Gosh, I just got a GOOD look at the pictures, WOW those are some incusions. I hope he has a good day. Keeping my fingers and Indy's paws crossed for a good report on the lymph nodes and getting a clean margin around the tumor. If you ever need to "bring him to work" I can babysit during the day. We love boxers in our "construction trailer" and Biscuit would be welcome ANYTIME. I'm not that far from where you work. I'm at Wisconsin Avenue and K Street, NW. Even my dog hating boss has warmed up to Indy and even lets him visit his office we we first get in. I baby gate him in during the day so he's not too disruptive.
I had a much needed break last week and Indy went to the breeders for the week. I was glad she got to spend some time with him and see how amazing this mediciation is. We went from no meds for a week to every 3rd day at a lower dose. Last week (Tuesday) we got the good news of meds every other day again but still at the lower dose. She got to give him the Palladia for 3 doses. She couldn't believe you could see a difference the next day. We have 2 more weeks of every other day and hopes that the white blood cells will do their thing and we can keep going. So last week was a good week and I'll count that as a BLESSING!! My miracle boy is happy to be home and hanging in there.
Thanks for asking!