Originally posted by demsformd
I think that instead of seeing everything as black and white, we should see it as rich and poor. The poor, which is predominantly minority, feel oppressed because our MIXED economy (that's right, we are not a capitalistic society, we are very much so a mixed economy) has not provided them with the same fruit that it has for the middle or upper classes.
Originally posted by MGKrebs
I've said my piece. Thank you for indulging me. I'm no great orator. Either you have learned something or not. Take it for what it is- my perception. If you look at this issue with one tiny bit more insight (not sure that is the right word) than you had before, I am grateful.
Thank you for clearing up your misuage of the term capitalism.Originally posted by Biscuit
Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights. The term capitalism is used here in the broader philosophical political sense, and not in the narrower economic sense, i.e. a free-market. But thanks for the attempt at an economic lecture . I am sure you impressed yourself.
Originally posted by Biscuit
Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights. The term capitalism is used here in the broader philosophical political sense, and not in the narrower economic sense, i.e. a free-market. But thanks for the attempt at an economic lecture . I am sure you impressed yourself.
Originally posted by demsformd
Thank you for clearing up your misuage of the term capitalism.
Originally posted by Frank
Nor would I expect him to. He's already denounced the remarks, themselves and that is all he ought to do - what the *Senate* does with Lott is the *Senate's* business. The President doesn't hire or fire Senators, or revoke their offices. They don't answer to him.
Maynard,Originally posted by MGKrebs
I hesitate to bring this up, but I will anyway. We provide extra services for handicapped people. We have no problem with that. Now wait. Perhaps by supporting affirmative action, we are recognizing that WE as a society, are handicapped in being able to be truly fair to minorities. (That's a new thought for me. not sure where it leads.)
Is that minorities or small businesses (which many minority owned companies fall under)? I believe that it is small businesses and I have no argument with that concept.Originally posted by MGKrebs
But let's look at the real world.
Minority contractors- In some places, a certain percentage of government contracts have to be awarded to minority contractors. Everybody still has to meet the basic qualifications, but if we recognize that without this history shows that the minority contractors will almost never get the job, even all else being equal. What else can we do? It's not perfect, but it's the best we got.
Okay, there has to be a government contracting rep out there amongst our posters, is he right or not? I am positive that every contract is reviewed to death in order to meet procurement/contracting guidelines for fairness along these lines.Many processes cannot be boiled down to a straight numerical formula. That contacting example is one. (You know as well as I do that the low price doesn't always get the job; some manager gets to decide that one company is more qualified then another for some reason. The government can't possibly review every contract of every jurisdiction to ensure fairness. So we use statistics to help us identify trends and problems, and we address the problems where we find them.) Real estate, banking, and employment rules are others.
They do justify it, when challenged. If they are found to have violated a protection of the Civil Rights Act they are prosecuted or barred from doing business with the government. It does happen.The government can say all they want to that employers may not discriminate based on race. But how can you tell it's happening other than by taking a statistical sample? If it turns out that 95% of the new employees your company hires are white, they better be able to show a good reason for it. If 98% of a bank's loans go to white folks, they better be able to justify it.
That's what affirmative action means to me.
Originally posted by Ken King
They do justify it, when challenged. If they are found to have violated a protection of the Civil Rights Act they are prosecuted or barred from doing business with the government. It does happen.
Yes it does. I am merely trying to defend keeping what we have. Some seem to be saying that any rules like this are inappropriate.
To help me be clear on the topic, are you saying affirmative action means that if a company has 100 employees there should be an exact relationship between the employees and the local population statistics as to race, sex, ethnicity, age, religion, and disability?
Originally posted by Ken King
To help me be clear on the topic, are you saying affirmative action means that if a company has 100 employees there should be an exact relationship between the employees and the local population statistics as to race, sex, ethnicity, age, religion, and disability?
I think the data set you have used is for households. Try http://www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/c2kprof00-us.pdfOriginally posted by Kain99
No way!! Krebs would never ever say something CRAZY like that Ken..... If we based everything fairly on the numbers the Black population wouldn't feel like they were getting a hand up at all!
Population 2002
White 88,076,002
Black 12,544,860
The Difference? There Are 75,531,142 more white people in the U.S. than Blacks. We are not really discussing "Equal Opportunity" Are we???