Mens and wimmins

Expect, maybe. Hoping for something in return, probably.
I believe that to be a change in society, always expect something for something. Not everyone is that way. I've done numerous favors for many people, including people on this forum, and have never once looked for, expected or hoped for anything in return. I was just happy I could offer a hand. It would be nice, but absolutely not expected or hoped, that when I need a favor, I can ask and get help. So far, only once have I asked someone for a return favor, and it was willingly given.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I believe that to be a change in society, always expect something for something. Not everyone is that way. I've done numerous favors for many people, including people on this forum, and have never once looked for, expected or hoped for anything in return. I was just happy I could offer a hand. It would be nice, but absolutely not expected or hoped, that when I need a favor, I can ask and get help. So far, only once have I asked someone for a return favor, and it was willingly given.
Thank you for lending me your refrigerator.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
That's probably the only real thing I dislike about men in general. They come onto you, wanting to buy you drinks or jewelry or cars, begging for attention in the most embarrassing ways, and somehow it's not only the woman's fault they behave this way, but when she's not interested in their attention she is the bitch. "Look at all this stuff I'm trying to give you and do for you!! Now you get over here and be my girlfriend!"

This sounds a lot like programmed thinking. Once upon a time, the man was the provider in a relationship and was expected to be able to support the woman. By buying and offering trinkets, he was showing that he was financially able to support another person in his life.
By today's standards it's called prostitution.

There are women, and men, out there that are more concerned with the ability to live a certain lifestyle, and not only keep up with the Jones', but to outdo them to show their financial superiority. They seek a mate that is able to provide them that lifestyle above all else. The divorce rate is a good indication of this. If everyone married for love alone, the amount of broken homes would be surprisingly low. There can be a lot said for staying together for the sake of the kids. It gives you a second chance to relearn what the attraction was in the first place. Very rarely do you see divorced couples have this revelation and remarry.

Just a few rambling thoughts from someone who married/was married for love and not money, and did those silly things on a lesser scale to attract a mate.:sshrug:



Resident PIA
It's not like she put a gun to their head, so you can't really blame her for men clamoring for her attention.

That's probably the only real thing I dislike about men in general. They come onto you, wanting to buy you drinks or jewelry or cars, begging for attention in the most embarrassing ways, and somehow it's not only the woman's fault they behave this way, but when she's not interested in their attention she is the bitch. "Look at all this stuff I'm trying to give you and do for you!! Now you get over here and be my girlfriend!"
Didn't say it was her fault they were fools who had penalmyopia
Though I'm not sure she was sleeping with them, just leading them on.
She and I did not get along, mainly because I knew she was an idiot, yes, she had guys take tests for her in college and do her work.
She had pissed off a lot of female employees, particularly one high up. But a friend of mine got fed up because she was such a useless idiot.
My friend, who actually was very attractive, was also smart. She went into the bosses office and threw a fit.
She got the little twit a job, the "promotion" she couldn't resist. She also got exposed. Call it karma. It wasn't anyone who was jealous that took her out, it was someone who had to deal with her incompetence, but happened to be a female as well.


Resident PIA
I was about half way through college before I finally stopped falling for this.
UNfortunately, I had become so jaded by that time, I was seriously unable to believe any woman would flirt with me on purpose.
On more than one occasion, some girl I know would start being flirtatious and I'd roll my eyes and say "just TELL me what you want already".
I learned much later a LOT of those were completely in earnest. Oh well.
That's still my reaction, whether it's a male of female.


Resident PIA
Yep. See it often.
It's embarrassing for both competent men and women that this goes on.
It's not good for morale in the office. Well the guys who aren't affected sort of laugh and want to yell, "YO STUPID".
It only bothered me when it affected my work, when her manipulation spilled over to me. I'm all about quality and making schedule, if you are on my team, you better not **** up.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Expect, maybe. Hoping for something in return, probably.

Not this ole feller. I have always had a steady stream of local folks that stop by my rather well-equipped shop asking to have various equipment, boat or vehicle "boo boos" fixed, or to borrow a special tool..need a nut or bolt etc etc. It's just something I can do and do do. Does not cost me anything really and generates a lot of good will.

Now it is nice, however, that I seem to own a magic refrigerator in my shop. It's right next to the shop door and used mostly to chill beer. It magically restocks itself with Corona fairly regularly. I don't dare unplug it....don't want to jinx that.


Well-Known Member
It's embarrassing for both competent men and women that this goes on.
It's not good for morale in the office. Well the guys who aren't affected sort of laugh and want to yell, "YO STUPID".
It only bothered me when it affected my work, when her manipulation spilled over to me. I'm all about quality and making schedule, if you are on my team, you better not **** up.
I feel sorry for anyone on YOUR team ! The only people that don't F***up are the ones who are not doing anything. Or of course engineers .


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Obviously a junior engineer's mistake not a seasoned veteran . S**t happens to the best occasionally .

You get to be my age..and after almost 40 years of engineering behind ya, you become totally infallible.


I'm sure I read that somewhere.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Training exercises on what not to do. Planned.

Me, standing in background behind a gaggle of high-ranking USN and civvie personnel that turn around to stare at myself and several other rocket engineers, as the first real test of the vertical launch cruise missile is spinning and catapaulting all over the desert surface, eventually disintegrating in a large fireball or three: :sshrug:
Me, standing in background behind a gaggle of high-ranking USN and civvie personnel that turn around to stare at myself and several other rocket engineers, as the first real test of the vertical launch cruise missile is spinning and catapaulting all over the desert surface, eventually disintegrating in a large fireball or three: :sshrug:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
One of the Admirals or Captains present..don't recall which because this was about 33 years ago now...turned and deadpanned without the slightest hint of emotion "welp..there went x million dollars up in flames". I don't remember what "x" was either...but it was a lot of money back then, I do remember that much.