Michael Vick


New Member
I am a major animal lover so I really have a problem with Vick. He didn't just fight the dogs, he tortured and killed them. That is sick. Don't serial killers start out like this? Wonder how he treats women. He needs to go away.


Active Member
First of all, even though I forgot the sarcasm symbol :doh:, I was being sarcastic. The subject was players obtained by Snyder NOT good players in general. (Read the post I am replying to). Secondly, although I am a huge Redskins fan, I am not that crazy over Portis. Yes he is an excellent running back. Nobody knows that better than Portis himself. He is his own biggest fan. :lol: I would like him alot more if he would just shut up and play the damn game. Lastly, My point was there are other players that have been obtained (Moss, Fletcher, etc) that were great pick ups NOT just Portis. Hence, the reason for the comment on lack of football knowledge. Thank you for letting me clear that up. :howdy: I'm off to get sleep for my trip to Redskins training camp in the morning.

Hey Baz, maybe I'll get you Portis' autograph....:killingme

(I can't wait for football to start):yahoo:
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Having Fun!
I am a major animal lover so I really have a problem with Vick. He didn't just fight the dogs, he tortured and killed them. That is sick. Don't serial killers start out like this? Wonder how he treats women. He needs to go away.

It is known by psychologists that children who torture and kill animals are more likely to escalate that violence and harm a human being. Or perhaps, I should say it another way...when looking into the backgrounds of people who harm or kill other people, cruelty towards animals is frequently found in their history.

That said, I personally do not want to see him play for any pro team. I was in PA recently when one of the Steelers was asked to comment on the possibility of Vick joining the team. Don't recall who it was but the player commented that the Steelers were a "classy" organization and he would have to fit in.

Should the Steelers lose their collective minds enough to sign him, I think I'd have to become (gasp) a Ravens fan or even (double gasp) a Cowboys fan. That's just my two cents! :coffee:


New Member
Should the Steelers lose their collective minds enough to sign him, I think I'd have to become (gasp) a Ravens fan or even (double gasp) a Cowboys fan. That's just my two cents! :coffee:

Me too... :ohwell: Personally, I would think it would be suicide to the Steelers fans to do such a thing. Steeler’s fans are like no other. Everywhere you look; everywhere you turn; there are signs up cheering the Steelers on. Football is serious business in Pennsylvania.


Having Fun!
Me too... :ohwell: Personally, I would think it would be suicide to the Steelers fans to do such a thing. Steeler’s fans are like no other. Everywhere you look; everywhere you turn; there are signs up cheering the Steelers on. Football is serious business in Pennsylvania.

That just might qualify as the "understatement of the year", lol. We take our football (Steelers), our hockey (Penguins) and even our baseball (Pirates, bless their hearts!) seriously! And many of us have moved to Maryland! :lmao: