Mistress Phoenix...


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Caught a frame off kitty cam footage from a couple days ago.
Miss Phoenix giving me a nose kiss.


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Phoenix seems to be getting used to the boys. She takes longer to hide when they are having a chaperoned visit, complains at them less and takes much less time to come out after they've left the "nursery."

She seem more comfortable with Buff, as he usually flops down into a more submissive stance than does Cooper.


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Missy ventured out of Fort Fenix across the hall to the people bedroom. Teia's Gate was blocking the boys, but both of them were napping out of sight. I think she startled herself for doing so, hissed at me when I talked to her, but wandered around for a good 5 - 6 minutes after that.


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Just had some Phoenix time. She did venture out of Fort Fenix, but not all the way across the hall.
I did not want to move and spook her, but I heard her have a snack at the boys kibble bin near the people bedroom door.

She spooked back into her room when Cooper was plucking at the screen of Teia's Gate.


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Just came downstairs after a visit by both Cooper and Buff.
Miss Phoenix retreated under the bed, but did not start hissing at them right away.

They kept to the area near the door and between the foot of the bed and the desk in there.
Cooper was making his kitten noises. Buff was silent as usual.

Both boys exited when I said; "Okay." Did not need to shoo them out.

According to the kitty cam, Missy P came out of hiding while the boys were crossing the threshold,
the fastest she has recovered from a visit.


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While I was changing from work to lounging clothes this evening, had Teia's Gate closed (blocking the boys down the hall) and the door to Fort Fenix open for about 15 minutes.

Missy P came out twice.

The 1st time was just a few minutes, but she did make it across the hall barely into the people bedroom. She sniffigated a littel, then went to the doorway, saw one or the other of the boys, hissed and retreated to Fort Fenix.

A few minutes later, Phoenix came into the hallway again. I did not get up from my vantage point, sitting on the foot of the people bed. It looked liked she went off to my right as far as the guest bathroom. This exploration was about 5 - 6 minutes before she skittered back into Fort Fenix.

I made sure to cross the hall and praise her while giving her head and cheeks a good scritch. I also gave her a fresh wet food treat. She likes Fancy Feast gravy style, as do Cooper and Buff.

I closed the door to Fort Fenix and opened Teia's Gate. Phoenix seems to be engaging Cooper and Buff, as long as there is screen between them.


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Kitty cam caught Missy rearing up like a little bear and plucking the screen while mewing at Cooper.
He looked very surprised.


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Cameras, which have very good microphones, are showing that Missy P is getting much more vocal when she is playing, jumping up or down off her window box or the furniture, or when running up to the screen when the boys are there.

She is hissing less and chirbbling more.


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Cameras, which have very good microphones, are showing that Missy P is getting much more vocal when she is playing, jumping up or down off her window box or the furniture, or when running up to the screen when the boys are there.

She is hissing less and chirbbling more.
Do you have a projected date yet for releasing her into the clowder?


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Do you have a projected date yet for releasing her into the clowder?
I am thinking, another month or so. While she is getting more social at the screen, face to face, Phoenix is still retreating. It didn't help that during a chaperoned visit with Cooper last week, he moved faster than usual and was under the bed with her. She escaped and got up on the desk where he could not reach her. It did not take much to shoo him out.

She was at the screen in under 2 minutes.


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About an hour ago, gave Mr. Buff a chaperoned visit in Fort Fenix as she stayed by the doorway when I opened her screen and he was standing just a few feet away. I let him in through Teia's Gate, and she did retreat. Cooper was busy on a scratch pad in the crow's nest area.

Phoenix ended up under the head of the bed as Buff sniffigated around.

He ended up on the empty bottom shelf of the bookcase behind her litter box, He bent his head down to look under the headboard and she popped out a little and batted at his nose. There was no contact, but he was startled enough that he left the room.


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About an hour ago, gave Mr. Buff a chaperoned visit in Fort Fenix as she stayed by the doorway when I opened her screen and he was standing just a few feet away. I let him in through Teia's Gate, and she did retreat. Cooper was busy on a scratch pad in the crow's nest area.

Phoenix ended up under the head of the bed as Buff sniffigated around.

He ended up on the empty bottom shelf of the bookcase behind her litter box, He bent his head down to look under the headboard and she popped out a little and batted at his nose. There was no contact, but he was startled enough that he left the room.

I love the way you describe the Kitty goings on. You should write a book about all the kitties you have had. I suggest the title... Kittydom. I look forward to your posts. :)

I love and have the book by Mark Levin...Saving Sprite. Yes, about a dog, but same thing you do for cats. Every animal we have ever owned was a rescue; except for getting a labradoodle named Daisy because of allergies. Yes, doodles are allergy free until they go outside, and bring it inside. There is a reason for everything. Here is our beloved Daisy. And, our feral cat, Lucky.


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I have pics of Lucky but forum says they are too big. Will try to post later. I think you will have a peaceable kittydom very soon.
I am not techy, but got it. This is Lucky.
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