meeting females outside of bars


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by migtig
... Most of those places are stop in after work kinda places.jmo
That ought to be a good thing... They're at least employed then.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by Kyle
That ought to be a good thing... They're at least employed then.
Yep - St. Mary's has the highest rate of employment for the state of MD. However, you are judging these guys by what they probably wore to work - they make good money - but sometimes they have to crawl around an airplane (or some such thing) when it is cold outside and they dress appropriately. You gotta judge by potential, not outside appearances. jmo. However, if ya wanna see 'em all cleaned up, try civic clubs, organizations, activities or even club v - there were some real pretty guys in there.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:yum: :yum: I saw a few, and had to push several away.
And you did it soo very well. You made me :lmao:. BTW, thanks for the support when I got fed up with the perv.:wink:

BTW, I am with sxy - I like the idea of a good tool set :biggrin:


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Athena1078
I have never sunk so low as to be a barracks bunny.
I have met plenty of guys in the military down here, but most are getting ready to finish up their stays here.. Not worth getting involved.
Not really craving high drink prices and such, just the guys with some amount of class that dress nicely to go to the bar.. not just throw on a flannel shirt over the long johns... I am not asking suit and tie.. just clean jeans and non stained shirt

That's ME!!!
I'm your man!

Oh, and my only real requirement is that you have a pulse.
Do you have a pulse?

I'm all yours!

Oh...BTW....what are you wearing???


New Member
Originally posted by migtig
And you did it soo very well. You made me :lmao:. BTW, thanks for the support when I got fed up with the perv.:wink:

BTW, I am with sxy - I like the idea of a good tool set :biggrin:

I hope you'll be joining us often. :cheers: You KNOW you had fun. :biggrin:


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I hope you'll be joining us often. :cheers: You KNOW you had fun. :biggrin:
Next time I am borrowing a tank top and going in with a dancing fool attitude:biggrin: :wink:


Social Director
I was thinking about Club V.. Just haven't made it up there yet. I don't have anything against what people wear to work.. just don't wear it out on a Saturday night.
well, this is my last post for the day, I get to drive for the next 3 hours!
have good afternoons


Social Director
That's ME!!!
I'm your man!

Oh, and my only real requirement is that you have a pulse.
Do you have a pulse?

I'm all yours!

Oh...BTW....what are you wearing???

I answered that already.. but I will repeat myself..
come over and find out..


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Pixie should have warned you about proper "attire." :biggrin:

Sorry, I thought BK was the attire monitor. :confused: Are we up for it again this Saturday girls?

BTW, Athena, there are lots of hotties at Club V. Just stay away from my new husband. He's the cutest one there; you'll know him when ya see him. :biggrin: But don't tell Vrai, Cari or my boyfriend. :wink:


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Sorry, I thought BK was the attire monitor. :confused: Are we up for it again this Saturday girls?

Sure, but not as early. :wink: Oh, and what about Thursday? I've decided to become an alcoholic. :martini:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Sure, but not as early. :wink: Oh, and what about Thursday? I've decided to become an alcoholic. :martini:

Me too! Let's quit our jobs and start collecting wellfare while we're at it. :biggrin:

Thursday is still on. What time? Send Christy and email and tell her to come too!


aka Mrs. Giant
I'm for it unless it's snowing....dress attire? :roflmao: Pixie, tell Christy she has no excuse this time.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by migtig
I'm for it unless it's snowing....dress attire? :roflmao: Pixie, tell Christy she has no excuse this time.

Christy is hiding now that she's been put on the spot. :eek: