Messed up 1st day of school in St Marys County...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Res9405 will regurgitate his venom because he has no new or unique thoughts. He only hates. I bet he burned out his brain using Daddy's money to get three degrees. Then b!tches that he can't leave because he is trapped here by his job (another crock of sh!t). Talk about a loser.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Kismet
Our childs prior school system had integrated into their website, and email feature. It made communicating with the teachers very effective. St Mays County schools website has nothing like that communication effort. Its a real shame. Our childs' teacher in the past comment that even though this communication option may not be for everyone, it benefits whose who WANT to communicate more efficiently, and directly, and actually lessens that amount of paperwork involved.

Last year, when someone asked my kid's teacher about email, She said she could give out her address, but she wouldn't be able to check it until late in the evenings because she was teaching kids all day. :shrug: imagine that.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by res9405
Ok for all of those who have mixed things up. I was refering to a post that someone posted about MOVING here and realizing that this was worse than being in Kansas!!! I agreed with them and said RUN away as fast as you can.

Is there something wrong with Kansas too?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by res9405
AND it is no surprise that the simplest task of watching a 9 yearold for 5 hours and putting them on a bus at the end of the day is BEYOND their abilities.

Spoken like someone whose never watched 20 kids at once for even 5 minutes, much less tried to teach them anything.

If you think you can do better, homeschool. Lots of people do it, even people without one degree, much less 3. People do it and work full time too.


Originally posted by Kismet
Our childs prior school system had integrated into their website, and email feature. It made communicating with the teachers very effective. St Mays County schools website has nothing like that communication effort. Its a real shame. Our childs' teacher in the past comment that even though this communication option may not be for everyone, it benefits whose who WANT to communicate more efficiently, and directly, and actually lessens that amount of paperwork involved.

I do it the old fashioned way. I put a notebook in the front pocket of my boys backpack for the teacher and I to communicate back and forth on. I write the note, he gives it to her, I check the notebook everyday when he comes home.


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by res9405
Ok for all of those who have mixed things up. I was refering to a post that someone posted about MOVING here and realizing that this was worse than being in Kansas!!! I agreed with them and said RUN away as fast as you can.

You didn't like Kansas? Hmmmnnn....ever been to Oz?


You're all F'in Mad...
In case my wife is reading, I don't know what those two girls are asking...

OH - and... Yes, dear!


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
I do it the old fashioned way. I put a notebook in the front pocket of my boys backpack for the teacher and I to communicate back and forth on. I write the note, he gives it to her, I check the notebook everyday when he comes home.

I actually TRIED this.
The teacher has yet to answer or communicate with me. SO i stopped in to the classroom today, and asked why.

I was basically told something to the extent that they dont have time for that.
??? Go figure. ????

Maybe I just have a stressed out teacher and school.

Didnt mean to make anyone mad.
(Have to laf, but i believe that Res took care of THAT for us all.)

Hopefully, over the course of the school year, things get better.

Found out why our daughter was so late that first week of school. Finally spoke to the bus driver. Our daughter was the only student on board that would help the lady bus driver with the route stops, as the driver did not know it by heart yet.
No other students would help her.

I wondered if the bus drivers ever ran the bus routes before the school year was scheduled to begin.

Am just hoping. And YES, I want our child to do well in her classes, so I do strive for more. So you can make all the "sickie" faces you want. LOL.
Scholarships take effort, so we show our child that the effort pays off. Learn that from day one, and apply it, and you cant go wrong.

At any rate, things are better, on the childs' side of school. Communication is still an issue. " You cant push union affected employees to do what they arent supposed to do." Is what another parent told me.
Maybe things will improve as the year keeps rolling. Like I said, I am hoping....


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Kismet
Maybe I just have a stressed out teacher and school.


I can (and have) vouched for the fact that it isn't the whole school system.

For example, my kid got real freaked out about going back to school. So, I told him that if he had a good week, he'd get a reward. On Thurs of last week I left a message for the teacher to call me. She promptly returned the call as soon as all the kids were gone for the day. I told her about my planned reward and wanted to find out if he deserved it. She stuck to the facts telling me about specific incidents of the week. (Some of which, he'd already told me from his POV). I told the teacher that I concluded from this that he didn't deserve to be rewarded. (She agreed, but didn't want to say that straight out)

Today I got a note, completely unsolicited, about his improvement.:smile:


New Member
Originally posted by Kismet

I was basically told something to the extent that they dont have time for that.
??? Go figure. ????

Please tell me who your child's teacher is so I don't get her next year.

Originally posted by Kismet
I wondered if the bus drivers ever ran the bus routes before the school year was scheduled to begin.
I'm quite certain of this. We are still having problems with our bus. The school has no control over this, though, so I've complained to the transportation dept.

I'm glad things seem to be better for you.


New Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
Spoken like someone whose never watched 20 kids at once for even 5 minutes, much less tried to teach them anything.

If you think you can do better, homeschool. Lots of people do it, even people without one degree, much less 3. People do it and work full time too.

What is typical about you saying this is that you are probably one of the LIBERALS that has stripped us parents of the Right to deal with our children which is WHY the teacher cant handle these kids. Last year some little Black kid in my kids class went ape and all the teacher could do was send him to the office. Well before going to the office he Smack my kid with a book, kicked the assistant teacher and punched some little girl in the stomach. This was all in response to him being told to sit in his SEAT instead of STANDING on it. Well if the world were to have LESS liberals who say that their simplistic rights to protect their children from the MASS populace of teachers who want to KILL them would not influence the laws. Then and ONLY then may we have the RIGHT as parents to discipline these kids and restore ORDER in our school and quite possibly in our nation. As for my Daddy paying for my Education, you can stuff that I paid for my own way and I am proud of it. I have nothing to be ashamed of with regard to my education. The Only thing I regret is accepting the job here in this HICK HELL HOLE!!!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
All that :bs: doesn't change the fact that YOU have never watched 20 kids for ANY length of time, much less all day. And therefore have no right to make out like it's easy. It's not.

Your personal attack on me just proves that you don't know what the he!! you are talking about.

All those "liberal" laws you are talking about came about because ignorant parents like you believe your "perfect" kids are above the rules and that shouldn't be punished.


New Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
All that :bs: doesn't change the fact that YOU have never watched 20 kids for ANY length of time, much less all day. And therefore have no right to make out like it's easy. It's not.

Your personal attack on me just proves that you don't know what the he!! you are talking about.

All those "liberal" laws you are talking about came about because ignorant parents like you believe your "perfect" kids are above the rules and that shouldn't be punished.

Hey now, our kid is not perfect. My kid gets punished PLENTY when she does something wrong.
I witnessed a 2nd grade teacher last year have a boy in her class that was totally un-teachable. He was out of control, and the teacher could do nothing, but turn him around in his chair, facing the wall. He slammed another girl in the head with another chair that afternoon. Wasnt the teachers fault, she had all she could handle, and tried to keep the class under control.
I think that the attitudes originate at the childrens' homes. They are not taught respect, or manners, and then the teachers have to deal with this crap, then they are hardened, then the attitude is eventually given off to the parents. Its kind of a survival tactic i think.
With out of control individual kids like that, who COULD teach or maintain a class?

I keep trying to keep this in mind, and hope this teacher doesnt get stressed out like last year when that happened.


New Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
All that :bs: doesn't change the fact that YOU have never watched 20 kids for ANY length of time, much less all day. And therefore have no right to make out like it's easy. It's not.

Your personal attack on me just proves that you don't know what the he!! you are talking about.

All those "liberal" laws you are talking about came about because ignorant parents like you believe your "perfect" kids are above the rules and that shouldn't be punished.

You have NO idea how I hold my child accountable. The fact that you continue to reply to my post is evidence that you are the typical liberal only wishing to stur up the POT of sh!t. I have dealt with children before and have held my ground with them and EARNED their respect. IT is the LOSS of respect based on your liberal :bs: that has caused this country to turn into a worse place. When I was in school as a child I would NEVER think of acting up in the way that these children do today. Basicly because I knew that I would have to answer for my actions. The children of your LIBERAL world have NOTHING to answer for because it is always blamed on the Parent who did not Raise their children correctly. Well I say "WHY is that?" Answer : Because you :bs: liberals have taken away the parents rights to maintain order and raise their children as THEY se fit. Not by some :bs: Liberal Governmental mandated requirement or Limitation. So please take your un-educated self back to the out house and think up something that will rebuke my facts.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by res9405
The Only thing I regret is accepting the job here in this HICK HELL HOLE!!!
You have a lot of rage.

Our Alex was attacked by a classmate when she was in first grade (this was before I knew her). Not some kid pickery or anything like that - this kid literally attacked her. The principal suggested that Larry contact a lawyer because that was the only way they could discipline the kid. Otherwise, there's nothing they can do. Finally, after Larry made a legal stink, the kid was removed from the school system and sent to some bad-kid school.

If you think ANY school system ANYWHERE cares about your child, you're wrong. Up here, the high school had some extra money to spend and they let the kids vote on how to spend it :)duh:). The kids, in their infinite wisdom, voted to get a dance machine thingy like you see at the Pocket Change. Nevermind that the bathrooms look like war zones and haven't been refurbished since 1910. When parents complained, the principal couldn't have cared less. She wouldn't even return phone calls.

The teachers might care. But everyone above them doesn't. Get used to it.

Since we're on the subject, St. Mary's School Superintendent Pat Richardson did a Live Online for the Post on Aug 26. Here's the transcript:
Note how many local people submitted questions: 5. It was advertised all over the Post and on the front page of this site, not to mention as a thread in these forums. Where were you?


Set Trippin
Originally posted by res9405
You have NO idea how I hold my child accountable. The fact that you continue to reply to my post is evidence that you are the typical liberal only wishing to stur up the POT of sh!t. I have dealt with children before and have held my ground with them and EARNED their respect. IT is the LOSS of respect based on your liberal :bs: that has caused this country to turn into a worse place. When I was in school as a child I would NEVER think of acting up in the way that these children do today. Basicly because I knew that I would have to answer for my actions. The children of your LIBERAL world have NOTHING to answer for because it is always blamed on the Parent who did not Raise their children correctly. Well I say "WHY is that?" Answer : Because you :bs: liberals have taken away the parents rights to maintain order and raise their children as THEY se fit. Not by some :bs: Liberal Governmental mandated requirement or Limitation. So please take your un-educated self back to the out house and think up something that will rebuke my facts.
I can't believe you are calling someone uneducated. :rolleyes: After reading that....


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You have a lot of rage.

Our Alex was attacked by a classmate when she was in first grade (this was before I knew her). Not some kid pickery or anything like that - this kid literally attacked her. The principal suggested that Larry contact a lawyer because that was the only way they could discipline the kid. Otherwise, there's nothing they can do. Finally, after Larry made a legal stink, the kid was removed from the school system and sent to some bad-kid school.

If you think ANY school system ANYWHERE cares about your child, you're wrong. Up here, the high school had some extra money to spend and they let the kids vote on how to spend it :)duh:). The kids, in their infinite wisdom, voted to get a dance machine thingy like you see at the Pocket Change. Nevermind that the bathrooms look like war zones and haven't been refurbished since 1910. When parents complained, the principal couldn't have cared less. She wouldn't even return phone calls.

The teachers might care. But everyone above them doesn't. Get used to it.

Since we're on the subject, St. Mary's School Superintendent Pat Richardson did a Live Online for the Post on Aug 26. Here's the transcript:
Note how many local people submitted questions: 5. It was advertised all over the Post and on the front page of this site, not to mention as a thread in these forums. Where were you?

I was stuck at work. Wanted really badly to be able to get in on that . Wished like crazey that i didnt have to miss it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kismet
I was stuck at work. Wanted really badly to be able to get in on that . Wished like crazey that i didnt have to miss it.
No excuse. They were accepting emailed questions for several days before the live event.