Meet ItalianScallion


Finishing last
Okay, IS might be a flirt, but I don't believe he would ever continue being flirtatious if he was brushed off.

BTW I hope if I ever see a situation like that I have the decency to step up, and step in.


Hot Flash
Okay, IS might be a flirt, but I don't believe he would ever continue being flirtatious if he was brushed off.

BTW I hope if I ever see a situation like that I have the decency to step up, and step in.

Funny video and for the record, I don't think IS is that much of a skeeve.

I'm at the point in my life I would smack him if he was. if he was hitting on a young gal I would take her under my wing and call security.

He will probably never live down the tight white blouse comment.

Yes. I stick my feet in my mouth frequently and why I try to put the filter on, but it keeps coming off.

IS! Try and behave. It's not much fun but is more appropriate.

I do behave and you will never see a post about a man in his tighty whities (GROSS) or...well...if he was just waving a kielbasa around I probably would.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Geeze IS, you've really worked up a reputation. I'm proud of you. :high5:

No ####. I think Mabus will be stalking him at the bar, but don't you worry! I'm on it! :boxing:

This ties into my rant the other day about how women *used* to know how to take care of stuff like this. The woman in pink and the one in black were kickin' it old school, when we had no problem telling some loser to get lost. When some other guy gets involved, it almost always escalates so it's best if they stay out of it and let the women run off predators.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And, for the record, I have never seen IS act like that. Like I said before, typically the wimmins are sitting down and chatting him and his butt doesn't even have to leave the seat.

So that wasn't even a nice try. :loser:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You know, I have Mabus on ignore, so I can't see whatever dribble he/she/it has posted.

Sorry in advance, IS, but I've gotta say something here, because to NOT say it means I am condoning it at worst, or at best just neutral to it. I'm neither.

Sorry to deflate the Hank & Mabus hard ons and burst their bubbles, but I am getting tired of the Italian Scallion bashing. Not that he needs me to stick up for him, but I am going to anyway.

Some of the Friday Nighters I knew before we began meeting every Friday. However - IS I've gotten to know pretty well *because* of those gatherings. We've all shared family stories, and personal conflicts, joys, etc. As for IS - we shared similar situations caring for terminally ill mothers.

My mother was laid to rest today, and the service was 9am (sharp) at Arlington National Cemetery. This required a 2 hour RUSH HOUR commute just to be there 1/2 hr. early. Not all of my friends could make it because of that. Many just live too far away to be able to leave at 6:00am or even earlier to make that happen. I only say this, because I was fine with that and totally understand.

But guess what? It turns out that "The Friday Nighters" were well represented today, because Italian Scallion was able to make that trip, and he came to honor my mom and show his support for me & the Things.

So THAT is who Italian Scallion *really is. Just in case anyone cared to know.


Hot Flash
I'm sorry about your mother. May she and you RIP.

I'll meet IS one day.

White shirts and flashlights give me Penn flashbacks.

Sorry, IS and whomever has had a good experience.

I need to bite my tongue. Apologies to all I have offended.


my war
Bann said:
You know, I have Mabus on ignore, so I can't see whatever dribble he/she/it has posted.

Sorry in advance, IS, but I've gotta say something here, because to NOT say it means I am condoning it at worst, or at best just neutral to it. I'm neither.

Sorry to deflate the Hank & Mabus hard ons and burst their bubbles, but I am getting tired of the Italian Scallion bashing. Not that he needs me to stick up for him, but I am going to anyway.

Some of the Friday Nighters I knew before we began meeting every Friday. However - IS I've gotten to know pretty well *because* of those gatherings. We've all shared family stories, and personal conflicts, joys, etc. As for IS - we shared similar situations caring for terminally ill mothers.

My mother was laid to rest today, and the service was 9am (sharp) at Arlington National Cemetery. This required a 2 hour RUSH HOUR commute just to be there 1/2 hr. early. Not all of my friends could make it because of that. Many just live too far away to be able to leave at 6:00am or even earlier to make that happen. I only say this, because I was fine with that and totally understand.

But guess what? It turns out that "The Friday Nighters" were well represented today, because Italian Scallion was able to make that trip, and he came to honor my mom and show his support for me & the Things.

So THAT is who Italian Scallion *really is. Just in case anyone cared to know.

Don't include me in your little diatribe... I am cool with IS. You should include others like Wenchy and ImMe... they are the ones calling him skeevy.


Hot Flash
Don't include me in your little diatribe... I am cool with IS. You should include others like Wenchy and ImMe... they are the ones calling him skeevy.


Skeevy is the new word of the month. Get with the program.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm sorry about your mother. May she and you RIP.

I'll meet IS one day.

White shirts and flashlights give me Penn flashbacks.

Sorry, IS and whomever has had a good experience.

I need to bite my tongue. Apologies to all I have offended.

No offense taken from anything you've said!

I just think the other 2 need to get a grip on their internet ire and find something else to do with their time.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
And since I can see Hank's postings when someone quotes him:

Hank - :nono: don't try to re-write history. Too bad you want to call my standing up for a friend a diatribe. Maybe you are "cool with him" now - but the fact is you have had a major hard on about IS and Baja for months. Maybe now's the time to put your money where your mouth is.


Obama destroyed America
Mabus seems to have a few of us living in his empty head. He said he's spied on the Friday nighters from a distance. Now that rivals mamakookoo crazy. :crazy:

He's obviously a no life loser with no friends. Kinda sad.


Obama destroyed America
And since I can see Hank's postings when someone quotes him:

Hank - :nono: don't try to re-write history. Too bad you want to call my standing up for a friend a diatribe. Maybe you are "cool with him" now - but the fact is you have had a major hard on about IS and Baja for months. Maybe now's the time to put your money where your mouth is.
I don't think Hank has a hard on for me but I know Mabus sure does. Poor boy.
Mabus seems to have a few of us living in his empty head. He said he's spied on the Friday nighters from a distance. Now that rivals mamakookoo crazy. :crazy:

He's obviously a no life loser with no friends. Kinda sad.

If he info he supplied was right, today is his b'day. He's 67.

Sounds like a very bitter old man. The kind that yells, "HEY YOU KIDS!! GET OFF MY LAWN!!"


my war
Bann said:
And since I can see Hank's postings when someone quotes him:

Hank - :nono: don't try to re-write history. Too bad you want to call my standing up for a friend a diatribe. Maybe you are "cool with him" now - but the fact is you have had a major hard on about IS and Baja for months. Maybe now's the time to put your money where your mouth is.

Baja? You are trippin'.... we have always gotten along... we used to share a username for christ sake!


Obama destroyed America
If he info he supplied was right, today is his b'day. He's 67.

Sounds like a very bitter old man. The kind that yells, "HEY YOU KIDS!! GET OFF MY LAWN!!"
He's not 67. He's a late 20's early 30's black guy. Served in the military. Prolly got discharged on a section 8. :crazy:


A Salute to all on Watch
If he info he supplied was right, today is his b'day. He's 67.

Sounds like a very bitter old man. The kind that yells, "HEY YOU KIDS!! GET OFF MY LAWN!!"

That or " I got some candy in my pocket, come on over and reach in and get yourself a handful".....