The point remains that persons like 2A and Christian orthodoxy are telling us all what God's way is and they are wrong.
They might be honestly wrong but wrong they are.
He is saying to have a personal relationship with God on God's terms but 2A and Orthodoxy are claiming that they only know God's terms and not the rest of us.
Like 2A and Orthodoxy has the narrow way blocked and we all have to go through them and we do not.
A "personal relationship" really means to be our own personal way. When others tell us how to do it then it is their way and when others tell us how to do it then it is their relationship, so a "personal relationship" means "I" or "me" personally and not me and God with 2A as that would be a three-some and three is one too many.
The first point of this thread is that people are misquoting and misrepresenting Jesus and God and that is still very true here.
Again, you get it wrong. I have never said I have the only way. I have repeatedly said the correct way is in the Bible for all to read.
A personal relationship with God must be done on God's terms which He specified in the Bible. You are not free to make up the terms of the relationship.
You are one that says the Bible is false. You are the one following myths. I trust that someday, you will see the Truth.