Middle East War Briefing


PREMO Member

Accept That Savagery Is the True Nature of the World – and Deal With It

Remember the Pax Romana? Do you think that peace just sort of occurred because everybody shared their feelings openly and without restraint? Do you know how the Romans did sieges? Let’s talk about Caesar at Alesia. The Gauls had gotten uppity and killed a lot of Romans, so Caesar decided to pacify them. The barbarian leader Vercingetorix took refuge in the hilltop town, and Caesar immediately surrounded it. He had his legionnaires build a giant wall around it to lock the Gauls inside. The Gauls called their friends for help, so Caesar built another wall around his besieging forces to keep the relief column at bay. He starved out Alesia, eventually forcing the Gauls to attack and defeating them handily. Then he took Vercingetorix back to Rome, made him march in chains in triumph, and then had his defeated enemy strangled. This was an important learning point for the barbarians. Don’t screw with civilized people, or everybody dies.

This is how you get a Pax Romana. There’s no other way.

The hard truth is that the world contains bad people who must be crushed through ruthless violence, which shocks and horrifies modern sensibilities. But it is reality nonetheless. When people want to kill you, you are at a decision point. You can either let them kill you or stop them. But stopping them often involves aesthetically displeasing actions, such as blowing them into little bits with bombs or shoving a bayonet into their guts and watching them die in agony. And it necessarily means inflicting death and damage on the noncombatant camp followers around them. That’s why they say war is hell. And that’s why starting one is probably not a good idea. But when someone else starts one, you have to choose them or you. Someone’s going to die badly, and you know, I propose it is those other guys.

The West didn’t start this fight, but it damn well better finish it, or they will finish us. Time to stop being soft. It's time to stop lying to ourselves. It's time to stop pretending that human nature took a 180° change a few decades ago and that we are not the same animals we used to be because now we have cars, airplanes, and Instagram.

We are the same brutal, cruel, and warlike creatures we have always been. Every headline, every act of hideous violence, and every pro-genocide cheer by the grad school sociopaths who fetishize Third-World savages, proves it. What we have to do is lift the scales from our eyes, understand the situation we are in, and accept it.

For the last couple of generations, we in the West have told ourselves that we have changed. We told ourselves that we are beyond violence. And we told ourselves that everyone else was too. But that was a lie.

We need to stop lying to ourselves. A society that suspends both kids when one of them slugs a bully is signing its own suicide note.

Even if our leaders refuse to be clear-eyed, you can be. Buy guns and ammunition.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member

Slo joe must have nightmares of Trump every night. He never misses an attempt to 1 up the Donald. But in doing that, like the above example, he shows all of us how weak & frail he really is. In his defense, he did negotiate the deadliest cease fire ever.


PREMO Member

Uh, Hey, Forgot to Tell You: 600 More American Hostages in Gaza

At issue are Americans who were in Gaza on 10/7, whom Hamas has refused to allow passage out of the country.

The nugget was buried in a story about the suspension of flights out of Israel that had been facilitated by the State Department. Apparently, most of the Americans remaining in Israel have chosen to stay there, and I have to say that I don’t blame them. It’s not like the cities outside Israel are looking too safe for Jews right now.

Meanwhile, the nearly 600 U.S. citizens in Gaza are unable to leave because “Hamas is making a number of demands before they’ll allow people to leave Gaza … Just as we believe they ought to release all hostages they are holding, we believe they ought to … let leave all the American citizens and other foreign nationals who are being basically forced to remain in Gaza against their will because Hamas won’t uphold its responsibility to operate its side of the Rafah crossing,” Miller said.

So Hamas is making “demands” before they will allow free passage for foreign nationals who are trapped in the war zone.

What a surprise.



PREMO Member

Hamas Committed the Crime But Iranian Fingerprints Are All Over the Crime Scene

There’s no secret that since its own bloody revolution in 1979, the Iranian Islamist regime has called for the destruction of Israel. As a child growing up in Iran, I remember countless times being forced to participate along with hundreds and thousands of other children, all over the county, chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.”

Fortunately, even at a young age, I knew that the Islamic regime was deliberately trying to brainwash average Iranians, and full of lies both politically and socially. When I became a Christian, and after being sentenced to death by hanging for doing so, the hateful and antisemitic lies became even more clear. Today, the Islamic regime uses its evil tentacles to spread its lies and terror across the world. The images of the Hamas atrocities on October 7 give me nightmares and fill me with anger. The nightmares are because of the suffering of thousands of innocent Israelis who just want to live in peace, and be the Light Unto the Nations that God called them to be.

But I also have nightmares because I know that if the Iranian regime is not stopped, they will continue to fund and orchestrate terror, and acquire nuclear weapons, making the evil of Hamas’ slaughter look like child’s play.

I am angry of course for the brutal massacre that Israel has suffered. As a Christian, I love Israel and the Jewish people. I weep thinking about their suffering, just because they are Jews. It is simply evil. I am also angry because for decades, and in recent years in particular, the world in general and the US and the West in specific, have “talked tough” about never letting Iran acquire nuclear weapons, but their actions have enabled and emboldened the Islamic regime.


PREMO Member

Israeli Airstrike on Jabaliya Kills Terrorists, Causes Underground Tunnel Collapse

An IDF statement reported that the airstrike had killed a senior Hamas terrorist and “numerous” others, and that it also caused “underground infrastructure” used by Hamas underneath the residential buildings of the area to collapse.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets, acting on ISA [Israel Security Agency, or Shin Bet] intelligence, killed Ibrahim Biari, the Commander of Hamas’ Central Jabaliya Battalion. Biari was one of the leaders responsible for sending “Nukbha” terrorist operatives to Israel to carry out the murderous terror attack on October 7th. Numerous Hamas terrorists were hit in the strike.
Biari oversaw all military operations in the northern Gaza Strip since the IDF entered. He was also responsible for sending the terrorists who carried out the 2004 terrorist attack in the Ashdod Port in which 13 Israelis were murdered, and was responsible for directing rocket fire at Israel, and advancing numerous attacks against the IDF, over the last two decades.
His elimination was carried out as part of a wide-scale strike on terrorists and terror infrastructure belonging to the Central Jabaliya Battalion, which had taken control over civilian buildings in Gaza City. The strike damaged Hamas’ command and control in the area, as well as its ability to direct military activity against IDF soldiers operating throughout the Gaza Strip.
As a result of the strike, a large number of terrorists who were with Biari were killed. Underground terror infrastructure embedded beneath the buildings, used by the terrorists, also collapsed after the strike.
The IDF reiterates its call to the residents of the area to move south for their safety.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Start at the north end with bulldozers and tanks and Raze all of Gaza.

Anything running out in front of them is a Terrorist, a Terrorist Supporter or a Future Terrorist.

Then proceed through every other ####hole muslim neighborhood and proceed north through Lebanon.


The great deception.

Israel has wanted to be a super power for a long time. In 1993, they wanted to blow up half the place and put in a canal. The canal would be extremely profitable and twice the size of Egypt's canal, plus, they could build tons of restaurants and hotels creating the great Israel. And, who gets the money to use the canal? Israel

All we have been hearing with Ukraine, Biden's deception, close ties with China, Afghanistan, with oil companies, blah blah blah for decades was about oil and natural resources centered around the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Development Strategy,

Bibi has spoken to the UN about this canal but what was always an issue??? The Gaza strip. Why? Because the people would all have to be moved.

It is all about the Ben Gurion Canal. So who do you think really blew up Russia's pipeline? And why?

They are going to drop a nuke over there before too long.

This is about money and power.

You know Bibi's son is sitting in Florida and not a part of this war.
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Oh BTW, you should research the DNA of the dry bones in Israel. Guess what?



Well-Known Member
Oh BTW, you should research the DNA of the dry bones in Israel. Guess what?

Relying on DNA to prove ancestry of an enslaved people is sketchy at best and the sample of bones is rather minute.


Relying on DNA to prove ancestry of an enslaved people is sketchy at best and the sample of bones is rather minute.
And I do understand that but it certainly is something to consider.

I think what I am sick and tired of is everyone identifying with everything else besides being human.

I have met 2 Holocaust survivors with the tatted #'s on them. One thing is for sure, they won't discuss the horror of it and neither felt any heritage to the land of Israel.

Israel is a political identity and I find it dangerous when people try and make it a biblical one.


PREMO Member

Israel Releases Stunning Images Of Its War On Hamas: 11,000+ Terrorist Targets Hit; 326 IDF Soldiers Killed

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Wednesday that it had struck more than 11,000 terrorist targets inside Gaza since Hamas launched an unprecedented terrorist attack against Israel back in early October.

The IDF has lost some 326 soldiers — including 11 who were killed on Tuesday as the IDF moved through Gaza ridding the area of terrorists from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad — since the October 7 attack in which 1,400 Israelis were murdered, more than 5,300 were injured, and 220+ were kidnapped.

The exact number of terrorists that have been terminated is unknown since many of them are buried in the underground tunnels that they created to hide their weapons and movements.

The IDF said in a statement late on Tuesday that its forces had eliminated approximately 50 terrorists in a single stronghold in northern Gaza. The total likely number of terrorists that have been killed at this point runs well into the hundreds, if not the thousands.
