Messed up 1st day of school in St Marys County...


Nothing to see here
Sorry, Kismet, Res needs to take a pill before he/she posts. Res was whining bout southern Maryland before school started...We can't win with that type, we need positive people, not weiners..


New Member
Originally posted by crabcake
do the people who are complaining here ever attend school/education board or county meetings to address the problems to the leadership? :confused:

Yes. We have. In the past. Have not this year, however, have plans to do so. Work schedule is not an excuse, but a necessity to comply with. As a mom, I try to be in all places at once, when i am able to do so, and i make no excuses, i only commit to what i am able to accomplish.

Attended our childs' parent/techer conference last year, for starters. We were only informed of one such conference. We were placed in child sized chairs, and endured a teacher with complete "i dont care" body language, attitude, and less "enjoyment of teaching children" than we have ever seen before, in ANY conference concerning our child. Our childs progress seemed on expected levels. They said our child had excelled in math, yet she could not pass a test from a math book bought at walmart in the book area. So, we taught her more than needed while at home, as well as concentrated on schoolwork. THEN, and only then did she grasp the concepts of what the teacher lied to us about. She was not doing well, yet the teacher said she was doing fine.

The blame is not on the teacher, but the whole organization of not only the day, but the system that limits the time they have to try and teach the children. Different aspects of this whole school system are just plain lazy when it comes to teaching, organization, and attitude towards parent-teacher communication. ( in reference to our experience with Park Hall school).


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
So you know most of the people here.... interesting.

You misunderstood what i typed.

I did not say that i know most of the people here.

May i reiterate?

The people we have encountered here, in dealings with the educational system, have really rotten attitudes towards teaching, telling the truth to parents, and could use a big improvement in thier communication skills.


New Member
Originally posted by otter
Sorry, Kismet, Res needs to take a pill before he/she posts. Res was whining bout southern Maryland before school started...We can't win with that type, we need positive people, not weiners..

And how? is it that res was whining about school before it started? I dont think he/she registered until right after school started.
I may be wrong, but i dont think res even had registered with before a few days ago, from what i know.

Just basing this on what i know. I could very well be wrong.


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Sounds like you need to gather up your children and MOOOOVE, and quit all that hating.

No hate here.
Just extreme dissappointment in the so-called school system.


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
I see a pattern here - everyone is wrong but you. :duh:

Nope, others may very well be correct in what they experience, and believe.

You just enjoy being the way you are being at this very moment.
Im sure you can arrive at your own conclusion of what that "way" very well may be.
Enjoy yourself. :smile:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Kismet
And how? is it that res was whining about school before it started? I dont think he/she registered until right after school started.
I may be wrong, but i dont think res even had registered with before a few days ago, from what i know.

Just basing this on what i know. I could very well be wrong.

Res hated it here before griping bout school...Ya think he/she was pre-disposed to badmouthing anything bout SOMD here???


New Member
Originally posted by otter
Res hated it here before griping bout school...Ya think he/she was pre-disposed to badmouthing anything bout SOMD here???

So, you speak to him/her personally?
That was posted the same week school started. Hmmm. Maybe even the same night?

It makes me wonder if he /she has encountered the same bummer of an attitude from people around here, but just before i did.

Res? If youre out there? Has your Park Hall school experiece changed for the better this week? SInce they've had the rest of the week to improve?

All i can do is hope that maybe i meet other people in this area who are less apathetic in the way they view thier childrens education, and how the schools communicate with them.
Maybe my situation is the only situation at Park Hall? that was of this magnatude? Some how i think not.


Nothing to see here
Too funny, Kismet, where in this post does it mention school???

If it is at all possible. Dont WALK but RUN as fast as your CAR/Truck/FEET can carry you away from this stop before HE!!
Have been stuck here for 2 years now and If I could find a job in an area that was reasonably close to the pay that I make as a GOV contractor I would take it in a Second and NEVER look back!! EVER! SoMD

I don't see it..


New Member
Originally posted by amethyst_babes
My daugher also goes to Park Hall, but I don't have these problems. I have called the school and teachers always call me back.

And while I am rather ticked off at the bus situation right now, I realize it is the first week of school with different schedules for the drivers (and I have vented plenty about the inability of bus drivers to learn their routes myself) and expect it to get better.

While I understand it may be nice for those of us with internet access to get updates like this, why do we expect teachers to do all this extra work? They would still have to print out the information for the families who don't have internet access.

How difficult is it for a child to put papers in their backpack and leave them until the parent takes them out at the end of the day?

Our childs prior school system had integrated into their website, and email feature. It made communicating with the teachers very effective. St Mays County schools website has nothing like that communication effort. Its a real shame. Our childs' teacher in the past comment that even though this communication option may not be for everyone, it benefits whose who WANT to communicate more efficiently, and directly, and actually lessens that amount of paperwork involved.


New Member
Originally posted by otter
Too funny, Kismet, where in this post does it mention school???

If it is at all possible. Dont WALK but RUN as fast as your CAR/Truck/FEET can carry you away from this stop before HE!!
Have been stuck here for 2 years now and If I could find a job in an area that was reasonably close to the pay that I make as a GOV contractor I would take it in a Second and NEVER look back!! EVER! SoMD

I don't see it..

I read those posts, and i dont think he/she was talking about schools. I believe he/she was replying to someone who wanted to relocate here.

I dont believe that its such a bad place to live, but the economy, and school system is not what it possible could be. I see so very many things that this community could offer people, however, it seems like the attitudes of those in this area, is livid, and people dont seem to want more for the community, or the schools.


New Member
Ok for all of those who have mixed things up. I was refering to a post that someone posted about MOVING here and realizing that this was worse than being in Kansas!!! I agreed with them and said RUN away as fast as you can.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by *archimedes*
I am totally convinced by the PITAs in this thread that America's teachers are horribly underpaid.

I believe they are doubt about it....The best find out quickly that they can take that degree, just because its a college degree, and make 20k more working for someone else. Since they are the best, they learn the ropes quickly and move on to more lucrative jobs. Alot of folks think teachers are babysitters, very few have the attitude that Kismet has...(hows that for a suckup??)


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by res9405
Ok for all of those who have mixed things up. I was refering to a post that someone posted about MOVING here and realizing that this was worse than being in Kansas!!! I agreed with them and said RUN away as fast as you can.

:biggrin: I was referring to you not liking it here and I didn't mix anything up...Someone that doesn't like things tends to spout their side a bit more, don' t ya think??


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Sounds like you need to gather up your children and MOOOOVE, and quit all that hating.
The Only thing I hate is SMIBs who are happy being in SMIBVILLE. The Obvious truth here is that we have very little representation within the school system and when we try to speak up to voice our concerns The Administration treats us like we are STUPID because they are use to dealing with SMIBs who dont Know any better! I wont be treated that way and I WILL make my voice heard!!!


New Member
Originally posted by *archimedes*
:crazy: :lmao: :drunk: :wah: :loser: :bawl: :baby:

Perfect example of what i tried to convey.
Malaise attitude.

IF you call wanting our childrens school system to be what it is able to be, and wanting the truth from school leaders and staff a "losers" ideal? ( the loser smiley is on your post there), I guess you have probably not experienced this school system the way we have.
Am very glad you have had a better experience than we have. The children of this school system deserve better tahn what they are getting from their schools.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by res9405
The Only thing I hate is SMIBs who are happy being in SMIBVILLE. The Obvious truth here is that we have very little representation within the school system and when we try to speak up to voice our concerns The Administration treats us like we are STUPID because they are use to dealing with SMIBs who dont Know any better! I wont be treated that way and I WILL make my voice heard!!!

Well, ya should got that English credit and gotten another degree(sic)


New Member
Originally posted by res9405
The Only thing I hate is SMIBs who are happy being in SMIBVILLE. The Obvious truth here is that we have very little representation within the school system and when we try to speak up to voice our concerns The Administration treats us like we are STUPID because they are use to dealing with SMIBs who dont Know any better! I wont be treated that way and I WILL make my voice heard!!!

I hate to say this res, but you really DO sound hateful.

You might as well call me a smib. I know what it means, but calling folks that doesnt do anything but pixx people off. I have not meant to pixx people off when i began this thread, i wanted to expose what happened, and see if any other parents go thte same treatment as my husband and I did when they tried to communicate with the school.