Messed up 1st day of school in St Marys County...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kismet
Well sue me.
No thanks. But it is interesting to note that 27 people looked at the thread I posted about it. Then go look and see how many views the Chit Chat threads get.

We have messed up priorities.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You have a lot of rage.

Our Alex was attacked by a classmate when she was in first grade (this was before I knew her). Not some kid pickery or anything like that - this kid literally attacked her. The principal suggested that Larry contact a lawyer because that was the only way they could discipline the kid. Otherwise, there's nothing they can do. Finally, after Larry made a legal stink, the kid was removed from the school system and sent to some bad-kid school.

If you think ANY school system ANYWHERE cares about your child, you're wrong. Up here, the high school had some extra money to spend and they let the kids vote on how to spend it :)duh:). The kids, in their infinite wisdom, voted to get a dance machine thingy like you see at the Pocket Change. Nevermind that the bathrooms look like war zones and haven't been refurbished since 1910. When parents complained, the principal couldn't have cared less. She wouldn't even return phone calls.

The teachers might care. But everyone above them doesn't. Get used to it.

Since we're on the subject, St. Mary's School Superintendent Pat Richardson did a Live Online for the Post on Aug 26. Here's the transcript:
Note how many local people submitted questions: 5. It was advertised all over the Post and on the front page of this site, not to mention as a thread in these forums. Where were you?

Hi. Yes I agree. My comments here are directed mostly towards the poster who wanted to see just how bad "BAD" could get. and even though I stand behind my words it is not intended to insight anyone other than the poster who knows their identity. We pay these SO CALLED professionals to be just that "PROFESSIONAL" Their contract negotiations and bitching that they cant do this or that because they dont have the time is all :bs: My teachers did this and more when I was growing up and were paid FAR less than any of these. To ask a teacher to EMAIL a parent or communicate with them more effectively is NOT unreasonable. However, asking these teachers to do this is in their eyes like asking them to give up summer vacation. As for the Super's online appearence. That was a Joke, How can you ask a parent to be present online at 2PM mind when they are at work to post online with the ADMINISTRATOR of the St. Marys School district? This was set up as a calculated move so that there would be minimal participation. When she wants to get real questions from the parents of children why not just have a few TOWN meetings? It works for the GOVERNMENT? Not that she would ever do anything about the issues!


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
No thanks. But it is interesting to note that 27 people looked at the thread I posted about it. Then go look and see how many views the Chit Chat threads get.

We have messed up priorities.

My husband did mention the email questions in on one night, was offline for a few days, and wouldnt you know, i missed event he emailing of the questions.

That reaks.

This topic really IS important to me. Had to give in to doing other stuff besides being online, and i guess it was the wrong time to do so. ALso, work kept me busy, so i couldnt attend anything to do with the school if i tried. grrrrrrrrrrr.
Feeling better physically, but could kick me for missing the chance to voice my concerns.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The BOE for St. Mary's County invites you to express your concerns at their meetings.

Meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m. and the last Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

You also have a perfectly good PTSA. Get involved - it's the only way you can have your concerns addressed.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The BOE for St. Mary's County invites you to express your concerns at their meetings.

Meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m. and the last Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

You also have a perfectly good PTSA. Get involved - it's the only way you can have your concerns addressed.

And PRAY that i can get off work in time to get there to even get involved, huh?

Going to read the link. Mega thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by res9405
You have NO idea how I hold my child accountable.
Let me guess, you beat the crap out of them? That's cool, whatever makes you feel like a man. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by res9405
The fact that you continue to reply to my post is evidence that you are the typical liberal only wishing to stur up the POT of sh!t.
No, it's my attempt (in vain I guess) to point out that you are a reactionary with a great deal of rage who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about.

Originally posted by res9405
I have dealt with children before and have held my ground with them and EARNED their respect.
How many children? 1, 2? Certainly not a classroom full. If you had, you'd have said so by now.
Originally posted by res9405 IT is the LOSS of respect based on your liberal :bs: that has caused this country to turn into a worse place. When I was in school as a child I would NEVER think of acting up in the way that these children do today. Basicly because I knew that I would have to answer for my actions.
What exactly do you mean by this? What "liberal" :bs:? Do you mean the lack of corporal punishment in schools? They technically had corporal punishment when I was a kid. In 13 years, I know of one kid getting punished this way and he laughed about it when he came back to class. A friend of my father's was kicked out of school one day in the early 60's and was told to walk home (about 20 miles). What happened? His father went to school and yelled at the nun, then put him in public school. How is any of that punishment? How does any of that earn more respect than the way they handle things today? I agree with Kismet that the problem with lack of disipline in schools today originates at home. Kids aren't taught proper respect for adults. They aren't taught proper boundaries. A few years ago, I worked in a print shop. A customer came in with a 2yo child. She allowed him to come behind the counter and wander all over the machinery, while she sauntered along behind him. This kid was in the way, they were rude and this was dangerous to both the child and the employees. When I arrived and saw this, I told the woman to stop him. She asked me how she could do anything about this and accused me of not understanding what it was like. :rolleyes: My son was the same age at the time and I told her that I would never let my son in the places she did and I worked there. "Well then I guess you're luckier than me to have a child that listens." All I can say is God help that child's teachers because his parents will never hold him accountable for his actions and will never help the teachers do so.
Originally posted by res9405 The children of your LIBERAL world have NOTHING to answer for because it is always blamed on the Parent who did not Raise their children correctly. Well I say "WHY is that?" Answer : Because you :bs: liberals have taken away the parents rights to maintain order and raise their children as THEY se fit. Not by some :bs: Liberal Governmental mandated requirement or Limitation.
I'm a liberal? umm, Ok, if you say so. Oh, and that big "L" word really scares me. :rolleyes: I really don't have any idea why you've decided I'm a liberal, except that in your mind that seems to be the ultimate insult. And personally, I raise my kids EXACTLY how I please, and nine times out of ten, I can honestly say they are the best behaved kids in any given situation.
Originally posted by res9405 So please take your un-educated self back to the out house and think up something that will rebuke my facts.
FACTS?? Where? Show me one fact? Besides, you do a fair job of contraticting yourself. Your anger was directed at me because I questioned your statement that a teacher's job was simple. You "refuted" me by saying that the teachers' hands were tied by "liberal" policies, that make their job difficult. In other words YOU AGREED WITH ME.
Oh, all-educated res :notworthy: alas, I only have 2 degrees (or is it degress?) But last I checked, they didn't award degrees in common sense or intelligence and I'm guessing yours didn't include a degree in Logic.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by cmcdanal
alas, I only have 2 degrees (or is it degress?) But last I checked, they didn't award degrees in common sense or intelligence and I'm guessing yours didn't include a degree in Logic.

:lmao: go, Cmac, go..

Old Dog

On the one hand, nice to see I wasn't the only one that had problems with the bus system that first week of school.

On the other hand, shame to see I wasn't the only that had problems with the bus system that first week of school.

My probs were mainly with the transportation department, though now I see that they were probably having tons of folks calling.

My situation is that the kid got on the bus at 7:25a Monday morning, which freaked me out a bit as I work in Centreville and putting her on the bus that late would almost make going into work not sensible.

She takes a different bus in the afternoons. She didn't catch the bus Tuesday morning.

Her granddad was to put her on the bus Wed and Thurs. Except the bus seemed to have never come.

I called the transportation department (got their number from the school) on Wednesday - nobody knew a thing. I figured that maybe Granddad has mussed up the time.

But Thurs I called the transportation dept. several times after the bus seemed to not have come. I was told repeatedly that they had no clue but someone would call me. No one ever did. And there was never any news each time I called (which kind of makes it sound like they never even checked).

Friday I took over the task of getting the kid on the bus. Got out there bright and early - 6:30a. No bus. Called the transportation dept. at 7:40a and the lady I got sounded quite peeved that I was having trouble and suggested I take the kid to school. The school doesn't track which buses show up and when so they had no clue if my kid's bus had been there.

And then I spent the next 5 hours calling and being told someone would call me back. The first time the lady I wanted to talk to (the one I called earlier) was meeting with her supervisor; the guy who took the message said he would have her call when she was done - didn't happen. At one point I asked to talk with the lady's supervisor (because by this time she was out of the office on an errand - which I do not begrudge her).

The supervisor was supposed to call me back when he found out what was going on. Never did.

Eventually they did look into it enough to call the bus driver. Then called me and said the bus driver would call me. This I have a problem with. If the route had changed the transportation dept. should know about it, in which case why couldn't they call me back. If the timing had changed, the transportation dept. should know about it, in which case why couldn't they call me back.

Well, of course, the transportation dept. didn't know any of it. The bus driver had reversed his route because of the length of time it took him to drive it. Supposedly he came at 6:30a on Tues, Wed, Thurs. Finding no kid at my stop he flat didn't come on Friday. (He sort of had to make a detour to get my kid because he had reversed his route.) The bus driver indicated that he has a quite difficult time getting the transportation dept. returning his calls as well. He also pretty much thinks the transportation dept. does a poor job.

Now it's arranged that I take the kid to the bus driver's house because his house is between me and where I need to go in the morning. I get to drop off the kid at 6:30a which puts me at work about 8:30a. So it's kind of a win-win all around.

It was just really maddening that the lines of communication were so confused that first week.

Now if anybody wants to hear a rant about a principal who patronizingly, condescendingly responded to me re Open Houses that are held during the day by telling me "But aren't you happy to do this for your child" and "But look at all the other parents that didn't have a problem being here today"... Argh!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"But aren't you happy to do this for your child"
Hollywood Elementary used to send home these guilt notes about parents participating in class, chaperoning field trips, etc. The notes were like, "We realize you work to support your children but the best support you can give them is to be involved in their school life." :duh:

The arrogance of the transportation system and the administrators at these schools is unbelievable. Trust me when I tell you, if you request (demand) a one-on-one meeting or even attend the school board meetings, you'll get satisfaction. But only if you're VERY definitive about what the problem is and how you expect them to resolve it. I hate to say it, but sometimes you almost have to boss them around, just like you would one of your employees that is performing in a poor manner.

Old Dog

I was rather stunned. I expected that the principal would have dodged by indicating something along the lines of this was the way it was done around here and she didn't really have much choice.

I came pretty close to having a fight... figured that wouldn't do my kid much good especially as I figure the kid will end up in principal's office sooner or later during the next 3 years.

I just could not believe the arrogance and could kick myself for not having the presence of mind to suggest getting a few of those milling parents in for a quick survey on how many would have preferred an evening Open House.

I'm hoping that this principal just thinks it's her job to take it on the chin for the school system and not pass the buck.

Unfortunately I don't have much faith in the system. It's not the attitude I started with when I first encountered the school system 3 years ago. I was going then strictly off my own experience in public schools mumble-mumble years ago. I'm sure the schools are fine for the majority of kids. But my kid is one of those that falls thru the cracks - she's not slow enough for special ed but has a heck of a time actually keeping up, not to mention that her social skills are a bit behind.

Thinking of looking into a 504 for her. Thinking of (now that my finances are greatly improved since last school year) looking into private schools - my hesitation there is not knowing if there is any before or after school supervision. No supervision would make it unworkable unless of course one of quit our job but then it would become unaffordable.

Yes, must look into the PTA. It didn't seem to do much at my kid's last school. But maybe it's more active at this one.


Unless the PTA has changed in the last few years I would not waste my time and save the $5 membership fees. All the PTA does is raise money to buy the school and teachers things that should be in their budget already. I remember when my son was in elementary school. The principal would almost hold her hand out for money from the PTA to fund teacher supplies and other school maintenance and improvements.

All the meetings were held during the day, which made it really hard for working parents who wanted to be involved. Anytime a suggestion to do something different or at a different time of the year was brought up the principal would nix it. I still have no idea what the PTA is actually supposed to do other than raise funds for the schools.


New Member
Just my two cents here.....last year my son was an eighth grader at Leonardtown Middle.At Open House in August of that year,I recieved a paper(among many more)from his Social Studies teacher explaining his grading policy and that all important "parent/teacher communication" BS.One of the paragraph's contained this line "Once a month i will be sending home progress reports on your child".I took this teacher at his word and each month i looked forward to recieving a progress report from him.In December i called him concerning another issue.During that conversation on the phone i asked him why i had not recieved a progress report when the paper he had given me 4 months earlier stated otherwise.He very bluntly told me "i don't have time"....I just about fell out of my chair.....I told him that i too don't have time to play phone tag with teachers but i made the time because i happen to be a concerned parent.He then told me that I would be recieving one in 2-3 weeks.So i waited and waited and waited and waited................What a bunch of BS.........And this is not the first time a teacher in the St. Mary's Co. Public School system has told me "they don't have time"........Totally unacceptable and unproffesional.


New Member
And I too expreinced the dreaded "no bus arrival" on the first day of school 3 weeks ago.Have had a bus come down my street for 20 years and after seeing the bus schedule in the paper,i noticed our street wasn't listed....i began to call the transportation office the week before school.....noone answered.So i knew the first day would be very interesting.I must have called and left 3 or 4 messages...........was told someone would call me back......I never have heard from anyone.Meanwhile the bus situation has been fixed,but who are we dealing with here?????????Again.......Unproffesionals!

Donna Kracinovi

New Member
Just my two cents,

Did you ever think that if the transportation dept. is receiving about 130 calls aday..first week..80 aday second week...when do you expect them to call you back? What is more important? Fixing the problem or calling you back? Pretty much there is only a couple people working on problems. Granted, there was alot of problems this year..but again what do you expect with new districting, school times, etc.

Things are improving right now and I think we just need to take a break.

Put yourselves in their position. How would you feel? Plus these people get calls all hours of the night and morning, like what are they going do about a bus at 10:30 p.m.

Sorry, but I also felt a need to vent. I feel people need to start showing a little more patience. Getting upset, yelling is not going to sovle anything.



New Member
Originally posted by Donna Kracinovi

Sorry, but I also felt a need to vent. I feel people need to start showing a little more patience. Getting upset, yelling is not going to sovle anything.

You may be right, But put yourself in the shoes of the parents who are treated as though they have NO right to know where their children are. Not to mention that we pay these people a salary to be accountable. We have NO IDEA who these people are and we release our children to them EVERY DAY!!! So If we don't ask questions about what, when, where, or why the problems of the first day may remain the same!!!

I am fairly positive, that if you were treated in the fashion that we were treated you would be fumed and want to know WHAT RIGHT these so called professionals have to be in the positions that they are in.

Just my 2 cents


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by res9405
I am fairly positive, that if you were treated in the fashion that we were treated you would be fumed and want to know WHAT RIGHT these so called professionals have to be in the positions that they are in.

Just my 2 cents

I have yet to see you be positive about a thing there, Res, work on it..:biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by otter
I have yet to see you be positive about a thing there, Res, work on it..:biggrin:

:nono: I am positive that there is NOTHING to be positive about. Especially when we are refering to St. Marys Schools!!!:dosman: :banghead: