OK.... the conversation, since I asked for a clarification, just show me that I have to keep reading to find the truth for myself.
I've read up to 3 Nephi. I must have missed the polygamy in the first 600 years of the history of these people that I have had read. I've seen a few women mentioned so far.... one thing I do remember vividly is the number of times the Nephites and the Lamanites protected their women and children in times of war.
I haven't read the whole book yet.... but so far.... I haven't seen where anyone says God lives on a nearby planet.... then again... if God lives in the heavens.... I haven't finished the book....
What I have seen.... People who were cut off from their heritage.... making it in a world without the great leaders like David and Solomon who followed Moses. I see them in prayer and supplication. I see them winning wars when they are clearly outnumbered..... after prayer to God.....
Here's a link to an
article I found. This article is about the women in the Book. In this article it says:
Polygamy and concubinage were prohibited and scorned; monogamy was expected, except as the Lord might command otherwise to "raise up seed" unto himself (Jacob 2:27-30).
So far.... these Mormons [actually these Nephites and Lamanites] are really amazing people with a pretty cool history.... Like I said.... I haven't seen anything about polygamy being a basic part of the religion, as I keep hearing.
I haven't finished the book.... Remember the star that appeared the night Jesus was born? It's in the Book too..... at first.... it was supposed to happen in a particular year.... and it didn't.... people lost faith.... When it did show up.... it was so spectacular that everyone knew it was the same event that the prophet [their main prophets seem to be Isaiah of our Bible and a Lamanite named Samuel] Samuel had been talking about.... the people believed....
After 12 years or so.... nothing spectacular happened.... Jesus was over in Nazareth growing up, so people forgot about the spectacular event.... and went back to their old ways.... sound familiar?