My Sweetest Boy
Cat, I did forgot to tell you not to freak tomorrow. If they need to do any tests or exams they will take Biscuit in the back and you won't be able to go with him. Our first visit was about 3 hours. We'll be thinking about you guys.
Thank you so much for the early morning call.

Just got home at 4:30...and we got there at 8:15 this morning. They did a complete work up and no cancer evident in his internal organs..they did a sonogram of his belly, etc. Lymph node is not conclusive for cancer but we will wait for cytology. Also waiting for cytology of the tumor itself as well as the blood work. We get results Tuesday. He has to go back Wednesday for his heart work up (as he has a genetic heart defect and has been under the care of a cardiologist) and consult with surgeon. Oncologist is cautiously optimistic that surgery might be a good way to go and that it is a lower grade tumor than originally thought.
He was very good all day and had his dinner and is now asleep.
Thank you all for you good wishes and continue to send them to Biscuit and Indy. Thank you River for offering to take us to Annapolis today. Everyone has been so kind.. I may need to call on you in the future.
A very special thanks to my friend who contacted me at the last minute and offered to go and stayed with me the entire day. I can never repay you for what you did for me today.

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