some kind of ASSAULT on single moms. Every time she found "fault" with it, I kept thinkng - umm - sorry, that's not a bad thing AND it doesn't assault you in any way.

As I said before, my daughter has a number of very liberal friends, and that is where I *FIRST* heard about it, about a month ago. As current as I try to be with all things political - I was extremely surprised to hear that she knew something that I did not.

Only to learn - nope. Not connected to any political campaign.

I think Heritage, MANY years ago, had their own form of cost cutting the government which consisted of completely eliminating several agencies. Maybe it was CATO? Don't remember. All I know is, everything it proposed - none of it happened. ZEEE-RO.


Well-Known Member
In 2015 my daughter came home from school, several of her black classmates were crying Trump was going to enslave them if elected

who the fuk terrorizes their children like that
Wow. Do you remember Biden telling African Americans "he's gonna put y'all back in CHAINS"?

That was about - - ROMNEY. Puh-leeeze.

Was it Whoopi who suggested Trump would bring back slavery? As if the 13th Amendment was of no consequence?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Wow. Do you remember Biden telling African Americans "he's gonna put y'all back in CHAINS"?

That was about - - ROMNEY. Puh-leeeze.

Was it Whoopi who suggested Trump would bring back slavery? As if the 13th Amendment was of no consequence?
They must find comfort in those assinine theories, as they never come true and they use them all over again in the next election.

Must be emotional Mac&Cheese for their damaged brains.


PREMO Member
where I *FIRST* heard about it, about a month ago.

I started hearing about Project 2025 when the media started trying to Tie this to Trump a month or so ago, and then only in passing from right leaning YouTube accounts talking about leftist media


Well-Known Member
I started hearing about Project 2025 when the media started trying to Tie this to Trump a month or so ago, and then only in passing from right leaning YouTube accounts talking about leftist media
Many years ago, (during Bush's administration) I argued a bit on a religious forum with a guy who was convinced that when Pat Robertson spoke, everyone on the right nodded their head and followed.

I could NOT convince this guy that almost every religious person I knew no matter what religion - thought Pat Robertson was a kook of the highest order. His response was often something like well why doesn't George Bush denounce him, then?

I'd say - because he's NOBODY! Why doesn't he denounce EVERY religious nut out there? The world is full of them. How about I dredge up EVERY SINGLE left-wing nut out there, and ask YOU to denounce them?

I gave up after a while. Somewhere in his mind, weirdo televangelists are running the GOP.


PREMO Member

Chuck Todd Drops Troubling Admission on What a Senior Cabinet Sec. Told Him About Biden Two Years Ago

For instance, in the immediate aftermath of the June presidential debate, NBC News resident Biden apologist Chuck Todd, formerly of "Meet the Press" infamy, was particularly sour-faced and sullen. He declared that "at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips [read: cheap fakes] tonight, right, this was - you saw it before your eyes."

Except Chuck Todd, like many in the mainstream media, already knew it wasn't merely a caricature of Biden being drawn by his critics. He was well aware that the Biden we saw on June 27th on that stage was the Biden we've warned about since before he even took office.

And the reason we know Todd knew is because he as much as admitted it on his latest "Toddcast." In it, he confessed that a senior cabinet secretary for Biden said two years ago that he didn't think Biden would be able to run again, and that they had little to no interaction:

“I’m not gonna out the cabinet secretary. But I had a cabinet secretary two years ago, okay- two years ago, out of the blue asked me, ‘You really think he’s gonna-- he can’t run again like this?’ And I said ‘Well, you have more interaction with him than I do,’ and they said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. So, and this was two years ago. This is one of those, you know, it’s the classic open secret, nonversation, right? It’s the story everybody knows and everybody was afraid to talk about.”


PREMO Member

Mediaite Caught Lying in Blatant Distortion of Transcript of J.D. Vance Interview in Effort to Interfere in Donald Trump’s Veepstakes

The left-leaning anti-Trump publication ran a headline on Wednesday as part of the globalists’ last-ditch effort to stop Vance from getting selected as Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election that, if true, would certainly make heads in Trump world turn: “JD Vance Said He Believes Trump’s Sexual Assault Accuser in Unearthed Interview.”

The problem with Mediaite’s headline — and its story — is that this is not an accurate reflection of what Vance said in a 2016 interview with then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews.

The actual transcript of the MSNBC interview from the October 12, 2016, Hardball show — which has hardly been “unearthed,” for what it is worth, as it is literally on the MSNBC website for anyone to find, but that is beside the point — shows Matthews playing a clip of Jessica Leeds, a woman who accused Trump of groping her, and then asking Vance for reaction.

Here is Matthews’s exact question: “What do you think of this? This is something, it’s sort of interesting evocative of the time because of the time because we used to say stewardess first of all. That was a flight attendant. It just gives us a sense of history. But this woman is not a showoff. She’s just telling what happened so we can know it.”

Here is Vance’s exact response: “Yes, yes. And it’s sort of – – it makes me think that at fundamental, this is sort of he said/she said, right? And at the end of the day, do you believe Donald Trump who always tells the truth? Just kidding, or do you believe that woman on the tape? And I —”

That is the end of the exchange. Vance literally said in his response that this was a “he said/she said” disagreement and questioned which person between the two people — Trump or Leeds — someone should believe.