More online dating observations


Registered User
Which BEGS the question....

Why were you there in the first place? :whistle:

If you couldn't make an effort to at least engage the person across from you OR could not divert your attention away from the all important Facebook or Pinterest..... then why did you agree to the dinner/date in the first place?

Suggestion.... Next time leave the phone in the car or at home.

Thought..... Maybe the other person was equally as bored since you were obviously not there mentally (since you were constantly thinking about checking your phone)

Sometimes a woman will take a chance a and see if someone is compatible even though we know within 5 seconds of meeting a man whether he is :smoochy: material or not. And usually during the date there just isn't any chemistry and conversation falls flat. In simple terms...we get bored easily so you damn well better have something meaningful to say.

Do you realize that a woman's brain is like this:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Which BEGS the question....

Why were you there in the first place? :whistle:

If you couldn't make an effort to at least engage the person across from you OR could not divert your attention away from the all important Facebook or Pinterest..... then why did you agree to the dinner/date in the first place?

Suggestion.... Next time leave the phone in the car or at home.

Thought..... Maybe the other person was equally as bored since you were obviously not there mentally (since you were constantly thinking about checking your phone)

One word:

Or perhaps that's two words, or even three if you say the "dot" out loud.

Apparently you haven't been reading my online dating tribulations. I recommend you do so before I turn it into a book and you have to pay for it.


New Member
...even though we know within 5 seconds of meeting a man whether he is :smoochy: material or not.

I completely agree with this statement. Although.... Vrai has stated on several occasions that she DOES NOT believe that physical attraction is the primary trait that she looks for. Even though most of her posts reflect the opposite. :coffee:

vraiblonde said:
Apparently you haven't been reading my online dating tribulations.

I have read a good portion of your posts about this (maybe not ALL of them but.... seriously, Who has the time?) and it looks like you are down to 2 reasons for the failures

1) You are constantly picking dates based on the wrong reasons -OR-
2) Maybe it is YOU

Not trying to be harsh. Just looking at it from another point of view. Maybe you should try looking for different traits when selecting your matches. Common hobbies, common liked foods, etc.

I still stick with the "Leave your phone in the car" idea. This way, you can BOTH devote all of your attention to the date. Who knows what you might have missed whilst checking the Facebook :whistle:

Have you tried e-harmony? At least they do most of the "compatibility" work for you.


RBF expert
I completely agree with this statement. Although.... Vrai has stated on several occasions that she DOES NOT believe that physical attraction is the primary trait that she looks for. Even though most of her posts reflect the opposite. :coffee:

I have read a good portion of your posts about this (maybe not ALL of them but.... seriously, Who has the time?) and it looks like you are down to 2 reasons for the failures

1) You are constantly picking dates based on the wrong reasons -OR-
2) Maybe it is YOU

Not trying to be harsh. Just looking at it from another point of view. Maybe you should try looking for different traits when selecting your matches. Common hobbies, common liked foods, etc.

I still stick with the "Leave your phone in the car" idea. This way, you can BOTH devote all of your attention to the date. Who knows what you might have missed whilst checking the Facebook :whistle:

Have you tried e-harmony? At least they do most of the "compatibility" work for you.

Your ex took your balls with her in the divorce, didn't she :coffee:


Your ex took your balls with her in the divorce, didn't she :coffee:


Chemistry can be felt in the first couple minutes. It's either there or it's not.

If that is what you are searching for and it's not there, why waste time pretending that it is? :shrug:


Salt Life

Chemistry can be felt in the first couple minutes. It's either there or it's not.
Or it just takes some time to develop.

Hubby and I mutually agree we didn't have an instant connection and didn't think our relationship would go beyond a friendship or a few dates. We took the time to get to know each other and fell in love. He's truly my soul mate.


Or it just takes some time to develop.

Hubby and I mutually agree we didn't have an instant connection and didn't think our relationship would go beyond a friendship or a few dates. We took the time to get to know each other and fell in love. He's truly my soul mate.


But there was something that had you going back for a second date?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2) Maybe it is YOU

It's absolutely me. I don't want just any old guy off the street; I want THE ONE. I'm not in a hurry to get married and I don't need a boyfriend to validate myself, so I'm picky and want what I want. If I'd rather be home with the dog watching TV than sitting across a table from this person, guess what? He's not the one and I see no reason to waste everyone's time. I don't consider that "failure".

Like JJT said, chemistry is either there or it's not, and you know fairly quickly if it is. I have common interests with my friends; a conjugal relationship requires more than that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PS, if he's not the one for me then I'm not the one for him, either. I just realized it first.


I bowl overhand
It's absolutely me. I don't want just any old guy off the street; I want THE ONE. I'm not in a hurry to get married and I don't need a boyfriend to validate myself, so I'm picky and want what I want. If I'd rather be home with the dog watching TV than sitting across a table from this person, guess what? He's not the one and I see no reason to waste everyone's time. I don't consider that "failure".

Like JJT said, chemistry is either there or it's not, and you know fairly quickly if it is. I have common interests with my friends; a conjugal relationship requires more than that.

Does Conjugal mean *bang*bang*bang*??


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
It's absolutely me. I don't want just any old guy off the street; I want THE ONE. I'm not in a hurry to get married and I don't need a boyfriend to validate myself, so I'm picky and want what I want. If I'd rather be home with the dog watching TV than sitting across a table from this person, guess what? He's not the one and I see no reason to waste everyone's time. I don't consider that "failure".
Like JJT said, chemistry is either there or it's not, and you know fairly quickly if it is. I have common interests with my friends; a conjugal relationship requires more than that.

I know, right?! Totally agree with everything you said...


*Long time picky person and glad I was!*