Meet ItalianScallion


Yae warsh wif' wutr
From the trend of this conversation I'm getting the impression that Italian Scallion is a decent, socially adept, and well-liked person, and that Mabus is a hopelessly inept dorque who is jealous of him. But that's only a vaporous impression. I've never met either of them in person.

I don't know who you guys are talking about.....

The only Italian Scallion I know has a high squeaky voice, rather slim, tall, green, and wears a blown up 3 fingered latex glove on his head.



In My Opinion
I don't know who you guys are talking about.....

The only Italian Scallion I know has a high squeaky voice, rather slim, tall, green, and wears a blown up 3 fingered latex glove on his head.


Same guy.

:killingme Sorry IS


In My Opinion

You all sound like a fun bunch. I'd like to show up and meet you all one of these days.

Cheers! Rock on! :larry:

You should show up, we are easy to find.
just look for an old guy that all the young female wait staff have their hands all over.
That will be me being pulled out of their way so they can get to IS.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You should show up, we are easy to find.
just look for an old guy that all the young female wait staff have their hands all over.
That will be me being pulled out of their way so they can get to IS.

I'm easy to spot too. The employees of most entertainment establishments always refer to me as "sir". (always followed by "please leave. You are causing a scene")


In My Opinion
I'm easy to spot too. The employees of most entertainment establishments always refer to me as "sir". (always followed by "please leave. You are causing a scene")

Oh great, now its possible they are going to think we're twins.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You going to be back by Friday to make dinner?

I sure am hoping so. But I'm not sure if I can get out of the gulf coast in time to make it.

Will be aroiund Tall Timbers the rest of the weekend though..even if I don't make it back to MD until late Friday.


Harley Rider
Might I suggest posting your phone #. It isn't a sugar packet bit it could be a good start.
It's on the ladies room wall but no one uses it...:frown:
From the trend of this conversation I'm getting the impression that Italian Scallion is a decent, socially adept, and well-liked person, and that Mabus is a hopelessly inept dorque who is jealous of him. But that's only a vaporous impression. I've never met either of them in person.
A very astute observation. :cheers:
I've only met IS. But I would say your impression of him is accurate.
:buddies: Hope everything is going well on your new house :howdy:
Whoa!!!!! Did you miss your therapy appointment today? Everyone, for the most part, on here has been on your side; myself included, but this was a post of a different color. I have been told numerous times here that one has to have a thick skin, and also, to never be an attention whore :nono: What are you doing, IS; you are changing your image! :cds: What eva shall I do? :diva: i'll think about it tomorrow. Good night. :smile:
Only the post to Mabus has a slight sting to it. :shrug:


In My Opinion
I want to meet Gilligan.
I loved the show and hope he has kept in touch with Maryanne whom is now older but looks the same and is desperate to have an encounter with an old ugly married guy,,

oh wait, Im getting reality and fantasy mixed up again....

But speaking of that, watching the reruns of Leave it to Beaver now on Netflix,, I never realized what a milf June was... Ok, Im done perving


lower life form
It just occurred to me that I once had a co-worker with an Italian-sounding last name that began with the syllable "Scal-" and he was a pretty nice guy and ... no, can't be more than just a coincidence. Too long ago. Only a miniscule chance of him still being around here.


Adopt me please !
Bann - so sorry about your Mother.

I always thought the jokes about IS were mostly in fun and exaggerated to make it seem more dramatic, to be more funny. Like IS writing his name on the wall in the Ladies room at Olive Garden. I never REALLY thought he did that (did he? tehe).


In My Opinion
Bann - so sorry about your Mother.

I always thought the jokes about IS were mostly in fun and exaggerated to make it seem more dramatic, to be more funny. Like IS writing his name on the wall in the Ladies room at Olive Garden. I never REALLY thought he did that (did he? tehe).

Of course not.
He puts your number up

You need to listen to your answering machine and get back to me. Make sure you call between the times I mentioned so you dont get the panlady.