Why are the BOE, welfare and SS slave programs? Think about who controls them: the government massas.
SS is YOUR money but you don't control it - the government does. They choose how it will be "invested", how much of it you'll get back, at what age you can retire and start receiving it. PS, if you die, your kids don't even get that money you worked for - the government keeps it. Considering that black men have a shorter life expectancy than white men, and many will never get back all the money they put into SS, I think we can make the case that it's a racist program, too.
It's YOUR children being educated at public schools - but you don't control that either. You don't get to decide the curriculum, you don't get to help plan the school lunches, you don't get any say-so in who your child's teacher will be. If your kid's school is teaching them something you disagree with (like certain sex ed topics, for example), too bad - there's nothing you can do.
Welfare, same thing - YOU, as either the person paying for it or receiving it, don't control it - the government does. If you are a welfare recipient, you are subject to intrusive home visits and child monitoring. If you get sick and must see a doctor, they choose the one you see. You are a dependent of the state and you MUST do what they tell you or they'll cut off your money. If that's not slavery, I don't know what is.