Mormons and polygamy


New Member
If God exists, he's a "being" if you believe God exists, where does he exist?

You should dig a little deeper into the Mormon theology and maybe you'd understand.

If God has a son, and spirit children where do they come from? Wouldn't it make sense that these children have a mother too? Who would that mother be? Or are all of God's children and the spirits that reside with him all bastard children?

The Mormons take an 'oath' annually that the Bible is true... the BIBLE. They also beleive that we don't have all the truth, and neither do they, that as time goes on more is to be revealed.. the Bible tells the story of one "tribe" from Israel, and one lineage.

The Book of Mormom follows another tribe (isn't it curious that the Bible only speaks of people in the Middle East, yet we KNOW the entire Earth was inhabited at the time?) I would assume there would HAVE to be other stories, other blood lines, and other tribes in the world that books could be written about.

It just makes sense that if you believe in one fairy tale that you should believe in another. Kind of silly and stupid to make fun of anothers beliefs when your own are no less and no.more far fetched.
Who said I thought they were funny or made fun of them? I just believe they are incorrect.


New Member
OK.... the conversation, since I asked for a clarification, just show me that I have to keep reading to find the truth for myself.

I've read up to 3 Nephi. I must have missed the polygamy in the first 600 years of the history of these people that I have had read. I've seen a few women mentioned so far.... one thing I do remember vividly is the number of times the Nephites and the Lamanites protected their women and children in times of war.

I haven't read the whole book yet.... but so far.... I haven't seen where anyone says God lives on a nearby planet.... then again... if God lives in the heavens.... I haven't finished the book....

What I have seen.... People who were cut off from their heritage.... making it in a world without the great leaders like David and Solomon who followed Moses. I see them in prayer and supplication. I see them winning wars when they are clearly outnumbered..... after prayer to God.....

Here's a link to an article I found. This article is about the women in the Book. In this article it says:

Polygamy and concubinage were prohibited and scorned; monogamy was expected, except as the Lord might command otherwise to "raise up seed" unto himself (Jacob 2:27-30).​

So far.... these Mormons [actually these Nephites and Lamanites] are really amazing people with a pretty cool history.... Like I said.... I haven't seen anything about polygamy being a basic part of the religion, as I keep hearing.

I haven't finished the book.... Remember the star that appeared the night Jesus was born? It's in the Book too..... at first.... it was supposed to happen in a particular year.... and it didn't.... people lost faith.... When it did show up.... it was so spectacular that everyone knew it was the same event that the prophet [their main prophets seem to be Isaiah of our Bible and a Lamanite named Samuel] Samuel had been talking about.... the people believed....

After 12 years or so.... nothing spectacular happened.... Jesus was over in Nazareth growing up, so people forgot about the spectacular event.... and went back to their old ways.... sound familiar?



New Member
I made a mistake.... the Nephites and the Lamanites did know about the teachings of David and Solomon.... and they also knew about the weakness of David and Solomon as well.

I went back and read Jacob 2 in the Book.... it doesn't contain anything any preacher shouldn't be preaching on any given Sunday.... As a matter of fact... it's something they should be talking about ..... You're welcome to follow the link I'm leaving.... you'll find it rather easy reading....

The part about marriage... it starts at verse 23...

Got courage?



New Member
I made a mistake.... the Nephites and the Lamanites did know about the teachings of David and Solomon.... and they also knew about the weakness of David and Solomon as well.

I went back and read Jacob 2 in the Book.... it doesn't contain anything any preacher shouldn't be preaching on any given Sunday.... As a matter of fact... it's something they should be talking about ..... You're welcome to follow the link I'm leaving.... you'll find it rather easy reading....

The part about marriage... it starts at verse 23...

Got courage?

preachers should be preaching what the bible has to say starting and ending with the gospel, not moralism. Too many preachers beat up their congregations with "do better" sermons.


Well-Known Member
preachers should be preaching what the bible has to say starting and ending with the gospel, not moralism. Too many preachers beat up their congregations with "do better" sermons.

Any sermon that does not preach the gospel at some point is a wasted sermon. Feeling good about oneself and trying harder to be a good person is not the Bible.


New Member
Since the Mormons do believe in Jesus Christ is the Son of the One and Only God.... Creator of Heaven and Earth.....:coffee:

No They do not, in fact they believe God wasnt always God!
Since the Mormons do believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah... The Savior....:

Differnt Jesus The one they believe in cant save anyone!
Since the Mormons do read, study, and understand the same Bible we use......:

No they do NOT they use a small part of the King James Not all of it!
Since the Mormons do believe that Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God, died in order to atone for our sins and rose again from the dead....
No they dont, they might say that but they believe He was created and not eternal!
I am confused.... I don't see how Titus 1 or Galatians 1 applies here..........:
Obviously, thats why you shouldnt be dabling with a cult! Your not only confused but now confusing others that trust what you say

Your coment about the apostles teaching clearly shows you dont understand the fundamentals of Christianity.

This is what happens when someone is out on their own and not grounded in a good Church, they start getting strange and perverse false doctrine and become easy pray for Satan!

Prayin for you that God will remove the scales from your eyes.


New Member
If God exists, he's a "being" if you believe God exists, where does he exist?

You should dig a little deeper into the Mormon theology and maybe you'd understand.

If God has a son, and spirit children where do they come from? Wouldn't it make sense that these children have a mother too? Who would that mother be? Or are all of God's children and the spirits that reside with him all bastard children?

The Mormons take an 'oath' annually that the Bible is true... the BIBLE. They also beleive that we don't have all the truth, and neither do they, that as time goes on more is to be revealed.. the Bible tells the story of one "tribe" from Israel, and one lineage.

The Book of Mormom follows another tribe (isn't it curious that the Bible only speaks of people in the Middle East, yet we KNOW the entire Earth was inhabited at the time?) I would assume there would HAVE to be other stories, other blood lines, and other tribes in the world that books could be written about.

It just makes sense that if you believe in one fairy tale that you should believe in another. Kind of silly and stupid to make fun of anothers beliefs when your own are no less and no.more far fetched.

Why bother? Your a jack Mormon thats not even following it because you dont believe it, so why should others waste their time?


New Member
No They do not, in fact they believe God wasnt always God!

Differnt Jesus The one they believe in cant save anyone!

No they do NOT they use a small part of the King James Not all of it!

No they dont, they might say that but they believe He was created and not eternal!

Obviously, thats why you shouldnt be dabling with a cult! Your not only confused but now confusing others that trust what you say

Your coment about the apostles teaching clearly shows you dont understand the fundamentals of Christianity.

This is what happens when someone is out on their own and not grounded in a good Church, they start getting strange and perverse false doctrine and become easy pray for Satan!

Prayin for you that God will remove the scales from your eyes.

I haven't finished reading the book yet.... but I'm in 3 Nephi after Jesus has appeared on the scene. I can't believe you are saying the things you are saying, claiming to have read the book.... What I've read so far says that they do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They believe that He was with God at the Creation. I don't understand why you are being so blatantly mean.

So far there is nothing in this book that says the Nephites or the Lamanites supported polygamy. But like I said.... I'm only in 3 Nephi and I haven't finished the book yet....

ALSO.... they do use the whole Bible....

Stonethrower.... I'm warning you a second time.... stop talking down to me. I find a lot of stuff you write could have been written by JPC it's so ignorant.... but I don't say anything mean about you personally. Stop attacking me.... I don't appreciate it....


Check you PM.... stonethrower.... please
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Active Member
I haven't finished reading the book yet.... but I'm in 3 Nephi after Jesus has appeared on the scene. I can't believe you are saying the things you are saying, claiming to have read the book.... What I've read so far says that they do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They believe that He was with God at the Creation. I don't understand why you are being so blatantly mean.

So far there is nothing in this book that says the Nephites or the Lamanites supported polygamy. But like I said.... I'm only in 3 Nephi and I haven't finished the book yet....

ALSO.... they do use the whole Bible....

Stonethrower.... I'm warning you a second time.... stop talking down to me. I find a lot of stuff you write could have been written by JPC it's so ignorant.... but I don't say anything mean about you personally. Stop attacking me.... I don't appreciate it....


Check you PM.... stonethrower.... please

Ok. I can't tell if you truly are still ignorant, or if you are being intentionally deceptive. You DO realize that the BOM is not the only authoritative Mormon writing, right? And though I do know that the Mormon religion is intentionally deceptive - especially from the missionary perspective even they are willing to quote out loud that the Bible is only orrect "insofar as it has been translated correctly". So I guess it could be that you just honestly still don't realize the fire you are playing with. To say that Mormon doctrine must be correct because you can't decipher anything in the BOM that seems out of line to you is just pure falsehood. And really, it doesn't take a lot of research effort to understand that. Don't close your eyes here. Seriously.

I don't necessarily care for the stonethrower's internet personality either, however, being annoying and being deceived/deceiving on the level that you appear to be is truly disturbing.

And I don't meant to speak down to you at all. I am just unclear about where you are coming from.


New Member
Ok. I can't tell if you truly are still ignorant, or if you are being intentionally deceptive. You DO realize that the BOM is not the only authoritative Mormon writing, right? And though I do know that the Mormon religion is intentionally deceptive - especially from the missionary perspective even they are willing to quote out loud that the Bible is only orrect "insofar as it has been translated correctly". So I guess it could be that you just honestly still don't realize the fire you are playing with. To say that Mormon doctrine must be correct because you can't decipher anything in the BOM that seems out of line to you is just pure falsehood. And really, it doesn't take a lot of research effort to understand that. Don't close your eyes here. Seriously.

I don't necessarily care for the stonethrower's internet personality either, however, being annoying and being deceived/deceiving on the level that you appear to be is truly disturbing.

And I don't meant to speak down to you at all. I am just unclear about where you are coming from.

I'm not a Mormon. I'm reading the book. I've also read Red Badge of Courage that doesn't make me a Civil War Soldier.

I don't know when the polygamy started in the church yet. I'm reading the book and I guess I'll find out how things changed with the Mormons. All I keep saying is.... in the book they respect marriage as one man and one woman.

Then I got blasted for spreading false prophecy. I'm not spreading anything. I'm talking about a book I'm reading. Is this family friendly group extremely villainous?

We talk about Protestants, Catholics, Atheists, Spirits.... why not talk about this book.... openly.... it's a book....

The Bible beats the book hands down. I've been reading the Gospels for months and people seem to know I love the Lord. I've loved Bible Stories since kindergarten. That's not changing at all....

Some people are just plain mean. They can't help it.



I bowl overhand
Why bother? Your a jack Mormon thats not even following it because you dont believe it, so why should others waste their time?

No, but I understand it much more than you do.. you're basing your belief about them on what you've been told, and parroting the hate you've been taught.

I'm NOT a Christian I know I'm not, what's worrisome is you think you are..


New Member
What part of that is a lie exactly?

Stonethrower says that by talking about the Book of Mormon the Mormons are spreading lies.

I'm reading the Book of Mormon and so far [and I've read up to the book of Mormon in the Book] I haven't found the part that promotes polygamy. He claims to have read the book. He says it's an alternate gospel and I am going to hell. He says I have scales over my eyes.

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