meeting females outside of bars


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Don't start in on faces, you know how much you hate it when people tease you about your, even when they don't! :biggrin: :kiss:


Originally posted by RoseRed
Don't start in on faces, you know how much you hate it when people tease you about your, even when they don't! :biggrin: :kiss:

Is that a potted remark? :lol:


New Member

Hello there, Katie! Nice to meet you!

San Diego's a great place isn't it! Hope you have great sunny day! I got stuck in San Diego during 9-11 when the airport was closed for a week. I'm glad I was there. I got to see the zoo and the beach and though it was a weird time, the people there were great and treated me well.

Talk to you later!



Social Director
bowling alley?

Maybe I need to start hangin out there more often.. Haven't met a real datable guy since I got here. Always try new things I was told.....


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: bowling alley?

Originally posted by Athena1078
Haven't met a real datable guy since I got here.
Me neither and it has been 4 years....good luck. I kept trying, but after the last one I am finished.


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Re: bowling alley?

Originally posted by joeyinlexpark
Mig you might of found one? That would be up to you:razz2:
Nope - he ain't called -
and I can only remember "1969"
So I am out of luck!:biggrin:


Social Director
Good point Joey. I won't say that I don't.. It's just that most of the guys down here are "different" from the guys I usually date. I think I am afraid to get too far into the culture to really be happy / comfortable dating a guy who lives down here. Call me a snob.....


Social Director
mostly just at the local bars around here.. Harbor Sounds, Brass Rail, Green Door, etc.. I am used to living in Baltimore, fast city, big lights, the whole deal.. bars with dress codes and huge cover charges to get in..


Social Director
I have never sunk so low as to be a barracks bunny.
I have met plenty of guys in the military down here, but most are getting ready to finish up their stays here.. Not worth getting involved.
Not really craving high drink prices and such, just the guys with some amount of class that dress nicely to go to the bar.. not just throw on a flannel shirt over the long johns... I am not asking suit and tie.. just clean jeans and non stained shirt


Social Director
not against wearing long johns, just not out to a bar...maybe if they were at least clean I wouldn't be so against them


aka Mrs. Giant
Well, like I said before...good luck. But there are activities that you can get involved in and met people up to your standards. And Joey's right - you've been going to the wrong bars to met someone in your range/type. Most of those places are stop in after work kinda places.jmo