My comment would be that...
kingpl2 said:
...this is article exactly what I am talking about.
My 1st post:
The 'choice' movement had at its basis the right to equality meaning the man did not own her, that he could not tell her what to do with her body, that she and she alone could choose to birth or not.
Fair enough. If that, freedom, is the issue, why is the man obligated to support the child, outside of the moral? Why is he obligated to use HIS body for 18 years to earn the succor that sustains the wee one when he had no say in wether or not there would be a birth?
If he sacrificed all his rights at the moment of Shangri-la and she successfully fought to KEEP her rights every step of the way, pre, post and at the moment, do we not now have what we originally sought to eliminate, in-equality? Only now the shoe is on the other foot which is specifically of one sex thus a sexual discrimination as well?
Can I get an AMEN?
The manipulation of the court docket mentioned is also the kind of thing that, we all hope, will be eliminated one day when enough people who believe in pure democracy are gone from the courts.
Roe v. Wade is HORRIBLE law and the people who support it are so terrified of losing the right to abortion that they make a devils deal; they are willing to support a precedent, Roe v. Wade, in order to get what they want in exchange for accepting a precedent, Roe. V Wade, that GUARANTEES that what they want, along with every other ennumerated right is simply a days manipulation of the court docket away and the agreement of 5 people that it, whatever is before them, is GONE.
If a woman has the right to a mans labor, or a goodly portion, for 18 years, because she UNILATERALLY decided the 'unviable tissue mass' would grow on why not his speech? If his work belongs to her, then why shouldn't she be able to make him say what she wants; "I support Roe v. Wade" or prohibit him from, say, going to a lawyer in an attempt to modify or change his settlement with her?
If it makes sense that he MUST pay her for a period of time, why can't she conduct search and seizure in his home for 18 years to simply make sure he is complying with the court order? Maybe she suspects he is earning unreported income?
Roe v. Wade is decidely BAD law for ALL of us because of precedent. Liberals have their hair on fire to make sure Alito or whomever else is to become a Justice has respect for precedent. Precedent is all powerful. It is why justices MUST be pointed headed intelectuals who disspasionatley warn to be careful what you wish for, that actions have consequence.
Roe is seen as liberation to people who only care about their feelings.
Dredd Scott honored precedent and was so honored down through the years finally having to be overturned by Constitutiional amendment.
That's a heavy tool to fix a poorly made decision.
Taney said Scott was not a citizen and thus not entitled to civil rights because he was not a man which is a prerequisite for being a citizen. He was a slave.
Well, slave or no, he sure as hell was a human being and a male one at that. He WAS a man. He was born and raised in the US. He was, by that virtue as far as the Constitution was concerned, a citizen.
Roe says the baby is not entitled to Constitutional protection because it is not a person. Well, it sure as hell is alive and it sure as hell is human and that makes 'it' entitled to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness and a woman has no more exclusive right as to what to do with her body than she does to take drugs, be a prostitute or sell body parts.
Many say "better to have an abortion is she doesn't want it".
I say 'whoppee!' There's the American spirit! If it don't look to promising, kill it!'
How about dad? If he doesn't want Jr. doesn't equality and fairness demand that he to can ascribe to' better off dead' theory?
By making his wishes subordinate AND making him liable he has now had his rights violated.
Woman say "Keep your hands off my body!"
Well, maybe dad says 'keep your hands off of mine!" Maybe he could use Roe v. Wade as the basis, the precedent, for that very argument. She has no more right to the fruits of his labor than the plantation owner did 160 years ago.
It's that simple.