More granola crap


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dill pickles
Cure and smoke your own bacon and ham.
Sour Kraut
Graze a cow in your back yard then kill it yourself and butcher it.

I have never made pickles - good one!

Preserves, done it.

Kraut, done it.

But I am not going to raise livestock in my backyard, let alone butcher it. My neighbors would...have a...


I have never made pickles - good one!

Preserves, done it.

Kraut, done it.

But I am not going to raise livestock in my backyard, let alone butcher it. My neighbors would...have a...

You need to perfect an eggnog recipe for the upcoming holidays. :yay: Mulled wine and buttered rum.


Dream Stealer
I have never made pickles - good one!

Preserves, done it.

Kraut, done it.

But I am not going to raise livestock in my backyard, let alone butcher it. My neighbors would...have a...

I've made's really easy..but I was a little disapointed because they didn't come out as crisp as I wanted..but it may have been the cukes I used. give it a try..garlic pickles are :drool:
I have never made pickles - good one!

Preserves, done it.

Kraut, done it.

But I am not going to raise livestock in my backyard, let alone butcher it. My neighbors would...have a...
Dymphna made pickles a couple years ago. Dill & 2 types of bread & butter. :yum: There is NO better bread & butter pickle recipe than the one from my aunt. I could eat a jar in a sitting.


Well-Known Member
What other grandma stuff should I learn to make?

You can now make flavored butters and cheeses. Oh, and you can make yogurt. And you should make chicken stock. I just butchered 22 chickens, and I kept the feet for stock. It's supposed to make incredibly wonderful stock. Oh, and I made dog treats from the livers.
Now, I know you are losing it. A chance to murder birds? En masse? And you pass?
One of my childhoon memories that scared me for life was the October day my parents and a group of their friends decided we should purchase 100 chickens and make an assembly line to process them so we'd have fresh, free-range chicken for our freezers. Ward was given the job of feather plucking, but was soon removed once people further down the line noticed chickens coming from him were sans legs and wings... he decided it was quicker to chop them off rather than pluck...:doh:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One of my childhoon memories that scared me for life was the October day my parents and a group of their friends decided we should purchase 100 chickens and make an assembly line to process them so we'd have fresh, free-range chicken for our freezers. Ward was given the job of feather plucking, but was soon removed once people further down the line noticed chickens coming from him were sans legs and wings... he decided it was quicker to chop them off rather than pluck...:doh:

Granted, it is better if processing animals is more a way of life than some sort of once in a lifetime family bonding thing... :lol:


I am so very blessed
I'm getting ready to make homemade cottage cheese! :yahoo:

Savvy Housekeeping » How to Make Cottage Cheese
Ya know, the grocery stores do sell cottage cheese, butter, cheese, and a host of other items including jelly/jams/preserves, chicken, and beef hoisted on top of a beautiful piece of styrofoam.

Vlassic makes better pickles than I ever will. Smuckers makes a damn good jar of jelly, and Perdue takes all the yuck out of cooking up some delicious chicken.


Salt Life
Ya know, the grocery stores do sell cottage cheese, butter, cheese, and a host of other items including jelly/jams/preserves, chicken, and beef hoisted on top of a beautiful piece of styrofoam.

Vlassic makes better pickles than I ever will. Smuckers makes a damn good jar of jelly, and Perdue takes all the yuck out of cooking up some delicious chicken.
