Middle East War Briefing


PREMO Member
“In a joint IDF and ISA activity, the IAF conducted an aerial strike on an underground terror compound in the Al-Ansar mosque in Jenin,” the IDF said in a statement. “The mosque contained a terror cell of Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror operatives who were organizing an imminent terror attack.”

The statement said that these were the same terrorists who were responsible “for several terror attacks over the last months.”

“Intel was recently received which indicated that the terrorists who were neutralized were organizing an imminent terror attack,” the statement added. “The mosque was used by the terrorists as a command center to plan the attacks and as a base for their execution.”



PREMO Member
Article 13 of the Hamas charter states:

"[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility."


PREMO Member

This is the drug Hamas terrorists took to help them slaughter Israelis

Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil.

This stimulant drug, also known as the "cocaine for the poor," allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.


PREMO Member
🚀 Day 16 — Middle East War Briefing 🚀

💣 Last week, Patrick Byrne published a short video offering the first fact-based theory for Israel’s massive, inexplicable October 7th intelligence failure. And it’s a doozy. I’ve summarized it below if you don’t have time to watch the whole clip.

Between what Patrick said and what he didn’t say but strongly implied, the short version is that, following the summer battle over Israel’s leftist Supreme Court, Biden (i.e. Obama), U.S. intelligence agencies, and Israeli intelligence agencies undermined Israel — to get rid of Benjamin Netanyahu.

CLIP: Patrick Byrne offers explanation for Israel’s intelligence failure (24:25).

In case you aren’t familiar with him, Patrick Byrne is a brilliant polyglot, former McKinsey consultant, entrepreneur, founder of Overstock.com, and now conservative influencer. He got involved in the Trump elections debacle, personally funding and supervising elections audits all over the country. Significantly for this story, he’s an experienced software developer and works with lots of Israeli software firms (Israeli is the current world headquarters of advanced software development).

Patrick claimed to have firsthand insider information from his Israeli contacts.

The gist of Patrick’s theory is that former Obama officials Dan Shapiro (Obama’s ambassador to Israel), Avril Haines (Obama deputy assistant), Anthony Blinken (Obama deputy assistant), and Michele Flournoy (Obama undersecretary of defense) began representing an Israeli cyber-security software developer called Paragon. Paragon develops top-secret security tools for Israeli’s defense industry.

After the former Obama officials got involved with Paragon, and continuing through the Biden regime, the U.S. has systematically targeted all of Paragon’s competitors using a variety of federal procurement tools and sanctions, forcing them either to close or sell off their assets to Paragon or the U.S. intelligence agencies.

At this point, Israel depends on one single security software provider, Paragon, a fact that the country’s intelligence agencies have warned is a critical security risk. And that one software provider is deeply connected to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Paragon is also linked to former Israeli Prime Minister and sworn Netanyahu enemy Ehud Barak, who visited Epstein Island “on business” over 30 times, which means that he is almost certainly a blackmail pawn of the U.S. and Israeli deep states.

During the spring, Netanyahu led a conservative takeover of Israel’s government following a disastrous leftist cycle. One of the new conservative government’s first projects was to prune back a law allowing Israel’s Supreme Court to overturn any democratically-passed legislation that the Court felt was inconsistent with Israel’s values — a blank check. The reform — which was ultimately successful — was opposed by none less than the U.S. deep state and one Joseph Robinette Biden.

And, although officially denied, leaked documents showed the conservative reforms were also opposed by members of Israel’s own top security agency, Mossad:

image 5.png

To pull the threads together, what I think Patrick is suggesting (without explicitly saying so) is that the U.S. deep state, working with the Israeli deep state, engineered October 7th. They did it to punish Netanyahu for the Supreme Court reforms, and to purge Israel’s new conservative government. The deepstate termites may have accomplished it by sabotaging Israel’s security software, on which the country is almost completely dependent.

Admittedly, it’s a bold, 9/11-level conspiracy theory, but so far it’s the only fact-based theory going.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
It always comes out eventually that it was nothing but Muslim Bull#### but, by then, its already served it's purpose to get the $#!tbags stirred up around the world.
I think the newspapers reporting this are in on the scam. All those woke journo students that recently graduated from US indoctrination institutes, plus their left leaning editors conspire to push a false narrative. But the narrative, although bogus, achieves the results they desire. That being inflaming passions of the easily deceived. Just like when a drug addled criminal dies while being arrested or a cop smokes a young street thug that is wrestling for the cop's gun.

That's the same motivation that had them print this picture after a thug died while beating a guy's head into the sidewalk.

And the same reason they didn't post these pics.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I wonder why Israel doesn't have "embedded" journalists from every media outlet within the IDF? Could it be that they don't want any accurate truthful reporting? Hummmm? Same could be said of Ukraine, especially since we, the US, are footing the bill.


PREMO Member

Not All Palestinians Are Hamas, But Hamas Does Represent The Palestinians

As part of the justification of Biden’s attempt to micromanage Israel’s national defense, he has repeatedly insisted, as he did in his Oct. 20 Oval Office speech, that he sees Hamas as something of an outlier. “The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.”

Publications such as New York magazine have argued the same.

This sounds right to Americans who find it hard to believe that ordinary Palestinians could possibly support a group that Biden rightly compared to ISIS because of the barbarous crimes it committed on Oct. 7, which include the murder of entire families including infants, as well as rape, torture, and the desecration of corpses. More than 200 people were also reportedly dragged into captivity in Gaza (including Americans, two of whom were released on Oct. 20) and are being held as hostages.

It would be nice to think Hamas is unrepresentative of Palestinian opinion. If that were true, then the prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace in the aftermath of the current fighting, or even in the foreseeable future, would be a lot less bleak.

But the facts say otherwise.

Hamas’ leadership views Palestinian civilian casualties as a political asset rather than a calamity. The terrorist group hides behind institutions such as hospitals and schools (including those run by the United Nations) as cover for their activities. They use the civilian population as human shields to make it harder for the Israelis to strike at their military assets.

But there is little or no evidence that this has created opposition among those who have dwelt under their tyrannical Islamist rule for the last 16 years.

Biden’s assertions about the Palestinians and Hamas have begun to sound like President George W. Bush’s reflexive use of the phrase that Islam is a “religion of peace” that had nothing to do with al Qaeda’s Islamism, as his administration repeated endlessly after the 9/11 attacks.

Biden’s argument would be stronger if Palestinians didn’t routinely take to the streets to celebrate terror attacks against Israel. The cheers for the Hamas murderers when they returned in triumph to Gaza on Oct. 7, where they displayed their captives and the corpses of some of the Jews they had slain, only ended once Israel’s strikes against the terrorists commenced.


PREMO Member

Will Iran Enter the Israel-Hamas Conflict?

Middle East, Iran, Israel, Hamas, Israel Hamas Violence, Defense And Security, US Military

Summary from AllSides News Team​

U.S. officials reportedly worry that Iranian-backed militias could exacerbate the Israel-Hamas conflict and inadvertently plunge the entire region into war.

What American Officials Say: A senior U.S. official told Axios (Lean Left bias) that the conflict was “quite a dangerous situation” that “could all veer off the rails really quickly.” U.S. officials told NBC News (Lean Left bias) that while Iran is not currently seeking war with the U.S., “it is looking to ratchet up pressure on Israel and the U.S. through its proxies in the region.” Iranian-backed groups have launched limited drone and missile attacks against the U.S. and Israel, although U.S. intelligence said saw no evidence that Iran directly ordered the attacks. In response, the U.S. is deploying THAAD missile defense systems and two carrier groups to the region.

What Iranian Officials Say: At a news conference, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said, “I warn the US and its proxy Israel that if they do not immediately stop the crime against humanity and genocide in Gaza, anything is possible at any moment and the region will go out of control.” On Monday, Iran cut its military conscription numbers, but it also hosted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Tehran.

How the Media Covered It: Coverage was widespread across the spectrum. Coverage from the right appeared to more frequently describe Iranian proxies as “terrorists” and focused more on Israeli threats against Iran.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I expected there is a cruise missile somewhere in the Indian Ocean already programmed with the location of some military installation.


Well-Known Member
Tunnels have been around a long time. The Union used them at Petersburg during our Civil War, and the Cartels use them at our border.


Well-Known Member
Admittedly, it’s a bold, 9/11-level conspiracy theory, but so far it’s the only fact-based theory going.
Say what? The ONLY FACT BASED theory? Really? The theory that these guys mainly organized through word of mouth and written instructions, of which there are now numerous examples, is less fact based then a theory that says Obama runs the Israel deep state because of a weird cyber security vendor connection?

You know that's the equivalent of saying that crazy ass John McAffe was behind 911 because the US Government was using McAffe cyber security tools at the time.


PREMO Member

Hamas Has Fuel Stockpiled In Gaza, Won’t Use It To Support Humanitarian Needs

“Hamas has fuel, Hamas has quite a lot of fuel,” Conricus said. “They can decide where to use that fuel. And I find it strikingly absent from the discussion, from many discussions, what is Hamas doing with the resources that it has? It’s only about Israel, and Egypt, and UN, and international organizations.”

“What about Hamas? Why aren’t the questions posed to Hamas?” he continued. “Why don’t you use some of the fuel that you have stockpiled and hoarded in advance of this situation and use it for the civilians?”

Blitzer asked for clarification then, saying that he understood Conricus to mean that Hamas had fuel on hand, but would not make it available to the civilian population — and Conricus quickly confirmed that was what he meant.


PREMO Member
It is becoming even more difficult to believe Iran's claims that it was not involved in Hamas' attack against Israel. A new Wall Street Journal report has surfaced further highlighting Iran’s role in the planning and execution of the terrorist organizations’ surprise attack against southern Israel on October 7, which started the current war in the Middle East. The report suggests that Hamas fighters, along with operatives from other terrorist groups, received “specialized” combat training in Iran just weeks before the assault.

This revelation shatters any lingering doubts about Iran’s role in bringing about the attack, which killed over 1,000 Israelis, many of whom were noncombatants.

In the weeks leading up to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel, hundreds of the Palestinian Islamist militant group’s fighters received specialized combat training in Iran, according to people familiar with intelligence related to the assault.
Roughly 500 militants from Hamas and an allied group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, participated in the exercises in September, which were led by officers of the Quds Force, the foreign-operations arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the people said.
Senior Palestinian officials and Iranian Brig. Gen. Esmail Qaani, the head of Quds Force, also attended, they said.
More than 1,400 people, mostly civilians, were killed Oct. 7 by Hamas fighters who poured across the border from the Gaza Strip. Scores of others were kidnapped and taken back to Gaza, where they are being held hostage.
Hamas attackers used aerial drones to disable Israeli observation posts and high-tech surveillance equipment. Some used paragliders to fly into Israel. Others rode on motorcycles, commonly used by Iranian paramilitary groups but not by Hamas until Oct. 7.
U.S. officials said Iran has regularly trained militants in Iran and elsewhere, but they have no indications of a mass training right before the attack. U.S. officials and the people familiar with the intelligence said they had no information to suggest Iran conducted training specifically to prepare for the events of Oct. 7.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I've been thinking about the paragliders. Are they THAT easy to fly with no experience? Where would they train that the IDF doesn't see then up and flying?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I've been thinking about the paragliders. Are they THAT easy to fly with no experience? Where would they train that the IDF doesn't see then up and flying?
Seems I just heard that quite a few "invaders" had been in Iran training. Maybe that is where they picked up that skill. As they are unpowered and are foot launched all one needs is a hill or cliff to launch oneself.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Seems I just heard that quite a few "invaders" had been in Iran training. Maybe that is where they picked up that skill. As they are unpowered and are foot launched all one needs is a hill or cliff to launch oneself.
The videos I've seen are the engine driven type with the big propeller in the back. Training in Iran makes sense though.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The videos I've seen are the engine driven type with the big propeller in the back. Training in Iran makes sense though.
Same videos I saw. Need 100 ft of flat ground to take off, less if the wind is favorable. And yeah..very simple to fly.