Meet ItalianScallion


Obama destroyed America
We need a :holierthanthou: smiley, or, if that one cannot be found, maybe there is a :mypoopdoesnotstink: smiley. Just a suggestion. :shrug:
we had one. It was of a kite flying. Dunno why Vrai removed it. :shrug:


Active Member
Mabus seems to have a few of us living in his empty head. He said he's spied on the Friday nighters from a distance. Now that rivals mamakookoo crazy. :crazy:

He's obviously a no life loser with no friends. Kinda sad.

So spying is not cool? Such a shame. I was actually considering trying it :(


Harley Rider
Where to start? I looked at this thread yesterday and it had one post in it.

Let's start with the OP. Mabus, I can't stop your childish antics & hatred for me so I won't try. I will say that, if you ever want to make peace with me, you'd better stop piling on the crap now. There may come a time when you won't have enough time to make amends. I don't need apologies from anyone but, as long as they acknowledge it and don't repeat their actions, I can be cool with them. YOU, however, are piling up more crap than time will allow you to clean up. Stalking is all you'll be able to do because you won't be welcommed in our group if this continues...

Bann, I truly appreciate what you said and it was my pleasure to support you & the kids (FH included) today. I remember how good it felt to have my family & friends around when my parents died. :huggy:

FH, this is for you: aaawwww :roflmao: :howdy:

Wenchy, it's my business what I look at and I dont need you scolding me about something you didn't see. We have clean fun on Friday night but, if my looking bothered her, it's between her & I. Regarding snow balls, why should the guy get the blame? Show them and I'll look at them. If I was ANYTHING like that guy in the video, I would smack myself but the Friday Nighters can vouch for the fact that I am no where near that skeevy. People dress to be seen and I have eyes to look. Hope to meet you someday but don't wear any tighty whiteys... :roflmao: :howdy:

Hank you were about to go on ignore but you dealt with the situation and I now have more respect for you. Why you do what you do here I don't know but it doesn't make a possible meeting with our group sound like it would be pleasant now does it? :cheers:

Baja, you & I have butted heads here in the past but, after meeting, things have been cool. Meeting people in person DOES change things for some reason. :buddies:

Vrai, what can I say about you? You are very observant and know that my friendliness is very often mistaken for skeevyness (new word!) I know all those people because I've reached out to them over many years and made the effort to be friendly first. Thank you for noticing the real truth here.

Well I'm not as popular as Jennifer @ RR but I can be happy with 6 pages. Thanks for the thread Mabus! I look better now and you.....well you still look the same.


mama to two
Where to start? I looked at this thread yesterday and it had one post in it.

Let's start with the OP. Mabus, I can't stop your childish antics & hatred for me so I won't try. I will say that, if you ever want to make peace with me, you'd better stop piling on the crap now. There may come a time when you won't have enough time to make amends. I don't need apologies from anyone but, as long as they acknowledge it and don't repeat their actions, I can be cool with them. YOU, however, are piling up more crap than time will allow you to clean up. Stalking is all you'll be able to do because you won't be welcommed in our group if this continues...

Bann, I truly appreciate what you said and it was my pleasure to support you & the kids (FH included) today. I remember how good it felt to have my family & friends around when my parents died. :huggy:

FH, this is for you: aaawwww :roflmao: :howdy:

Wenchy, it's my business what I look at and I dont need you scolding me about something you didn't see. We have clean fun on Friday night but, if my looking bothered her, it's between her & I. Regarding snow balls, why should the guy get the blame? Show them and I'll look at them. If I was ANYTHING like that guy in the video, I would smack myself but the Friday Nighters can vouch for the fact that I am no where near that skeevy. People dress to be seen and I have eyes to look. Hope to meet you someday but don't wear any tighty whiteys... :roflmao: :howdy:

Hank you were about to go on ignore but you dealt with the situation and I now have more respect for you. Why you do what you do here I don't know but it doesn't make a possible meeting with our group sound like it would be pleasant now does it? :cheers:

Baja, you & I have butted heads here in the past but, after meeting, things have been cool. Meeting people in person DOES change things for some reason. :buddies:

Vrai, what can I say about you? You are very observant and know that my friendliness is very often mistaken for skeevyness (new word!) I know all those people because I've reached out to them over many years and made the effort to be friendly first. Thank you for noticing the real truth here.

Well I'm not as popular as Jennifer @ RR but I can be happy with 6 pages. Thanks for the thread Mabus! I look better now and you.....well you still look the same.

Whoa!!!!! Did you miss your therapy appointment today? Everyone, for the most part, on here has been on your side; myself included, but this was a post of a different color. I have been told numerous times here that one has to have a thick skin, and also, to never be an attention whore :nono: What are you doing, IS; you are changing your image! :cds: What eva shall I do? :diva: i'll think about it tomorrow. Good night. :smile:
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Amount of F##Ks given, 0
Whoa!!!!! Did you miss your therapy appointment today? Everyone, for the most part, on here has been on your side; myself included, but this was a post of a different color. I have been told numerous times here that one has to have a thick skin, and also, to never be an attention whore :nono: What are you doing, IS; you are changing your image! :cds: What eva shall I do? :diva: i'll think about it tomorrow. Good night.:smile:

An attention whore is someone that does something in order to get attention just FYI.(like people who have MDP and have meltdowns cuz they get butthurt) :whistle: IS is a cool dude atleast in my book anyway and i havnt even met him:banghead: or any of the other sane logical people who post on this thread. Im gonna come to one of these hoedowns. Maybe this friday? But im not sure if i would fit into the gang:otter: lol
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mama to two
An attention whore is someone that does something in order to get attention just FYI.(like people who have MDP and have meltdowns cuz th It didnt start this. IS is a cool dude atleast in my book anyway and i havnt even met him or any of the other sane lodgical peoPpe who post on this thread.

Lucky you; I happen to be up. First, of all, you need to pay attention and read all posts before you reply; I have always defended IS. Second, I don't use MPD's; I post as mamatutu. Third, the definition of meltdown is precarious; you might be having one. Fourth, you have a spelling problem. And, last, I have never bothered you; so what is your problem? :peace:

Edit: I have met him, and he is cool. Anything else you want to say?
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Amount of F##Ks given, 0
Lucky you; I happen to be up. First, of all, you need to pay attention and read all posts before you reply; I have always defended IS. Second, I don't use MPD's; I post as mamatutu. Third, the definition of meltdown is precarious; you might be having one. Fourth, you have a spelling problem. And, last, I have never bothered you; so what is your problem? :peace:

Im using a phone jackass! I went back and fixed it!


Amount of F##Ks given, 0
Lucky you; I happen to be up. First, of all, you need to pay attention and read all posts before you reply; I have always defended IS. Second, I don't use MPD's; I post as mamatutu. Third, the definition of meltdown is precarious; you might be having one. Fourth, you have a spelling problem. And, last, I have never bothered you; so what is your problem? :peace:

Edit: I have met him, and he is cool. Anything else you want to say?

First. I didnt say anything about you have a MPD but...if the shoe fits wear it. 2nd..i will never have a meltdown on here you know why....because its the I.N.T.E.R.N.E.T. All you have to do his the X in the right hand (left for you safari users and home key for smartphones) corner. And 3rd i use my phone to write post this late at night and i type so fast that my phone misjugdes my press. (Why the hell am i even explaining)
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mama to two
First. I didnt say anything about you have a MPD but...if the shoe fits wear it. 2nd..i will never have a meltdown on here you know why....because its the I.N.T.E.R.N.E.T. All you have to do his the X in the right hand (left for you safari users and home key for smartphones) corner. And 3rd i use my phone to write post this late at night and i type so fast that my phone misjugdes my press. (Why the hell am i even explaining)

I don't know. I really don't need your explanation. JMO, no one is that inept at typing the total opposite of what they intended to say. So, you are busted; accept it. Not that I care, but I was compelled to reply to a member that came out of nowhere to be negative towards me. I only accept that from baja:peace:


Obama destroyed America
Whoa!!!!! Did you miss your therapy appointment today? Everyone, for the most part, on here has been on your side; myself included, but this was a post of a different color. I have been told numerous times here that one has to have a thick skin, and also, to never be an attention whore :nono: What are you doing, IS; you are changing your image! :cds: What eva shall I do? :diva: i'll think about it tomorrow. Good night. :smile:
You should check into Carol Porto or Anchor. Help is there for those that want it.


Obama destroyed America
So spying is not cool? Such a shame. I was actually considering trying it :(
Talk about skeevy! If you wanna know about Friday night meet & greets, just grow a set and show up. Watching from a distance says you're psycho. :crazy:


lower life form
From the trend of this conversation I'm getting the impression that Italian Scallion is a decent, socially adept, and well-liked person, and that Mabus is a hopelessly inept dorque who is jealous of him. But that's only a vaporous impression. I've never met either of them in person.


Amount of F##Ks given, 0
I don't know. I really don't need your explanation. JMO, no one is that inept at typing the total opposite of what they intended to say. So, you are busted; accept it. Not that I care, but I was compelled to reply to a member that came out of nowhere to be negative towards me. I only accept that from baja:peace:

You obviously have no idea how a touchscreen works. God. I know why they call you mamakookoo now. Go have another meltdown. I swear you and mabus must be married. Both yall have a hard on for IS! Hows the free rent! Baja is right. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.


Hot Flash
You obviously have no idea how a touchscreen works. God. I know why they call you mamakookoo now. Go have another meltdown. I swear you and mabus must be married. Both yall have a hard on for IS! Hows the free rent! Baja is right. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
