My electric bill just doubled


New Member
morganj614 said:
I'll rub it with :baby:oil to keep it smooth. :yum:
Maybe you should teach Chasey a thing or to. If he back hurts or she says rub my leg, I do casue she says it hurts or she ask me nicely. But if I ask oh no.........I mean oh HELL no. :smack:


off the shelf
bcp said:
Mine was 180, it just went over 300 on this bill and we used a few units less.

I feel your pain....Since we moved in here the electric bill in the winter was usually about 180 a month because we have gas(UGH!) heat....last bill was 380(stickershock)!

Gas bill was a different story all in itself....average 1600 for the winter(Oct-March)....they've come out 4 times and I've already paid 2k and they still have to come out one more time to "top it off"(another 400)


No Longer the Kid
daydreamer said:
I try to do that but someone says that I yell at the girls to much or at her. I say well when the bill is up there then don't ##### at me for the bill being so much.

Women...cant live with um, dont pay to kill um either...


24/7 Single Dad
onebdzee said:
Gas bill was a different story all in itself....average 1600 for the winter(Oct-March)....they've come out 4 times and I've already paid 2k and they still have to come out one more time to "top it off"(another 400)
Guess blowing up my furnace and getting a new one was a good thing. My gas bill was down almost half of what it was last year.


I not be understandin this. Doubled? My last bill was right in line. How could they do a 100% increase and it make it through the utilities commission?
Pete said:
I not be understandin this. Doubled? My last bill was right in line. How could they do a 100% increase and it make it through the utilities commission?
I'm confused about the disparities as well. Some are posting that their bills are still what is normally expected and others are finding substantial increases. My bill is much higher than what I would of expected, but it is hard for me to judge since I've added an additional 2,000 sq ft of living space, two more refridgerators, and a deep freeze.

I am willing to bet we haven't seen the worst of the increases yet. And I also believe that those not feeling the impact yet, will be feeling it soon.


New Member
Pete said:
I not be understandin this. Doubled? My last bill was right in line. How could they do a 100% increase and it make it through the utilities commission?
:smack: Have you been watching the news? They have been talking about all the Elec. Com. prices going up.


In My Opinion
Pete said:
I not be understandin this. Doubled? My last bill was right in line. How could they do a 100% increase and it make it through the utilities commission?
Im going to call them today and find out WTF is going on.

Ill let you know what they said.

only thing I can figure is that it has something to do with the budget payment thingy that I have been on forever.

Maybe they are catching up on the overage already?